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What is the average cost of processing each application for the installation of a sign? Answer
The installation of a sign does not always require an application and many of the signs used by businesses and organisations can be erected without any reference to the Planning Department by virtue of the Planning and Building (Display of Advertisements) (Jersey) Order 2006. Details of these adverts have been circulated under separate cover on Members desks this morning.
It is essential however, that there is a degree of control as a proliferation of adverts can quickly have a serious and harmful effect on the character of the Island. When an application is required my officers give careful consideration to the overall impact it might have. The implications over an advert from its size, scale and design down to how it is proposed to be fixed to a building are all issues of design that can have profound impacts on the visual amenity of an area. Indeed I was closely involved in the applications for adverts on car parks for precisely this reason as I would only accept the highest quality of signs.
The costs of processing a sign application varies from case-to-case. A simple non-contentious application where all the appropriate information has been provided with the application – which is often not the case – is on average around £110. This includes the administration costs and the Officer time to visit the site, assess the application, collate consultation responses and prepare a recommendation and decision.
Unfortunately many applications for advertisements are not straight forward and my Officers have to deal with a variety of issues such as impact on registered buildings, concerns over interference with CCTV coverage, inappropriate design and relationship with existing signs in the vicinity. Addressing these issues and other concerns raised by the Parishes, statutory consultees or members of public means that processing an application can take much longer and hence cost far more.
The current fees for advertisement applications vary between £41 and £164 depending on the number of signs involved. The average fee for advertisement applications – bearing in mind that an application can be for a number of signs - in the period 2007 & 2008 was £93.
Class A
Approved advertisement A. An advertisement employed wholly for the purpose of announcement
or direction in relation to a function of the States, a Minister or a parochial authority, being an advertisement that is reasonably required to be displayed in the manner in which it is displayed in order to secure the safe or efficient performance of that function.
Conditions A.1 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition.
A.2 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.
A.3 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
- to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sign oran aid to navigation by waterorair;or
- torenderhazardous the use of a road or airfield.
A.4 The advertisement must not be illuminated except to achieve the purpose of the advertisement.
Class B
Approved advertisement B. An advertisement employed wholly for the purpose of announcement
or direction in relation to the operation of the provider of a public service, being an advertisement that is reasonably required to be displayed in the manner in which it is displayed in order to secure the safe or efficient performance of that operation.
Conditions B.1 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition.
B.2 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.
B.3 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
- to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sign oran aid to navigation by waterorair;or
- torenderhazardous the use of a road or airfield.
B.4 The advertisement must not be illuminated except to achieve the purpose of the advertisement.
Interpretation of Class B B.5 For the purpose of Class B "provider of a public service" means a person
who provides sewerage, gas, water or electricity to the public or to a portion of the public.
Class C
Approved advertisement An advertisement required to be displayed by virtue of an enactment
(including an advertisement that is required by an enactment to be displayed as a condition of the valid exercise of a power, or the proper performance of a function).
Conditions C.1 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition.
C.2 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.
C.3 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
- to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sign oran aid to navigation by waterorair;or
- torenderhazardous the use of a road or airfield.
C.4 The advertisement must not be illuminated except to achieve the purpose of the advertisement.
Class D
Approved advertisement An advertisement in the nature of a traffic sign employed wholly for the
control, guidance or safety of traffic.
Conditions D.1 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition.
D.2 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.
D.3 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
- to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sign oran aid to navigation by waterorair;or
- to render hazardous the use of a road or airfield.
Class A
Approved advertisement A. An advertisement –
- for thepurposeof identification, direction orwarning with respect to the land orbuildingonwhichitisdisplayed;
- relating to a person, partnership or company carrying on profession, business ortradeonthe land or building on which the advertisement is displayed;
- relating to an institution of a religious, educational, cultur recreational ormedicalor similar character,situateon the land on whichtheadvertisementis displayed.
Advertisement not approved A.1 An advertisement is not approved by Class A if it has an area
exceeding 2 square metres.
A.2 An advertisement is not approved by Class A if there is already on the land or building an advertisement to the same effect.
Conditions A.3 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition.
A.4 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.
A.5 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
- to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sign an aid to navigation bywaterorair;or
- torenderhazardous the use of a road or airfield.
A.6 The advertisement must not contain letters, figures, symbols, emblems or devices of a height exceeding 400mm.
A.7 The advertisement must not be displayed so that the highest part of it is above 4 metres from ground level.
A.8 The advertisement must not be illuminated except to indicate that medical or similar services or supplies are available at the premises on which it is displayed, when it may be illuminated in a manner reasonably
required for that purpose.
Interpretation of Class A A.9 For the purpose of Class A "ground level", in relation to the display
of an advertisement on a building, means, where the ground-floor level of the building is the same as the adjoining road, the ground floor level of the building.
Class B
Approved advertisement B. An advertisement incorporated in, and forming part of, the fabric
of a building.
Advertisement not approved B.1 An advertisement is not approved by Class B if the building is used
principally for the display of advertisements or is a hoarding or similar structure.
B.2 An advertisement is not approved by Class B if it has an area exceeding 2 square metres.
B. 3 An advertisement is not approved by Class B if there is already an advertisement incorporated in, and forming part of, the fabric of the building.
Conditions B.4 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition.
B.5 The advertisement must not be illuminated except to indicate that medical or similar services or supplies are available at the premises on which it is displayed, when it may be illuminated in a manner reasonably required for that purpose.
Interpretation of Class B B.6 For the purpose of Class B an advertisement is not to be taken to
form part of the fabric of a building by reason only of being affixed to, or painted on, the building.
Class A
Approved advertisement An advertisement relating to the sale or letting of the building or
land on which it is displayed.
Advertisement not approved A.1 An advertisement is not approved by Class A if it has an area
exceeding 2 square metres.
A.2 An advertisement is not approved by Class A if there is already on the land or building an advertisement in respect of the sale or letting (whether or not attached to a building).
Conditions A.3 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy
A.4 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.
A.5 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
- to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sig or an aid tonavigationbywateror air; or
- torenderhazardous the use of a road or airfield.
A.6 The advertisement must not contain letters, figures, symbols, emblems or devices of a height exceeding 400mm.
A.7 The advertisement must not be displayed so that the highest part of it is above 4 metres from ground level except that an advertisement relating to the sale or letting of a building higher than that height limit may be displayed above that limit at the lowest level at which it is
reasonably practicable to display the advertisement. A.8 The advertisement must not be illuminated.
A.9 The advertisement must be removed within 14 days after the building or land is sold or let, as the case may be.
Interpretation of Class A A.10 For the purpose of Class A "ground level", in relation to the
display of an advertisement on a building, means the ground-floor level of the building.
Class B
Approved advertisement B. An advertisement by a contractor or sub-contractor, or firm of
contractors or sub-contractors relating to the carrying out by them of building or similar work on land on which the advertisement is displayed.
Advertisement not approved B.1 An advertisement is not approved by Class B if it has an area
exceeding 2 square metres.
B.2 An advertisement is not approved by Class B on the frontage of premises if there is already an advertisement in respect of the contractor or sub-contractor, or firm of contractors or sub-contractors on that frontage.
B.3 An advertisement is not approved by Class B if it is displayed on land normally used, whether at regular intervals or otherwise, for the purpose of carrying out building or similar work.
Conditions B.4 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy
B.5 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.
B.6 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
- to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sig or an aid tonavigationbywateror air; or
- torenderhazardous the use of a road or airfield.
B.7 The advertisement must not contain letters, figures, symbols, emblems or devices of a height exceeding 400mm.
B.8 The advertisement must not be illuminated.
B.9 The advertisement must not be displayed except while building or similar work is in progress on the land.
Interpretation of Class B B. 10 For the purpose of Class B "ground level", in relation to the
display of an advertisement on or in respect of a building, means the ground-floor level or proposed ground floor level of the building.
Class C
Approved advertisement C An advertisement announcing a local event of a religious,
educational, cultural, political, social or recreational character (including an advertisement relating to a temporary matter in connection with such an event).
Advertisement not approved C.1 An advertisement is not approved by Class C if it has an area
exceeding 2 square metres.
C.2 An advertisement is not approved by Class D if it relates to an
event promoted or carried on for a commercial purpose. Conditions C.3 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy
C.4 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.
C.5 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sig or an aid tonavigationbywateror air; or
- torenderhazardous the use of a road or airfield.
C.6 The advertisement must not contain letters, figures, symbols, emblems or devices of a height exceeding 400mm.
C.7 The advertisement must not be displayed so that the highest part of it is above 4 metres from ground level.
C.8 The advertisement must not be illuminated.
C.9 The advertisement must not be displayed earlier than 28 days before the date of the event and must be removed within 14 days after its conclusion.
Interpretation of Class C C.10 For the purpose of Class C "ground level", in relation to the
display of an advertisement on a building, means the ground-floor level of the building.
Class D
Approved advertisement D. A free standing 1 or 2 sided advertisement stationed on a public
road in front of the premises or business it is advertising.
Advertisement not approved D.1 An advertisement is not approved by Class D if it has an area
exceeding 1 square metre.
D.2 An advertisement is not approved by Class D if its placement on the road has not been approved by the highway authority with responsibility for the road.
Conditions D.3 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy
D.4 The advertisement must not be sited or displayed so as –
- to obscureorhinder the ready interpretation of a road traffic sig or
- torenderhazardous the use of a road. PART 4
Class A
Approved advertisement A. An advertisement displayed on enclosed land.
Advertisement not approved A.1 An advertisement is not approved by Class A if it readily visible –
- from land outside the enclosure in which it is displayed; or
- from a partof that enclosure over whichthereis a public right way ortowhich the public has a rightofaccess.
A.2 An advertisement is not approved by Class A if the enclosed land is or is part of a site of special interest.
Conditions A.3 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy
A.4 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition. A.5 The advertisement must not be illuminated.
Interpretation of Class A A.6 For the purpose of Class A "enclosed land" means land that is
wholly or mainly enclosed by a hedge, fence, wall or similar screen or structure, but does not include a public park, public garden or other land held for the use or enjoyment of the public.
Class B
Approved advertisement B. An advertisement displayed within a building.
Advertisement not approved B.1 An advertisement is not approved by Class B if it can be readily
seen from outside the building.
Conditions B.2 The advertisement must be maintained in a clean and tidy
B.3 Any hoarding or similar structure used to display the advertisement must be maintained in a safe condition.