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Would the Chief Minister give precise details a) of the procedure followed in the recruitment of the new Deputy Chief Executive and b) of his job description?
- The States, when setting the 2009 Business Plan, specifically provided additional resources to allow the recruitment of the Deputy Chief Executive,inordertobringtogethertheResourcesfunctions and to lead on change and efficiency across the public sector. The recruitment exercise then followed the process agreed under the aegis of the Appointment Commission. It was agreed that provided the suitable candidate fully met the job criteria the role should be filled by a local candidate with the appropriate knowledgeand experience of the workingsofthe States of Jersey. In the first instance itwasagreed that the job shouldbe offered to internal candidates and only ifnooneof sufficient ability applied would itbe advertised externally in Jersey and the UK.Intheeventtherewas a goodchoiceofinternal candidates whocompleted a number of assessedtasksandwhowereinterviewedby a panel comprising, the Chief Minister, the TreasuryandResources Minister, the Chief Executive,theChairmanoftheAppointments Commission, and an external adviser. I am pleased to report that John Richardsonmet the required standard andwas considered to be the bestcandidateintheprocess.
- The job descriptionisattached.
JOB DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT: Chief Minister's Department JOB TITLE: Deputy Chief Executive/Chief Officer – Resources REPORTS TO: Chief Executive
To deputise, across the full range of his functions, for the Chief Executive as the provider of first line advice to the Chief Minister, ensuring that any such advice has been properly researched, is robust, and is in line with the States' overall strategic aims.
To provide strategic leadership to the Resource functions of the States of Jersey, comprising the Human Resources Department, Information Services Department including Customer Services, Property Holdings and Procurement and the JDE function, ensuring that the work of the Resources functions is focussed on, and supports the work of, the States of Jersey.
To work across the States, with the CMB, to devise and lead OD programmes to maximise efficiency and effectiveness.
- To supporttheChiefExecutivein driving forward the corporate managementagendaandthe work oftheCorporateManagement Board. To deputise for theChief Executive across the full range ofhis activities, and in hisabsenceprovide clear leadership to all Executive States Departments,and for specific delegatedfunctions.
- To bringtogether the corporate resource functions ofHR,Property, Information Services, ProcurementandtheJDE function, tocreate a high performingResources Directorate which provides high quality, efficient servicestoDepartments.The allocation ofJDE functions and resources betweenCMDandTreasury will beledbytheDCEand agreed with the Chief Executive and Treasurer.
- To providestrongleadershipanddirection to the ResourcesDirectorate,supportingthe professional Heads to ensurethat the individual functions workinunison to drive forward the collective andcorporateagendas. To ensure that proper processes are in placetoreview individual anddepartmentalperformance,objective setting and accountability forperformance. To ensure that budgetmanagementprocesses are inplace, aligning resource allocation with the finance available, savings oroverspendsare identified and appropriate action instigated.
- To ensure that proper processes are in placetoreviewand continuously improveindividualand departmentalperformance,objective setting and accountability forperformance.
- To take the leadon driving organisationaldevelopmentandimprovementtoincreasethe efficiency andeffectivenessof services across the StatesofJersey,implementingsystemsto monitor the progressand effectiveness ofanychanges.
- To take responsibility for specific, high profile, corporate initiatives as determined from timeto time.
- To utilise the resource function, including the JDEsystemand the development team, to ensurethat there is anenterprisewidesystemdesignedtosupportDepartmentsandmaximise efficiency.
- To workas a memberoftheCorporateManagement Board under the authorityand direction of the Chief Executive to the CouncilofMinisters. To actat all timestosecure the bestinterests of theStates and their services onbehalfof the public.
(2008 data)
| Financial | Staffing FTE |
Human Resources | £4,255,300 | 55.00 |
ISD | £3,332,600 | 70.40 |
Customer Services | £244,400 | 11.7 |
Procurement | £318,000 | 5.00 |
Property Holdings | £3,140,500 | 52.75 |
JDE | (total sum to be agreed) |
ISD Department 2008 - 2012 £18,000,000 Property Holdings 2008 – 2012 £29,622,00
• Educated to degree level with a Postgraduate management qualification
• Substantial senior management experience of at least 10 years at a policy formulation level in a multi-disciplinary environment.
• Knowledge and understanding of the States of Jersey and substantial experience of working in a political environment
• Proven ability to drive performance in a multi-disciplinary team
• Strong analytical skills and proven project management ability.
• Significant negotiating, persuading and influencing skills
• Proven ability to lead, motivate and develop teams during periods of change