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Succession planning for senior posts within the public sector

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Would the Chief Minister advise the Assembly -

( a ) how many departmental heads and other senior posts have been appointed from outside of the Island

during the last ten years?

( b ) w h e ther improved succession planning and training measures have been implemented to enhance

opportunities for local candidates and increase the Island's ability to provide its own locally trained workforce, of equal professional calibre, skills and experience that would otherwise be obtained through recruitment from outside the Island?


  1. T his information will take some time to prepare, asdepartments will need to checkthroughtheir records covering anextended period, and I regret that it has not been possibleto supply this information in the time available. I will provide this information atthenext States sitting.
  2. I am pleased toadvise the Deputy that several importantsteps have been taken to bringaboutimproved succession planning by way of training and development initiatives, which in turn, will enhance opportunities forlocalcandidates.These include thefollowing measures -

A Modern Manager Programme', launched in 2006, which has been specifically designed to provide middle managers across the States of Jersey with a wide range of management skills that will equip them to work successfully in today's States organisation but will also assist them to respond successfully to challenges in the future. This is an 18-month programme with accreditation to a professional management qualification. Almost one hundred managers have embarked on the Programme since its introduction, and it is already proving effective in developing skills and competencies and providing an opportunity for a wide range of managers to work together and share knowledge and experience. The first programme commenced in September 2006 and a second in March 2007, and further programmes will be run over the next couple of years.

A Future Leaders' programme is to be launched later this year. This programme has been designed for a small group of up to 12 high potential people from across the organisation, who have the potential to aspire to take on senior manager and Chief Officer roles in the future. The Programme will focus on developing skills in leadership, strategic and business planning, performance management etc. A suitable provider for this Programme is currently being identified from the top ranking business schools in the UK.

Succession planning: The States organisation is committed to succession planning. In support of this, it is working to enhance performance management and provide a wide range of learning and development opportunities, including secondment, coaching, mentoring from experienced senior managers, and providing opportunities for working in multi-disciplinary groups on projects when there is a clearly- identified business need. In developing the skills and experience of staff in the public sector, it hopes to minimise recruitment from outside the Island, as well as motivating staff to develop their careers and perform to their full potential.

The aim of the succession planning policy is to develop our workforce so that we have a pool of potential successors who are in a strong position to apply for senior positions within the public service when they
