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The annual cost of providing electricity to all States departments

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Would the Minister advise the Assembly of the annual cost of providing electricity to all States departments broken down as follows:

  1. States offices;
  2. Schools;
  3. Leisure facilities;
  4. Main roadsi.e.VictoriaAvenue;
  5. Othermainroads;
  6. Byroads;
  7. States accommodation(communalareasonly);
  8. States quangoes (such asWEB offices);
  9. Anyothersnot already specified.

Would he also advise the -

  1. an n ual cost of heating Statesdepartmentsbyothermeans such as oil or gas;
  2. co s t ofgas heating perannum and whichproperties;
  3. co s t ofoil heating per annumandwhich properties;
  4. co s t ofothertypesof heating such ascoal.


The Deputy 's questions are open to interpretation, as the categories listed are not definitive.

Information on energy costs is currently not held in manner that is capable of producing a detailed response to all elements of the request, however in the short time available, the following response has been developed to address most of the Deputy 's requirements:

  1. States Offices:

This information is not readily available from the existing data, however examples of office buildings are:

South Hill £ 1 0 , 899 States Building £ 34,767 Morier House £ 5 6 ,985

  1. Schools:

The total annual electricity cost for Educational Buildings is £ 525,126

  1. Leisure facilities:

The total annual electricity cost for Leisure facilities is £304,192

  1. Main roads ie Victoria Avenue:
  2. Othermain road:;
  1. By roads:

The total annual electricity cost for street lighting to all public roads is £160,795

  1. States accommodation(communalareas only):

The total annual electricity cost for States Housing Landlord supply is £709,028

  1. States quangos(such as WEB offices):

This information is not readily available from the existing data.

  1. Any others not already specified:

The cost of electricity for the other areas not specified above is £3,983,730, therefore the total annual States expenditure on electricity is £5,682,871.

Question: Would he also advise the:

  1. a nnual cost of heating States departments byother means such asoilorgas: T h e total expenditure on Gas and Oil for all States properties is £3,532,476

W  it h in the time available it is not possible to provide an accurate breakdown on a property by

property basis.

  1. C ost of gas heating per annum and which properties:

The total expenditure on Gas for all States properties is £1,048,501

Within the time available it is not possible to provide an accurate breakdown on a property by property basis.

  1. C o st of oil heatingperannumandwhichproperties:

The total expenditure on Oil for all States properties is £2,483,975

Within the time available it is not possible to provide an accurate breakdown on a property by property basis.

  1. C ost of othertypesof heating such as coal: None

These questions would potentially be best dealt with, in the first instance, by a request for information to the relevant department. The department can then establish with the Deputy a clear understanding as to exactly what information is required and determine the most appropriate format.

If the Deputy is wishing to progress a States Energy Efficiency savings campaign across the whole of the States, this is something that I am giving consideration to.

This will also be something to consider as an effect to the Island energy policy report, which is being currently worked on.