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Are the staffing levels within the Economic Development Department assessed on a regular basis and if not will such assessments now be undertaken

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2.11   Deputy   T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour of the Minister for Economic Development regarding staffing levels within the Economic Development Department:

Following recent reports regarding possible redundancies in the public sector, could the Minister advise whether the staffing levels within the Economic Development Department are assessed on a regular basis and, if not, will such assessments now be undertaken?

Senator A.J.H. Maclean (The Minister for Economic Development):

I can confirm that not only the staffing but also the structure of Economic

Development has been completely reviewed and will continue to be the subject of

ongoing reviews. Levels of management have been removed, reporting lines streamlined and staff resources applied to those areas of the department that add the greatest value. The department is operating with less staff than approved in either the 2007 or 2008 Business Plans. Furthermore, during the last 2 years, there have been reductions in full-time employees. I think it is fair to say that, as far as departmental productivity is concerned, Economic Development does not just talk the talk; we demonstrably walk the walk and will continue to do so.

  1. Deputy T.A. Vallois:

The Minister mentions that there has been a reduction. Has this caused any effects on the actual running of the department going forward?

Senator A.J.H. Maclean:

Sorry, can I ask the Deputy to repeat that because I did not catch the end of it? The Deputy Bailiff :

Whether it has any effect on the running of the department going forward. Senator A.J.H. Maclean:

No, not at all. The staff numbers have reduced but we are operating in a far more productive manner than we were before.  I can give an example for the Deputy . If she would like to have that detail, I would be happy to supply it.

  1. Deputy J.M. Maçon:

In the case of all these efficiencies being saved, can the Minister indicate how much money has gone back to the Treasury, given the stripping of management?

Senator A.J.H. Maclean:

It is about re-prioritising our budget to ensure that it delivers more productivity and that is really what we are aiming to do, so although the headcount is reduced, it does not necessarily mean that we are going to return more money to the Treasury. Those funds will just be better applied to the areas that we are responsible for looking after.

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern :

In the face of all this stripping out of manpower, does the Minister still have his own press relations officer or spin team as was previously the case?

Senator A.J.H. Maclean:

I have absolutely no idea what the Deputy is talking about. Perhaps he would like to expand on that particular question. I do not have any private spin team, as he is suggesting.

  1. The Deputy of St. John :

On a previous set of questions to the Minister or his Assistant Minister, I put questions on maintenance within his departments. Given all the stripping out that we have heard about, could this be one of the reasons why we have such poor maintenance through lack of staffing on the marinas?

Senator A.J.H. Maclean:

No, is the short answer to that question. If the Deputy is clearly referring to Jersey Harbours and the concerns that he has about maintenance levels down there, there is a Service Level Agreement in place with Transport and Technical Services to supply those services. It is nothing to do with the individual staffing levels of the department in question.

  1. Deputy S. Power:

Given the Minister's 3 years as an Assistant Minister at Economic Development, would he say he is entirely happy with the staffing levels at the Harbours Department?

Senator A.J.H. Maclean:

I am never entirely happy with anything and I think it is important that we continually review all areas of not only Economic Development and the responsibilities that it has but all departments within the States, particularly at the current time and in the current economic climate.

  1. Deputy S. Power:

Could I ask the Minister a supplementary on that? Would the Minister agree with me that there is a view that the Harbours Department is overstaffed?

Senator A.J.H. Maclean:

The Deputy may be expressing a personal view and that is of course entirely up to him.