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"Could the Minister advise the Assembly what his current priorities are in the Education, Sport and Culture Department and advise why he has chosen these in particular for 2010?
Were there other priorities which he wished to address but was unable due to financial or manpower constraints, and, if so, what were they?"
My priorities for 2010 were clearly set out in the Annual Business Plan that was debated in the States earlier this year. A copy of the key objectives is attached.
I chose these objectives because they relate to the development of key service areas which are of critical importance to our community at this time. Focusing on these objectives will:
• provide individuals with the opportunity to develop their talents and work towards achieving their potential;
• support individuals in developing the skills and competencies that will enable them to play a full part in society;
• equip young people with the skills they need to succeed, particularly in terms of employment;
• encourage active involvement in sport and culture.
If additional resources had been made available for 2010, I would have taken steps to improve financial support for students in higher education, increased the funding available to cultural organisations and invested in the development of vocational education for secondary school pupils.
Notwithstanding, I have drawn these issues to the attention of the Treasury Minister and the Council of Ministers who have agreed to work with me to find solutions to these challenges.
The mission of the Department for Education, Sport and Culture is to:
Strengthen our community by providing a first class education service, supporting the development of skills and promoting leisure and cultural activities that enrich our lives.
Our aims are to:
• Promote social inclusion and equal opportunity.
• Ensure that our children enjoy the best start possible;
• Prepare our young people for the challenges of the future and encourage them to make a positive contribution to society;
• Encourage lifelong learning and active participation in sport and culture.
Objective 1: To work with the Skills Executive to ensure that vocational education is available to support the Island community through the economic downturn
Success Criteria:
- New youthtrainingschemeinplace for 16-18 year olds;
- Improved data and information system leadsto greater understandingof training needs;
- New graduate training scheme in placefornursesand teachers in shortage subjects;
- Training opportunities in placeto provide adults withaccessto learning and retraining opportunities;
- Apprenticeship schemestrengthened and extended;
- Careers advice,and guidance and support extended to meet anticipated demand;
- Review ofHigherEducation support arrangements completed;
(viii) Broad and balanced educational curriculum meets the needs of all.
Strategic Plan Priority: 1, 2, 8 and 12
Objective 2: To continue to raise standards and improve key outcomes for children and young people Success Criteria:
- Action takento improve literacy and numeracy profiles;
- GCSE and A'Level results continue to compare favourably with benchmark authorities;
- Robustperformance indicators are used to identify areas for developmentof the service;
- ICT strategy implemented to meet agreed targets;
- Early Years strategy implemented successfully and supportedby private publicpartnership;
- Review of primary curriculum completed;
- Vocational options availablefor14 – 16 year olds;
(viii) Quality performance framework developed for Highlands College;
- Review and report on the options available for the Island'ssecondary education system by April 2010, in
order to ensure it is fit for purpose and cost effective.
- Adult education program atHighlands College maintained andextendedto meet demand.
Strategic Plan Priority: 6 and 12
Objective 3: To encourage widespread participation in lifelong learning, sport, leisure and cultural activities
Success Criteria:
- Bid to host 2015 Island Games successful;
- Individuals and teams successfully competein regional, nationaland international competitions;
- Increased participation and attendance at sport, and leisure andcultural facilities;
- Continue to encourageand support the pursuit ofsportingexcellence;
- Events website initiative implemented;
- Plans progressed toensurelong-termfutureof Fort Regentas a sports and leisure facility;
- Developmentof local Clubs and Associationssupported to writeandimplementdevelopmentplansto increase participation;
(viii) Adult education programs at Highlands College maintained and extended to meet demand. Strategic Plan Priority: 6, 7 and 12
Objective 4: To develop programmes and initiatives designed to promote social inclusion and equal opportunity
Success Criteria:
- Support arrangements in place to help people with special needssecureappropriateemployment;
- New guidance onimprovingbehaviourand managing suspensionsimplemented across all schools;
- New management information system provides educational welfare officers with data to facilitate early intervention to reduce absenteeism and suspensions;
- Curriculum development provides educationalexperiences that reduce disaffection;
- Support provided for individuals whodonotspeak English as a firstlanguage;
- Implications of2009Reviewof Inclusion across schools considered and relevantrecommendations implemented;
- Increased opportunities for participation in community developmentprogrammes;
(viii) Arrangements in place to consult more widely with young people with regard to their needs and the
services available to support them;
(ix) New childhood studies course introduced at Highlands College.
Strategic Plan Priority: 7, 8 and 9
Objective 5: To provide targeted support to meet the needs of both vulnerable children and families Success Criteria:
- Early intervention programmein place to ensuretheneedsof vulnerable childrenand families are identified as early aspossible;
- School-based supportfor parents developedin partnership with the Parenting Service;
- Strategic review groupestablished to monitorconsistencyofapproach in relation tochild protection;
- Tracking system in placeto monitor outcomesfor children who require additional support;
- E-safety policyto be inplace by end of 2010;
- Children and Young People's Plan developed with partner agencies;
- Contribute to the developmentof overall carepackage in conjunction with other departments and organisations;
(viii) Curriculum development provides educational experiences that reduce disaffection;
- Targeted youthoutreachworkextended;
- A youthmentoringnetwork established in partnership with the Princes Trustand other youth agencies.
Strategic Plan Priority: 7, 8 and 9
Objective 6: To promote the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle
Success Criteria:
- Review of Physical Education in the primary phasecompleted and new arrangementsto enhance provision in place;
- Partnership with Health andSocialServicesPhysiotherapyDepartmentdeveloped to facilitate jointwork in sports centres;
- Plans inplace to enable ESC to respond appropriately intheevent of a pandemic or similar emergencies;
- Exercise ReferralSchemesupported maintained andextendedtomeetdemand;
- Healthy Schools programmemaintained and extended;
- Safer RoutestoSchool plan progressed as part ofTransport strategy.
Strategic Plan Priority: 6, 9 and 11
Objective 7: To continue the development of programs to raise environmental and social awareness Success Criteria:
- Curriculum developed to provide greater focusonenvironmental and social issues;
- EnvironmentalCo-ordinatorappointed;
- Focused events such asEnvironmentWeek further developed;
- Review of Personal Socialand Health Education completed.
Strategic Plan Priority: 13
Objective 8: To promote our unique culture and identity
Success Criteria:
- Improved focusoncultural activities across the Island;
- Stronger partnership developed with EconomicDevelopmenttopromoteculture, tourism and economic activity;
- Review ofinvestment in Arts Trustand Jersey HeritageTrust completed;
- Promotion of the Island's heritage, culture and artsmaintainedviapartnership agreements with JHT and other bodies;
- Implementation of Cultural Strategymonitored and reviewed with a fully-costed plan showing the total cost ofimplementation prepared and presented to the States byApril2010';.
- Environmentestablishedto develop creative endeavour;
- Developmentof local history, culture and the workings ofJersey's political system delivered through as
part of Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum;
(viii) All States departments encouraged to consider the impact on heritage and opportunities for the
development of the arts as part of their daily business;
(ix) Increased awareness of our historical and cultural heritage through the school and youth work curriculum schools youth groups, adult education and partnership agreements with voluntary organisations.
Strategic Plan Priority: 15 and 16
Objective 9: To manage staff and resources so as to improve performance and provide value for money Success Criteria:
- Financial forecasting system inplace;
- Financial balance achievedandtotalbudget and spend profiles consistent with forecast;
- Costs ofeach defined service areaand relevant overheads identified, so that meaningful comparisons can be made year toyearandwithother jurisdictions;
- Managementcostsminimisedtoensuremaximumresourcesaredirectedto front line services;
- Explicit link betweenbudget prioritisation processand Strategic Plan objectives demonstrated;
- Review of internal control systemsensuresadherence to financial directions;
- Prioritisation acrosssectionsof the department ensures corporate objectives areresourcedand achievable;
(viii) Effective financial planning, monitoring and reporting evident across all sections of the department;
- Annualreviewofdemographicscompleted and implicationsfor future services identified;
- Review of funding arrangements for schoolscompleted;
- Review ofmanagement structure ofESCDepartment undertaken byApril 2010 toensure it is fit for purpose and cost effective.
Strategic Plan Priority: 4