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Chronology of key events in respect of an application for storage of asbestos

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Will the Minister provide a detailed written chronology of the key events and processes carried out by both sections of the Planning and Environment Department in considering the Planning application made by the Transport and Technical Services Minister for the storage of asbestos containing material in engineered pits at la Collette (from the time of first submission of the application) such chronology to include his own interventions in considering the application, if any?


The table  below  provides  a chronology  of the  key events  relating  to the  asbestos  planning application submitted by the Transport and Technical Services Department.



Correspondence / Activity


Application signed by TTS


Application submitted by Capita on TTS' behalf


Site Notices and confirmation of publication


Health Protection respond to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)


Parish of St Helier respond to EIA


TTS submit Best Available Technology / Alternative disposal options review confirming that Professor Paul Nathaniel could peer review this for £2K


TTS (Drainage regulator) respond to EIA

01/02/11 (rec'd 22/02/11)

Marine Resources respond to EIA


Health and Safety Inspectorate respond to EIA


TTS ask Department of the Environment (DoE) (Planning section) whether all the Minister for Planning and Environment's concerns have been met by submissions. Planning ask Environment Director for comment


Environment Director responds to Planning that from the environment regulatory perspective the proposal is acceptable if there are no legal or regulatory challenges. The Minister is keen to take responsibility for and change policy on disposal of asbestos but this is not possible as DoE do not administer waste policy


Environmental Protection (EP) respond to EIA


TTS query progress with application


TTS again query progress with application.


DoE query DEFRA (UK Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs) regarding alternative disposal options for asbestos wastes



The Minister for Planning and Environment writes to the Minister for Transport and Technical  Services  following  discussions  and  meetings clarifying  his  requirements.  Following  meetings  with  the  outgoing  TTS Minister on 4/10/11

TTS were to do further work looking into options for treatment of mixed asbestos wastes. The Minister for Planning and Environment is unable to issue a planning decision before it is demonstrated that the solution proposed is the most


eTnhvei rMonimniesntetar llfyo ra pTprraonpsrpiaotret faonrd t hTe ewcahsntiec aslt reSaemrv ices writes to the Minister for Planning and Environment including Prof Paul Nathaniel's (LQM) asbestos peer

review report


The Minister for Transport and Technical Services writes to the Minister for Planning and Environment expressing concern that the application has taken 18 months so far and explaining the outcome of the LQM review


Chief Officer of Environment asks the department if anything else is required for the decision to be made as the Minister is under pressure to determine the application. The Minister claims that TTS have not done enough


Planning Officer asks Environmental Protection to review the LQM document


Environmental Protection responds


Environmental Protection passes DEFRA advice to Chief Officer of Environment on request


Environmental Protection clarifies with Chief Officer of Environment that plasma treatment  may  be  an  alternative  but  would  query  viability.  Environmental Protection  agrees  with  LQM  report  position  that  'off-Island'  vitrification  not practical at this time. State that clarification on this point will be requested from DEFRA. Email sent  to DEFRA


DEFRA writes to Chief Officer of Environment stating that waste prevention is the priority and asbestos can be justified as a departure from the norm as no viable recovery  takes  place  in  the  UK.  Recommended  disposal  route  for  asbestos  is hazardous  waste  landfill  with  daily  cover  to  mitigate  against  fibres  escaping. DEFRA view is that plasma treatment is very energy intensive


Chief Officer of Environment advises Planning Section to recommend application for approval to Minister

21- 22/08/12

The Minister for Planning and Environment and Director for Environment visit SPEN  (a  French  waste  management  company)  and  St.  Malo  local  waste management companies researching potential for vitrification via plasma and / or landfill


Recommendation to approve planning application signed by Planning Section in preparation for Ministerial meeting


The Minister for Planning and Environment receives emailed letter from SPEN dated 3rd September saying they would be able to transport and treat wastes depending on regulatory approvals


The Minister for Planning and Environment defers decision, contrary to advice from department officers, requesting written confirmation from UK and France as to whether it is possible to export for disposal under a Duly Reasoned Request' (DRR) procedure. The Minister also requests a Health and Safety report be undertaken as a matter of urgency to assess the condition of containers and to stabilise them in the short term


Environmental  Protection  explain DRR  practicalities to Chief  Officer  of Environment



The Minister for Transport and Technical Services writes to the Minister for Planning and Environment outlining that TTS have undertaken an expert review. Asks for application to be dealt with as soon as possible


The Minister for Planning and Environment meets the Minister for Transport and Technical Services to discuss the latest correspondence


The Minister for Transport and Technical Services writes to the Minister for Planning and  Environment  noting  that  no  response  was  received  to  his  last letter  and  asking  the  Minister  for  Planning and  Environment  to  determine  the application


The Minister for Transport and Technical Services writes to the Minister for Planning and Environment referring to the past 2 letters and clarifying his position. He is not applying to export, and wishes to store asbestos waste in a hazardous  waste  cell allowing  safe  removal  at  later  date.  The  letter  outlines safety issues and mentions referring the issue to the Chief Minister and Council of


MThien iMsteirnsi ster for Planning and Environment writes to the Minister for Transport and  Technical  Services  stating  that  it  was  clear  from  this  and  previous correspondence that the Minister for TTS  would ideally like to  see this waste taken off island for treatment and recovery' and that he shares this aim. He further argues  that  permitting  a  permanent  asbestos  cell at  La  Collette  would make it almost  impossible  to  consider'  any  subsequent  export  of  the  material. Acknowledging  the  health  and  safety  concerns  about  the  current  storage  he suggests that he would support a proposal for replacing outworn containers and relocating  all the  shipping  containers  to  another  location  in  the  Island,  away from  the  explosion  risk  at  La  Collette,  as  a  temporary  measure  pending  an application from TTS to export the material for treatment. This application would finally determine whether export to other jurisdictions would be feasible, failing which permanent storage (possibly the La Collette option) could be considered. In the meantime he suggests that the current planning application be withdrawn.


The Minister for Transport and Technical Services replies querying why it is felt that  a  permanent  asbestos  cell would  make  export  for  treatment  and  recovery impossible  to  consider,  as  all correspondence  has  maintained  the  intention  to allow  for  later  extraction  and  treatment  when  a  suitable  technology  becomes available. He also requests that the Minister for Planning and Environment indicate an approved site for the temporary relocation of the asbestos containers and a budget for the necessary work, as previous tenders for this would  be  subject  to variation  owing  to  the  delay  and  revised  quantities.  TTS does  not  have the budget  to  meet  the  Minister  for  Planning  and  Environment's  aspirations  for relocation


The Minister for Planning and Environment writes to the Minister for Transport and  Technical  Services  stating  his  view that  once  the  Island  has  a  facility  to deal with its own asbestos waste, any receiving jurisdiction would be unlikely to allow import of that waste under the terms of the Basel Convention He declines to find a suitable site for temporary asbestos storage on the grounds that he would have to make the regulatory decision on its suitability, and similarly declines to provide any funding for the work



The  Minister  for  Transport and  Technical  Services  replies  to  the  Minister  for Planning and Environment referring to the Minister for Planning and Environment's letter of 14th December, again clarifying his position, stating that the  TTS  Department  has  previously  received  unequivocal  advice  both  from Environment officers and UK authorities that export for disposal would not be permitted,  regardless  of  whether  Jersey  built  a  new  facility  or  continued  with current storage methods. The letter reiterates that:

  • all  of  the  options  had  previously  been  considered  and  the  best  site  for asbestos waste was at La Collette
  • the  proposed  solution allowed for  safe  removal  and  treatment of  the waste in future
  • both  Health  and  Safety  Inspectorate  and  Environment  Department officers supported the application
  • the  on-going  risks  to  health  and  safety  from  the  current  storage  were wholly unacceptable
  • TTS would not be requesting an export licence
  • TTS would not look at alternative local sites and would not replace worn out containers, as this work had been undertaken previously
  • The planning application would not be withdrawn

The letter finishes by requiring an urgent decision from the Minister for Planning


Environment Scrutiny Hearing hears from the Minister for Transport and Technical Services that the Minister for Planning and Environment is still considering further options for the asbestos disposal

17.6.13 to 19.6.13

Representatives from the Department of the Environment, Health and Safety Executive, Transport and Technical Services and the Environment Scrutiny Panel to visit France to inspect and assess other disposal options


Joint report issued by representatives of the Department of the Environment, Health and Safety Executive and Transport and Technical Services following visit to France.

The report concluded that

  • Determination of the outstanding planning application for the use of Cell 30 should  be  progressed  as  a  matter  of  urgency,  especially  given  the seriousness of health and safety concerns
  • Decisions on the future of the legacy of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) cannot be put off any further owing to serious health and safety concerns about the possible consequences of a major incident at the fuel farm
  • Post Buncefield land use planning zones would now prohibit the current asbestos storage arrangements, but this cannot be applied retrospectively
  • There is a short term need to de-stuff the existing containers and provide safe storage for the waste removed, following inventory and repackaging. Cell 30  offers an  immediate  and  practical  solution  to  this  problem  and should be used for this purpose
  • Alternatives to permanent disposal in Cell 30 should continue to be sought. The Inertam facility in France provides one potential solution, but at significant cost and with additional concerns about health and safety risks to staff performing manual separation of asbestos materials that would not be permitted locally or in the UK. These concerns would have to be taken into consideration by the Environment Regulator in considering any potential application made to export for recovery at the French site
  • New technologies for asbestos disposal should continue to be explored as they arise. TTS, in conjunction with the regulators from Environment and the Health and Safety Executive will develop a feasibility study and business case for technology currently under investigation
  • Investigations of longer term solutions should not be considered a reason to delay  the  removal  and  repackaging  process  of  ACMs  from  containers  and transfer to safe storage in Cell 30

Letter from Minister for Transport and Technical Services to Minister for Planning and Environment confirming the commitment to utilise the landfill cell at Cell 30 as a temporary storage facility, pending a periodic review of technology to assess formal disposal and recovery options and that the planning application description can be amended accordingly




Description of planning application altered and re-advertised as such by way of a site notice, standard notification in the Jersey Evening Post and at The planning application although pre-dating the Department of the Environment's recent system of displaying all planning applications electronically on the web site, is now placed on line as well.

Expiry of statutory re-advertising date for the submission of any further comments in respect of the amended application description. No further comments received and as a consequence the application can now be progressed accordingly.



Given the findings of the Joint Report in September and the revised description of the planning application from TTS, The Minister for Planning and Environment is now satisfied that his requirements for a review of potential alternative solutions to the asbestos disposal and recovery have been undertaken and that as a consequence, the application can now be approved. Accordingly, a Ministerial Decision Summary (MDS) is prepared and duly signed, granting permanent planning permission for Cell 30 but with a requirement by conditions that the asbestos waste to be stored therein, shall be for a temporary period of five years only, during which time information has to be submitted to the Minister for Planning and Environment by the Minister for TTS on an annual basis confirming what work has been undertaken to demonstrate that alternative disposal and recovery options are being investigated and assessed. The MDS also contained a number of other conditions to be included on the formal decision notice when issued.


Planning Permission issued to the Minister for Transport and Technical Services as applicant and Press Release issued by the Minister for Planning and Environment accordingly.

In addition, I have had several discussions with the Minister for Transport and Technical Services regarding asbestos disposal  and  recovery (eg: during  or after  States  sittings or  other  States Member events).

I have also provided updates on the matter of asbestos to Scrutiny at the Environment Scrutiny Panel quarterly meetings I attend.