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4.11 Deputy M.R. Higgins of the Minister for Economic Development regarding staffing at Jersey Airport in the human Resources and Marketing sections:
Will the Minister advise whether 2 additional members of staff have been employed at Jersey Airport in the Human Resources and Marketing sections and, if so, at what cost? Will he also advise whether the Air Traffic Controller employed from the U.K. but who failed to obtain his local airport qualification, is still employed at the airport and, if so, what is the cost of his continued employment?
Senator P.F. Routier (Assistant Minister for Economic Development -
The central Human Resources Department has moved one of their senior Human Resources Managers to the airport on a part-time basis to contribute to a number of major initiatives. Also, a marketing resource was employed at Jersey Airport in January of this year on a 2-year contract with specific responsibility for raising additional revenue, promotional work and marketing initiatives. The Air Traffic Controller the Deputy refers to, who has previously been the subject of questions from the Deputy during question time, has played an important role in the recent successful commissioning of the new Air Traffic Control Centre. This work will continue for a short period longer as the systems and procedures are consolidated. A decision on the Controller's future will be made in the first quarter of next year. I do hope Members will join with me in congratulating the staff at the airport for the successful commissioning last week of the Air Traffic Control Centre.
- Deputy M.R. Higgins:
Will the Assistant Minister provide to Members written details of exactly what this particular person has been doing since he was recruited because the information he has seems contrary to what I have? Secondly, can the Minister confirm whether this person has been given an oral ... sorry, an oral agreement has been made with him that will enable his contract to extend beyond the written contract?
Senator P.F. Routier:
The Deputy is now asking for written details. I am surprised he did not ask for that in the first place with a written question and, obviously, he would have had the answers that he was looking for. It seems specifically the ... I presume I have satisfied the answers regarding the Human Resources person and the Marketing person because it just seems to be focusing on the Air Traffic Controller. The Air Traffic Controller has provided a very valuable piece of work for us and all I can say ... I believe talking about an individual in this forum is not appropriate for his contract. There is a time and a place for that and if the Deputy wishes to speak about an individual member of staff, I would be pleased to meet with him and discuss it. If he would like to write to me about what his concerns are, I would be happy to answer them.
- Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier:
The Assistant Minister referred to major projects taking place in H.R. (Human Resources) at the airport. Could he identify those projects?
Senator P.F. Routier:
Certainly. Members may recall it was public knowledge last year ... there was an announcement that the Air Traffic Controller Assistants ... 11 of them would be being made redundant over a period of time, so there is some work to be done over that.
There is also the consolidation of all the employees within the Air Traffic Control system which does need managing very, very carefully to ensure that their new working practices are assimilated into the new system and that is the work that is being undertaken.
Senator T.J. Le Main:
Sir, could I ask a question of the Chair please? It is quite common now that questions are being asked in regard to staff - people employed - which clearly identifies them, not by name but by position, and I wonder whether you are being too lax, Sir, in allowing these questions which really is unfair where questions are being asked continuously, some of them quite ...
The Bailiff :
Very well, Senator. Thank you. Provided that the names are not used, there is nothing in Standing Orders which prevents it. It is of course a matter entirely for Members and certainly there is an argument that if one is going to refer to alleged criticisms of an individual who could be identified, it is quite unfair for that individual to do it in this Assembly without having tried first to find out the information from the Minister. Ultimately, it is a matter for Members and not the Chair. A final question then, Deputy Higgins.
- Deputy M.R. Higgins:
My reason for raising these things are because, at a time when we are going through budget cuts and we are going to be making people redundant, it is absolutely essential that we are getting value for money from the people that we have employed, especially consultants. The Air Traffic Controller that I am talking about basically is being employed for £68,000 for 2 years. Let me go on further. How many manual service worker jobs could be protected or how many other services could be provided?
The Bailiff :
You are coming to your question ... your precise question. Deputy M.R. Higgins:
Well, going back to what the Minister said, the Minister has indicated this person did valuable work. It is totally contrary to what I have heard and I would ask him to produce a written statement to the House on that exact work that person is doing.
Senator P.F. Routier:
The Deputy is asking questions and bringing them to this Assembly based on rumour and tittle-tattle. They really are, and I am quite ashamed to be part of this House that these sorts of questions are being asked in this forum. If the Deputy has some real evidence, I would ask him to write to me or write to the Comptroller or Auditor General if he has a problem with not getting answers from the Ministers and to really investigate in that form. To bring questions like this to this House is a disgrace.