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Would the Minister provide members with a list of applications for funds from the Drug Trafficking Confiscation Fund showing the rejected applications and the reasons for rejection?
With reference to the statement also made this morning, this list does not represent the full expenditure from the Drug Trafficking Confiscation Fund. It provides details of approved and declined amounts from 1998 onwards, as detailed in minutes that are readily available. A full list will be confirmed in due course.
Project Date of Amount Amount Minute Approved declined
Education - Youth Service 17/02/98 4,000 Health - Awareness Campaign 17/02/98 38,000 Health - Research re drug use by 16-25 year olds 13/05/98 12,200 Harm Reduction Conference 14/05/98 3,000
SLR - Sports for all Day 15/05/98 600 Police - Endoscope 16/05/98 11,000 Harm Reduction Conference 22/09/98 2,500 Customs - Training Initiative for Customs officers 22/09/98 7,000 Customs - Sea vessel 22/09/98 66,675
CTV Documentary
Home Affairs - Combating Drugs Conference
Police - Surgeons Conference
Health - Refurbishment of Pharmacy
Customs - Technical equipment
Customs - IT Support for Drugs Intelligence Bureau
Harm Reduction Conference
Health - Research into Emotional & Behav. Support in Children Police - Confidential
SLR - Sport For All Day
Harm Reduction Conference
Police - Confidential No.2
Health - Shared Care Community Methadone Programme Health - Methadone Co-ordinator
Health - Jersey Addiction Group
Customs - Airport / Harbours Departure Posters
Education - Student Guides
Prison - Drug Detection Equipment
Customs - CCTV Surveillance System
Probation and Police - Research
Health - Outreach Needle Exchange Worker
Customs - Drug Detection Dog Facility
Customs and Harbours - Elizabeth Terminal Custody Suite
22/09/98 Not Minute 22/09/98 10,00 08/12/98 10,00 08/12/98 16,400
08/12/98 44,575
08/12/98 106,000
08/12/98 30,000
16/03/99 8,467
16/03/99 114,000
16/03/99 2,125
16/03/99 4,740
20/07/99 520,000
20/07/99 13,800
12/11/99 41,000
12/11/99 15,000
17/07/00 10,000
20/07/99 700
06/03/01 30,310
06/03/01 50,000
06/03/01 59,62 04/09/01 49,594
30/10/01 47,000
13/12/01 293,069
Salvation Army Residential Aftercare accommodation Customs - Covert Surveillance Equipment
Customs - Tape Recording Equipment
Prison -Healthcare Services Booklet
Prison - Drug & Alcohol Database
Prison - Drug Training & Support
Police Cozart Rapiscan
Police Operation Dart
Harm Reduction Conference
Police - Fingerprint ID technology
Police Open Integrated Intelligence Database
Police Driver Training for Customs
Polices Surveillance Training
Police Rat on Rat Campaign
Police DNA Awareness Campaign
Protective equipment for Drugs Squad Officers
Police High Speed A3 Colour Printer
Police - Financial Crime Unit IT system
Customs & Immigration Testing Equipment for Class A Drugs Customs & Immigration Banned Substance Recovery Equipment Police - Drugs squad accommodation
Police - Fingerprint technology
Police - Drugs squad technical equipment Police Face recognition system
Police - Confidential
Official Analyst Lab Automated Solid Phase Extraction System Alcohol & Drug Service Residential Rehab for Drug Misusers
Shelter Trust - Shelter Upgrade
Customs Public Relations Plan re Drug Sentencing Policy in Jersey Private Pharmacy security measures
Classroom /Drug Awareness Course - La Moye Prison
Counselling Education Facility - La Moye Prison Police - Confidential
Police - Drugs intelligence training
Police - Technical equipment
Prison - Education materials
Health - Testing Equipment for the presence of drugs Police - Technical Equipment
Jersey Addiction Group Building a Safer Society 2005 Building a Safer Society 2006 Building a Safer Society 2007 Building a Safer Society 2008 Building a Safer Society 2009
05/03/02 950,00 10/10/02 5,000
11/10/02 13,200
12/10/02 2,705
13/10/02 5,800
14/10/02 48,600
06/03/03 6,744
06/03/03 33,389
06/03/03 1,501
06/03/03 36,42 06/03/03 55,000
17/06/03 10,500
17/06/03 32,970
17/06/03 3,500
17/06/03 9,000
07/08/03 20,000
07/08/03 2,269
07/08/03 75,000
07/08/03 6,403
07/08/03 8,245
18/12/03 90,000
18/12/03 109,26 18/12/03 51,250
18/12/03 39,87
18/12/03 10,00 18/12/03 22,232
18/12/03 90,000
18/12/03 95,00 18/12/03 10,000
18/12/03 7,02 04/05/04 5,000
04/05/04 5,775
04/05/04 12,000
04/05/04 9,500
04/05/04 32,500
04/05/04 40,00 04/05/04 7,000
17/01/05 183,800
17/01/05 100,00 15/04/04 510,000
15/04/04 510,000
15/04/04 510,000
15/04/04 510,000
15/04/04 510,000
Home Affairs – Regulation of Investigatory Powers Law – Implementation costs
Customs – Technical equipment
Home Affairs – Regulation of Investigatory Powers Law – Year one revenue costs
25/10/06 733,000 25/10/06 165,000
07/01/03 437,000