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3.14 Deputy T.M. Pitman of the Chairman for Comité des Connétable s regarding the likely cost of organising and running the forthcoming Senatorial by-election:
Will the Chairman advise the Assembly of the likely cost of organising and running the forthcoming Senatorial by-election?
Connétable K.P. Vibert of St. Ouen (The Chairman for Comité des
Connétable s):
I am unable to answer this question with real certainty because the information is not only held across the 12 Parishes, but by the Judicial Greffe as well as the Treasury. I can say that the Parishes receive approximately £20,000 in expenses; this to cover the manning of each polling station. These expenses do not account for the preparation and dismantling of the polling stations by Parish employees, or for the cost of the paid employees of the Parish who assist with the running of the poll. I am aware that this figure could possibly add a further £6,000 across the 17 polling stations. Over and above this must be added the costs of advertising as well as the administration costs of postal voting. It must also be noted that over 150 volunteers, together with many members of the Honorary Police, give up their day to assist. I am sure that I would not be exaggerating if I say that the forthcoming by-election will cost in the region of £30,000.
3.14.1 Deputy T.M. Pitman:
I hope I am not stretching the issue of costs too far, and I was aware that the Parishes do not in fact get back all the money they outlay, but given the huge and embarrassing problems experienced in the U.K. with people being unable to vote before the polling stations closed, can the Chairman confirm to the Assembly that he and his colleagues would not support the opening times of polling stations being reduced, possibly under the justification of cutting costs in future?
The Connétable of St. Ouen :
I believe that we are bound by the law which this House has passed and until such law is brought for debate then I am not in a position to comment on behalf of all the Connétable s.
The Greffier of the States (in the Chair):
Very well. Well, Deputy Tadier who had the last question is not in the Assembly and the question falls away.