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"Would the Minister inform members how many of the H2, H3, H4 sites identified in the 2002 Island Plan remain unused and the number of units they have the potential to yield if used?"
Answer H2 sites
Most of the eleven H2 sites, which were zoned for Category A housing purposes in the 2002 Island Plan, are either completed (ie sites H2 (3) – (6) and H2 (11)), or are nearing completion (e.g. H2 (7), Field 690A, Maufant and H2 (9), Field 40, St. Clement). Only two rezoned sites remain where development has yet to commence, and planning permission is pending for one of these. The approved or anticipated yield of completed homes from those remaining is around 140 dwellings, as detailed in the following table.
Site | Total homes | Status |
H2 (1): Fields 848, 851, 853 and 854, Bel Royal, St. Lawrence | 102 | 71 units currently under construction. Further 31 units awaiting completion of Planning Obligation Agreement. |
H2 (2): Field 1218, Mont-a-l'Abbe, St. Helier | Up to 14 | Proposed extension to Clos Vaze development – yet to receive planning consent |
H2 (8): Fields 190, 191 and 192, La Rue de la Sergente, St. Brelade | 26 | Planning application pending |
H2 (10): Field 873, Bel Royal, St. Lawrence | 0 | Owner unwilling to develop. Estimated yield was 14 homes |
Total Outstanding H2 Site Homes | 142 |
H3 sites
The H3 sites were identified in the 2002 Island Plan for further consideration as Category A housing sites with a view to the most suitable being brought forward for rezoning, as required, following a public consultation exercise to confirm their acceptability.
One of the sites has, with the approval of the States, already been developed for Category A housing (i.e. H3 (3), Field 821A, Bagot Manor Farm, St. Saviour). The potential yields from the remaining H3 sites are set out in the following table. It should be noted that these are theoretical yields based on the application of a density rate (of approximately 12 three-bedroom homes per acre) to the gross area of each site.
It is important to stress, however, that estimates for any individual site could change as a result of more detailed site feasibility work, or future public consultation, or, indeed, any future application process.
It is also important to point out that not all the sites identified are likely to be considered suitable for (and therefore brought forward for) Category A housing purposes following detailed site evaluation and public consultation. An internal department review in February last year identified three H3 sites which were not considered suitable for Category A housing purposes. Taking this into account, and a recent Ministerial decision
to reduce the size of the CTV site, the envisaged potential yields from H3 sites is of the order of 280 homes.
Site | Est. no. of homes | Comments |
H3 (1): Field 391 (part), La Longue Rue, St. Martin | 28 |
H3 (2): Field 1368, La Rue de Mont Sejour, St.Helier | 12 |
H3 (3): Field 821A, Bagot Manor Farm, St. Saviour | - | Already developed for 16 Category A homes |
H3 (4): Fields 413, 415, 415A and 470, Five Oaks, St. Saviour * | 37 | * Part of the site to provide public open space |
H3 (5): Field 139, Les Quennevais, St. Brelade | 25 |
H3 (6): Field 525, La Rue de la Mare Ballam, St. John | 22 |
H3 (7): Field 76B, La Vallette, Gorey, Grouville | 24 |
H3 (8): Channel TV site and Field 1248, La Pouquelaye, St. Helier * | 49 | * Potential yield reduced from 64 units, following Minister's decision removing the existing high value commercial part of the site. |
H3 (9): Field 402, La Grande Route de Faldouet, St. Martin | 17 |
H3 (10): Fields 890 and 888, La Rue de Cappelain, St. Peter | 14 |
H3 (11): Field 410, La Rue des Buttes, St. Martin | 19 |
H3 (12): Field 633, La Verte Rue, St. Peter | 10 |
H3 (13): Field 1341A, Le Mont de la Trinite, St. Helier | 0 | Not considered suitable. Use of site would lead to an extension of development into the countryside and would have an unacceptable landscape impact. |
H3 (14): Land to east of Field 729, Le Fonds de Longueville, Grouville | 0 | Not considered suitable. Site would only yield 2 dwellings and considered too small to be of any significant use. |
H3 (15): Field 423, Le Mont de la Mare Ste. Catherine, St. Martin | 0 | Not considered suitable. Use of site would lead to an extension of development into the countryside and would have an unacceptable landscape impact |
H3 (16): Field 1551 and 1552, Westmount Road, St. Helier | 23 |
Total envisaged potential homes | 280 |
* sites included in current public consultation exercise on housing sites for lifelong retirement dwellings and first time buyer homes.
H4 sites
The H4 sites were identified in the 2002 Island Plan as being safeguarded as potential longer-term Category A housing sites. These include a number of urban town sites and / or sites zoned in previous approved development plans and propositions. In addition, there are seven peripheral sites (Nos. 15 - 21) which were only to be brought forward in response to future demand, if their development status was confirmed following public consultation. Potential yields from those H4 sites within the town (Nos. 1 - 10) were investigated as part of a recent in-house Town Capacity Study' undertaken by the Department. This involved a desk-top calculation of potential yield based on gross site areas and a range of development densities. The study envisages that the total yield from the 10 sites in question could range anywhere from a low of 350 homes to a high of 760 homes.
At this time, it is considered prudent and perhaps more realistic to adopt a cautious approach and assume the yields will be at the lower end of the range. The table below indicates a total yield of some 355 homes for the 10 sites in question, based on applying a similar density of development as at that achieved at the recently completed Le Coie site, Janvrin Road, St. Helier (approximately 140 habitable rooms per acre).
In any event, it should be borne in mind that many of these sites may not be available for development in the near future for one reason or another (including the continued viability of the existing use and the need for a suitable site to relocate the existing use).
Site | Est. no. of homes | Comments |
H4 (1): Randall's Brewery Site, Savile Street, St. Helier. | 80 | Existing commercial & residential uses - complicated site assembly |
H4 (2): Jersey Brewery Site and warehouse, Ann Street, St. Helier . | 52 | Warehouse site already developed for 17 no. CIT staff flats |
H4 (3): States Offices (PBS and T&TS), South Hill, St. Helier . | 64 |
H4 (4): Former Jersey College for Girls, Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier . | 56 | Approved for 47 flats and 9 houses for category B accommodation. |
H4 (5): Le Bas (Health and Social Services), St. Saviour 's Road, St. Helier. | 50 | 1987 Island Plan Site |
H4 (6): Deanery Garden, Byron Road, St. Helier | 11 | 1987 Island Plan Site |
H4 (7): Car Park, Common Lane, St. Helier. | 7 | 1987 Island Plan Site |
H4 (8): Used Car Sales Site, St. Saviour 's Road, St. Helier. | 7 | 1987 Island Plan Site |
H4 (9): Box Factory, Le Breton Lane, St. Helier. | 18 | 1987 Island Plan Site |
H4 (10): Car Park, Royal Crescent, Don Road, St. Helier. | 10 | 1987 Island Plan Site |
Total envisaged potential homes | 355 | (equivalent to lower part of range indicated in the Town Capacity Study') |
It is presently envisaged that the remaining H4 sites (Nos. 11 – 21) might potentially yield in the region of 390 homes, but this is subject to further detailed feasibility work, public consultation and future decisions about site suitability. It should be noted that these are theoretical yields based on the application of a density rate (of approximately 12 three-bedroom homes per acre) to the gross area of each site.
The sites in question are set out in the table below.
Site | Est. Homes | Comments |
H4 (11): Field 494, rear of Midlothian Close, St. Mary | 19 | Zoned in St. Mary's Village Development Plan 1994 |
H4 (12): Field 145, adj. to Priory Farm, St. Clement | 12 | Zoned before 1987 Island Plan. Existing Commercial Use |
H4 (13): Field 284, La Grande Route de la Cote, St. Clement | 12 | 1987 Island Plan Site |
H4 (14): Glasshouses, La Rue de la Lourderie, St. Clement * | 24 | * 1987 Island Plan Site |
H4 (15): Samares Nursery, La Grande Route de St. Clement, St. Clement | 130 |
H4 (16): Field 605, La Route de Nord, St. John* | 12 | * |
H4 (17): Le Mourin Vineries, Les Chasse du Mourin, | 115 |
St. Saviour
H4 (18): Field 114, Le Passage, Carrefour Selous, St. 18
H4 (19): Field 1404, La Grande Route de St. Jean, 12
H4 (20): Field 785, La Rue des Cosnets, St. Ouen 17
H4 (21): Fields 236 and 237, La Rue de la Cimetiere, 17
St. John
Total envisaged potential homes 388
* sites included in current public consultation exercise on housing sites for lifelong retirement dwellings and first time buyer homes.
In summary, the 2002 Island Plan that was approved by the States, sought to ensure that sufficient land was made available to meet, as far as possible, housing requirements to 2011. At the time, it was envisaged that the H2 sites would meet the requirements for Category A homes over the first five years of the Plan (2002-2006), with the potential for rezoning of other sites that had been safeguarded for the provision of homes (sites H3 and H4) to meet housing needs beyond 2006.
As stated above, only one of these sites (H3 (3): Field 821A, Bagot Manor Farm, St. Saviour ) has been rezoned and developed to date. The question of whether the remaining H3 and H4 sites, or any other sites, should be rezoned to meet a need for homes in the Island, subject to further assessment and consultation as necessary, remains a matter for the States.