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Will the Attorney General inquire of each Connétable their electoral intentions, who are retiring, who will be standing down to seek re-election and who will not be standing down and will be continuing their present term of office

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2.10  Senator S. Syvret of the Attorney General regarding the electoral intentions of the Connétable s:

As this is the last States meeting before the summer recess, will the Attorney General inquire of each Connétable their electoral intentions and inform the Assembly of those Connétable s who are retiring, those who will be standing down to seek re-election and, if relevant, any Connétable who will not be standing down and will instead be continuing their present term of office?

Mr. W.J. Bailhache Q.C., H.M. Attorney General:

The transitional provisions contained in Article 8 of the Connétable s (Jersey) Law 2008 provide that a Connétable may - which is permissive - on or before 15th August 2008 deliver to the Attorney General notice of his resignation in writing. If the Connétable does not do so then he remains in office for his existing term unless that term expires in 2008. As far as I am aware I have not received yet any resignations in writing pursuant to Article 8 of that Law. Although, Sir, it is the Attorney's statutory function to receive the resignations and then to make representations to the Court for elections to be ordered, I do not think the function extends to pressing the Connétable s on their electoral intentions.

  1. Senator S. Syvret:

Does the Attorney General then consider the law adequate given that at the last meeting of the Island's Parliament before the summer recess preceding an election the public and this Chamber remain in a state of ignorance as to whether certain seats will be facing elections or not?

The Attorney General:

The law is what the Assembly adopted.

  1. Senator S. Syvret:

Could the Attorney General say whether he advised the Assembly in respect of that deficiency in the law?

The Attorney General:

I have not agreed that it was a deficiency. It is a matter for the Assembly.

  1. The Connétable of St. Helier :

Would the Attorney General comment on the fact that there are 6 Senatorial positions which could be resigned  before the next elections and presumably we will not  know until the day of the nomination meeting whether those 6 sitting Senators are going to resign?

The Attorney General:

I would much prefer it, Sir, if the political Members of this Assembly have fun themselves rather than involve me. [Laughter]

  1. Senator S. Syvret:

Would the Attorney General accept that the 6 Senators - and I am quite happy to say that I will not be standing down - will he confirm that it is not the case that the Assembly has agreed a law change to enable the equalisation of the terms of office of the Connétable s so the 2 situations are not comparable?

The Bailiff :

I do not think that is a matter for the Attorney General, Senator.