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The scope of the ‘Phase 3 Warehouse Project’ which the Waterfront Enterprise Board was employed by the Harbours Department to manage

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"What was the scope of the Phase 3 Warehouse Project' which the Waterfront Enterprise Board was employed by the Harbours Department to manage, why was the initial application rejected by Planning, why was the project not pursued to completion, did senior officers advise that outline planning be obtained before embarking on the project and, if so, why was it ignored?

Would the Minister advise what amount was paid to WEB for this work?" Answer

The Phase 3 Warehouse Project is an extremely important development to meet the operational requirements of the port. 99% of all freight to and from the Island passes through the Port of St Helier, with approximately 70% of this passing through the Elizabeth Terminal. Plans to construct a warehouse in this location were identified in the 2002 Port Masterplan.

The potential tenant for the new warehouse is the largest logistics operator in Jersey. They account for approximately 60% of the ro-ro freight market, operating a distribution service across all temperature ranges to both the retail and wholesale markets. They rely on their depot to ensure timely deliveries in a sensitive market.

The current refrigerated warehouse is located on the New North Quay requiring freight to be transferred by road from the Elizabeth Harbour. Relocating the warehouse to the Elizabeth Harbour would remove 19,800 heavy vehicle movements annually between the ship and current warehouse. In addition, the facility is becoming outdated and does not meet European standards.

In 2004, the Waterfront Enterprise Board was employed to assist with the development of a number of sites within the Port Operational Area, including the co-ordination of development plans for the Phase 3 Warehouse, and to ensure that all waterfront developments were aligned as closely as possible for which they were paid £4,000 per month.

Initially an Application for Planning in Principle was made to:

Construct new warehouse No 3 and extend warehouse No 2. Create opening in wall to terminal area from the Albert Pier with new footbridge over. New upper level parking deck over existing car park. Associated parking and access alterations. Demolish northern part of existing Albert Pier terminal building. Alterations to customs building adjacent to Elizabeth Terminal.

In October 2005, this application was refused in principle for the following reasons:

The Environment and Public Services Committee considered that there was insufficient justification to allow the proposed breach in the harbour wall

The scale and size of the proposed warehouse No 3 would have a harmful overbearing impact on the amenities of the residents of the Harbour Reach development

The proposed access arrangements to the Elizabeth Terminal would give undue priority to commercial, rather than passenger, traffic.

A revised Planning Application was eventually made in 2008 by Ferryspeed, rather than Jersey Harbours, to: Demolish existing temporary building and structures. Construct new temporary warehouse with canopy and car


The Planning Application was withdrawn in November 2009 before being discussed by the Panel due to the Officer Recommendation that permission be refused on the basis that:

The application is unacceptable due to the impact on Harbour Reach and as it is a piecemeal approach to development which fails to make provision for its wider implications.

As part of the review process, objections were raised relating to the visual impact and scale in relation to Harbour Reach and Castle Quay.

Jersey Harbours will be supporting the application to completion.