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4.10 Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee regarding the investigation of an alleged secret recording by a States Member of another member:
When will the investigation into an alleged secret recording by a States Member of another Member be completed, and what are the terms of reference of the investigation?
Connétable J. Gallichan of St. Mary (Chairman, Privileges and Procedures
This matter is currently under consideration by the Committee and I wrote to all those concerned, including Deputy Le Hérissier, on 18th June 2010 to update them. There are no terms of reference for an investigation into a possible breach of the Code of Conduct. All complaints of this nature are dealt with in accordance with Standing Orders 156 to 158. Any complaint that a States Member has breached the code is dealt with in private; I would therefore be reluctant at this stage to make any details public until the Committee's consideration is complete. I would also suggest to all Members that they contact me in the first instance if they wish to raise an issue with the Committee about something in which they have an interest.
- Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier:
This was raised in late February and I wonder if the Chairman could tell us in general terms why the matter has been so long delayed, and could she also tell us, given that there are some contentious circumstances, why the terms of reference have not been formulated?
The Connétable of St. Mary :
Taking the final part of that first: as I have explained investigations into alleged breaches or possible breaches of the Code of Conduct are dealt with in accordance
with Standing Orders. There is not a set inquiry set down with terms of reference. I would also like to say that sometimes, as in this case, the Committee is obliged to liaise with other bodies before it can progress any investigation and this has led to a delay. The matter therefore does remain ongoing and, as I have said, I wrote to all those concerned advising them of the current status last week.
- Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier:
I wonder if the Chairman could say who the other bodies are that are leading to this interminable period of investigation?
The Connétable of St. Mary :
As I have already said, while the investigation is ongoing I am reticent to discuss the details in public but in anticipation of this question I have spoken to one of the parties and I can say that one body that I have been liaising with is the office of the Data Protection Commissioner.