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Over the last 7 years there has been in the Tourism a budget an amoun for planning and research how has it been spent in 2007 and 2008

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"Given that in the budget for Tourism an expenditure line for "Planning and research" has hovered around £1 million over the last 7 years, peaking at £2 million in 2007 and £1.4 million in 2008, would the Minister explain exactly where this money was spent in those two years?"


The budget (as presented in the EDD Annual Business Plan) for the Planning & Research area of Jersey Tourism may vary from year to year depending on the studies to be undertaken.

In presenting the accounts for Jersey Tourism in the Jersey Tourism annual reports the figures also include some spending from more corporate areas that do not fall into any other particular activity centre. Some of these can be one off costs such as the Island rebranding in 2007 and varying amounts for route marketing which support the development of new air routes mixed with the annual grants to the Jersey Conference Bureau and Bureau de Jersey.

Appendix to Question 5611 (Question 20)

2008 Actual 2007 Actual £000 £000


Strategy and Policy 1,224 1,794 Research and Planning 186 253 Communication

Advertising and Media 1,845 2,247 Distribution 191 214 Marketing Services 431 551 Product Development 906 989

Market Development

Public Relations 562 549 Trade Relations 977 386 Consumer and Media Relations 675 885 Visitor Services 324 282

Net Revenue Expenditure £7,322 £8,150

Note:  The above figures include direct salaries and an allocation of Economic Development Department (EDD) overheads

Key Financial Results

Total net revenue expenditure for 2008 decreased by £838,000 (-10%) when compared with 2007.

Part of the decrease can be attributed to the move to UK GAAP, where the cost of 2009 Tourism brochure has been carried forward into 2009 and effectively reduced expenditure by £268,861 in addition during 2007 there was one off expenditure in relocation and Island Branding.

Corporate expenditure decreased by £637,000 (-31%)

The decrease in Corporate Strategy and Policy expenditure was mainly due to one-off costs in 2007 including the relocation to the new Tourism Building at Liberation Place (£675,000) and Island Branding (£120,000) Corporate Research and Planning expenditure decreased by £67,000 due to the Visitor Exit Survey in 2007, which is only conducted once every few years.

Communication expenditure decreased by £628,000 (-16%)

During 2007 Communications Advertising included Trade Relations (£660,000).  However, in 2008 due to its importance it as reported separately under Market Development (see below).  In line with UK GAAP the cost of 2009 Tourism brochures has been carried forward to 2009, effectively reducing expenditure by £263,861.  Taking these factors to one side, Communications Expenditure increased by £235,000.

The increased spend related to £210,000 for additional advertising in response to the Historic Child Abuse Enquiry (HCAE), for which it received budget.  The Tourism Development Fund paid £250,000 for HCAE Advertising costs which are reported separately in the Tourism Development Fund Annual Report.

Market Development expenditure increased by £437,000 (+21%)

The increase is mainly due to the change in reporting Trade Relations under Marketing Development for 2008 (see above).

Business Unit Section Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Difference NTC000 –Corporate Strategy Strategy and Policy 136,072.88 84,448.82 -51,624.06


NTC001 –Jersey Conference Strategy and Policy 240,045.21 230,203.00 -9,842.21 Bureau

NTC005 –Corporate Strategy Strategy and Policy 43,531.37 0.00 -43,531.37 Committees

NTC010 –Ice Rink Strategy and Policy 3,984.59 15,286.56 11,301.97 NTC015 –Bureau de Jersey Strategy and Policy 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 NTC020 –Island Branding Strategy and Policy 119,989.86 217.00 -119,772.86 NTC030 –Tourism  Strategy Strategy and Policy 6,820.58 0.00 -6.820.58 Development

NTC040 –New  Business Strategy and Policy 93,492.94 77,240.29 -16,252.65 Opportunities

NTC055 –Town  Centre Strategy and Policy 9,956.03 9,956.03 Manager

NTC050 –Airline Marketing Strategy and Policy 250,776.83 3,571.91 -247,204.92 NTC051 –Route Development Strategy and Policy 457,653.00 726,390.27 268,737.27 NTC100 –Relocation Strategy and Policy 325,009.74 0.00 -325,009.74 Liberation Place

NTC101 –Relocation Jubilee Strategy and Policy 50,334.53 10,931.78 -39,402.75 Wharf

Overheads 16,136.36 15,549.24 -587.12

Total  for  Strategy 1,793,847.89 1,223,794.90 -570,052.99 and Policy

NTM610 T  &  M General Research  and 253,119.07 186,409.36

Research and Strategy Planning

Total  for  Research 253,119,.07 186,409.36 -66,709.71 and Planning