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Which techniques of consultation and participation have been chosen for the Town Park design process, why have they been chosen and what were the sources of advice used to make the choice

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3.13  The Deputy of St. Mary of the Minister for Transport and Technical Services regarding community involvement and buy-in to the new Town Park:

Given the importance of achieving community involvement and buy-in to the new Town Park, which techniques of consultation and participation have been chosen for the Town Park design process, why have they been chosen and what were the sources of advice used to make the choice?

Connétable M.K. Jackson of St. Brelade (The Minister for Transport and

Technical Services):

During the life of the Town Park project significant consultation has been carried out with regard to what should be included in the new park and how the park should be laid out. My department is in possession of this material and is liaising with the Town Park Implementation Group who have been involved with the collecting of this data. This information will be used as a baseline for the park design with a new consultation process about to start which will verify and update this data. The new consultation process will be in 2 phases, with the first phase being launched on Wednesday. This will include the delivery of 3,000 questionnaires to homes, schools and businesses in the area and the opening of a website for online responses. In addition there will be 3 drop-in events early in August where the public can attend and give their views on what they would like to see in the park. This first phase of the consultation will complete on 26th August following which an analysis of the results will be carried out and then a draft park design will be completed, based on the results of the consultation. The second phase of consultation will commence on 29th September which will be centred on the draft park layout. There will be a design weekend in early October which will be an opportunity for members of the public to talk to the design team and to express their views on the draft park layout prior to the design being finalised. The second phase of consultation will close on 29th October following which detailed drawings will be produced and a planning application submitted. This process has been chosen to capture the consultation work carried out to date and to give people who have not expressed a view in the past a chance to do so. The standard consultation methodology will give everyone who wishes to express their views the opportunity to do so and to engender a feeling of community

involvement with the design of the park.

3.13.1  The Deputy of St. Mary :

Just a point of detail really, the drop-in days, will they be all day and into the evening to make sure that everyone can go to those days?

The Connétable of St. Brelade :

As yet to be decided but we are keen to involve as many of the community as possible so we will probably try and spread them over the period of the day and evening.