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Services provided by Treasury and Resources and specified by statute

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What are the services which the Department must supply as required and specified by statute (with references)?


The following table shows the services provided by the Treasury and Resources Department which are considered essential to meet the relevant statutory requirements listed.

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Policy and Regulation






Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and Budget

PFL 2005 - Articles 7 to 13

Prepare and lodge for debate and approval by the States the MTFP and the annual budget.

  • Financial planning function
  • Preparation and lodging of draft MTFP
  • Preparation and lodging of draft budget
  • Prepare growth expenditure schedule for the budget
  • Consider amendments to draft budget and respond through presenting comments or further amendments to original proposals
  • Preparation for budget debate to include briefing of States Members, Public and


Taxation Drafts

PFL 2005 – Articles 14 and 15

Arrange changes to the Taxation legislation due to budget proposals.

  • Preparation and lodging of taxation draft
  • Model impact of Taxation draft if immediate effect is given


PFL 2005 – Articles 16 to 20

Ensure that authorised expenditure is used for the voted purpose.

  • Monitor authorised expenditure and report to CMB, COM, Scrutiny and States
  • Monitor contingency expenditure
  • Authorise contingency expenditure as approved by the Council of Ministers through the Ministerial Decision (MD) process.
  • Authorise variations of heads of expenditure through the MD process or Delegated Decision (DD) process
  • Report to the States details of any approvals of budget variations at intervals of 6 months
  • Monitor income and adjust for variations accordingly
  • Prepare propositions for emergency expenditure

Borrowing and lending by the States

PFL 2005 – Articles 21 to 24

Oversee the borrowing and lending arrangements made by the States

Oversee borrowing by the States making sure that any arrangement is compliant with the PFL





Prepare the required documentation for any new borrowing (Minister and Treasurer may be authorised to borrow)




Preparation and lodging of loans schemes (i.e. Starter Home Deposit Scheme)




Execute and monitor loans and loan schemes




Review, prepare and authorise guarantees and indemnities to be given on behalf of the States.

Information gathering

PFL 2005 – Articles 24A and 24B

Oversee information gathering for estimates for States funded bodies to be used in the MTFP and budget, as well as estimates requests from the States Assembly.

Request and collect estimates for States funded bodies to be used in the MTFP and budget.

Provide these estimates to the Council of Ministers to be used in the MTFP and budget.




Provide procedures to be followed for providing these estimates




Refer the estimates to the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) for any comment.

States Trading Operations

PFL 2005 - Articles 25 to 27

Oversee States trading operations through financial control, administration and agreed returns to States. Creation of new States trading operation as approved by the States.

Preparation and lodging of propositions of any disparate or distinct area of operation of the States to become a States trading operation

Monitor States trading operations to confirm that they comply with financial controls.




Prescribe financial controls to be observed by States trading operations by Order




Issue financial directions in respect of the financial control and administration of States trading operations




Review estimated income and expenditure of the trading operation and agree minimum contribution that the trading operation will be required to make to the income of the States.


Duties of the Treasurer

PFL 2005 - Article 28

Treasurer has responsibility to ensure the proper stewardship and administration of the Law and public finances of Jersey.

Operation of Finance Advisory Board and Financial Management and Reporting Group




Decision making processes for the Minister for Treasury and Resources


PFL 2005 - Article 32; and

Public Finances (Accounting Standards) (No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2012

Treasurer to prepare annual financial statements in respect of accounts of the States

Preparation of annual financial statement in respect of the accounts of the States in line with accounting standards prescribed by Order




Preparation and processing of Orders on accounting standards.


PFL 2005 - Article 33

Treasurer to open bank accounts

The Treasurer is required to open, operate and maintain bank accounts approved by the Minister


PFL 2005 - Article 34

Financial directions

The Treasurer creates, consults and issues financial directions to allow for the proper administration of the PFL and of the public finances of Jersey

Chief internal auditor

PFL 2005 - Article 35

Provide internal audit function to the States

Ensure that the finances of the States are regulated, controlled and supervised in accordance with the PFL




Carry out audits of the transactions and internal controls and systems of States funded bodies

Accounting officers

PFL 2005 - Article 38

Duty of Treasurer as accounting officer of department

Collect all monies owed and pay all monies owed by Treasury and other departments as appropriate.




Maintain proper accounts of all Treasury's financial transactions and proper records of those accounts




Accounting officer duties required under financial directions

Corporate Procurement

PFL 2005 – Articles 34 and 38 (2)(f)

Financial Directions are issued by the Treasurer of the States under PFL Article

34. Compliance with Financial Directions is mandatory and not following them may lead to an offence being committed under Part 7 of the Law

Corporate Procurement provides advice, guidance and support to all members of the States of Jersey with delegated authority under these Directions. The aim is to ensure that all procurement activity is




There are a number of Financial Directions that relate to spending public money. Compliance with these Directions is the responsibility of Accounting Officers, budget holders, finance Directors and anyone with authority delegated to them under a Scheme of Delegation.

Accounting Officers are also charged under article 38 (2)(f) to ensure that the resources of the body are used efficiently and effectively.


in accordance with best practice within a framework that is open and transparent.


United Nations Convention Against Corruption – Article 9

The States of Jersey (SOJ) is committed to this Convention in particular Article 9 – Public procurement and management of public finances



Public Sector Pensions

Public Employees (Retirement) (Jersey) Law 1967

Teachers' Superannuation Law 1979

Administration of the Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (PECRS)

Approval for money to be invested

Administration of the Jersey Teachers Superannuation Fund (JTSF) Approval for money to be invested

Collect PECRS contributions and pay pensions

Produce the Scheme accounts and have them audited

Hold assets of the Scheme pending investment

Collect JTSF contributions and pay pensions

Produce the Fund accounts and have them audited

Hold assets of the Fund pending investment

Shared Services

PFL 2005 – Articles 33(2) and 32(4) and 32(5)

Bank promptly Produce accounts

Provide a cashiers and debt collection service to States Departments

Provide a range of shared service functions for the payment of staff and suppliers and collection of income such





that annual accounts can be prepared. Advise Departments on accounting requirements. Co-ordinate and collate Departmental financial returns to produce consolidated Annual Accounts for the States.

Management of Strategic Investments – Jersey Telecom, Jersey Post, JEC, JNWWC and States of Jersey Development Company

PFL 2005 – Articles 68 and 8(2)(d)

If the States Own in the name of the States, shares in a company, the Minister on behalf of the States may exercise rights and responsibilities for any liabilities attached to the Shares

Where the company is an independently audited States body the Minister is responsible to the States for the Financial interests of the States in the Company

Budgeting and MTFP

Vote /Attend AGMs and meetings during the year

Regularly meet with Companies as Shareholder during the year (including preparation of shareholder packs)

Review of business and financial information received.

Creation and modification of Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) to ensure best practice for the Shareholder function.

Development and Maintenance of Shareholder Strategy




Development and Maintenance of Shareholder Dividend Strategies




Ensure compliance with MOUs which are in operation.




Preparation of year end accounting valuations for the States' Statutory accounts.




Collection and receipt of dividends.




Discuss with Economic Development (ED) any issues from their perspective (incl. JCRA).




Discussions on Strategic Plans and Budgets including KPIs – managing shareholder value.




In year discussions on Strategic Plans / Business plans for Gigabit/ Restructuring.




Consultation on Corporate governance issues / Directors and Chairmen's










Presentation of Utility and SOJDC Accounts annually to the States.




Ensure Shareholdings have correct names/proxies in place as appropriate.




Ensure all Legislation in up to date and in line with current advances/strategies




Preparation of forecasted income for use in the Budget/MTFP in accordance with the law.

Strategic Investment in Jersey Telecoms (group)

Telecommunications (Jersey) Law 2002 And

Telecommunications (Transfer) (Jersey) Regulations 2002 (this lists the shares issued on transfer)

Exercise the powers of the States in their capacity as holder of securities in a principal company (or in any other capacity regarding a principal company), but not the following powers (which may be exercised only by the States) –

  1. the power to dispose of the shares or share rights in a principal company, or create or dispose of security interests over those shares or share rights or otherwise charge those shares or share rights;
  2. the power to authorize the issue of shares or share rights in a principal company to any person other than the States;
  3. the power to vote on a resolution to wind up a principal company;
  4. such other powers as the States have prescribed by Regulations.

The Minister may make loans to the Company with conditions.

The Minister may against the income of the States Guarantee loans to the company within a ceiling.

The same as in "Management of Strategic Investments – Jersey Telecom, Jersey Post, JEC, JNWWC and States of Jersey Development Company", and in addition:-

To support the company in their Strategic Plans when seeking growth opportunities. To provide financial support in various forms /guarantees/ infrastructure investments / loans as and when appropriate

To present propositions to the States for the redemption/issue of shares as and when appropriate.

Liaise with Economic Development on any JCRA principles as and when appropriate.

Ensure all Legislation in up to date and in line with current approaches /strategies

Strategic Investment in Jersey Post (group)

Postal Service (Jersey) Law 2004

Exercise the powers of the States in their capacity as holder of securities in a

The same as in "Management of Strategic Investments – Jersey Telecom, Jersey




Postal Services (Transfer) (Jersey) Regulations 2006 (this lists the shares issued on transfer)

principal company (or in any other capacity regarding a principal company), but not the following powers (which may be exercised only by the States) –

  1. the power to dispose of the shares or share rights in a principal company, or create or dispose of security interests over those shares or share rights or otherwise charge those shares or share rights;
  2. the power to authorize the issue of shares or share rights in a principal company to any person other than the States;
  3. the power to vote on a resolution to wind up a principal company;
  4. such other powers as the States have prescribed by Regulations.

The Minister may make loans to the Company with conditions.

The Minister may against the income of the States Guarantee loans to the company within a ceiling.

Post, JEC, JNWWC and States of Jersey Development Company", and in addition:-

To support the company in their Strategic Plans when seeking growth opportunities. To provide financial support in various forms /guarantees/ infrastructure investments / loans as and when appropriate

To present propositions to the States for the redemption/issue of shares as and when appropriate.

Liaise with Economic Development on any JCRA principles as and when appropriate.

Ensure all Legislation in up to date and in line with current approaches /strategies

Strategic Investment in Jersey Electricity

Electricity (Jersey) Law 1937

Discussions around the impact of Electricity Tariffs as necessary – on behalf of the States

Discussions around tariffs, in relation to changes in dividends, capital structures, majority shareholder expectation on dividends and long term growth.




Discussions with Economic Development around any operational issues which may impact the States shareholding.




Consideration and discussion of capital expenditures for the company. Provision of support and shared knowledge in this area.




Discussions around balance sheet management/ affordability of dividend payments /business reserves.





Raising of any Ministerial decisions on business/shareholder matters as deemed appropriate to seek approval from the States of Jersey




Ensure all Legislation in up to date.

Strategic Investment in Jersey Water

Water (Jersey) Law 1972

Discussions around the impact of Water rates and charges, as necessary – on behalf of the States

Discussions around rates and charges, in relation to changes in dividends, capital structures, majority shareholder expectation on dividends and long term growth.




Discussions with the Planning and Environment Minister around any operational issues which may impact the States shareholding.




Consideration and discussion of capital expenditures for the company.




Discussions around balance sheet management/ affordability of dividend payments and reserves.




Raising of any Ministerial decisions on business/shareholder matters as deemed appropriate to seek approval from the States of Jersey




Ensure all Legislation in up to date.

States of Jersey Development Company (SOJDC) (formerly WEB)

No laws – but States approved under P.73-2010 the Structure and Governance of the new Company.

The Minister for Treasury and Resources is politically accountable for the operation of the States of Jersey Development Company as identified in section 12 of the Report.

Ensure the activities of SOJDC are reviewed and reported on regularly to the Minister for T&R, who is politically accountable for the operation.

Minister to be a member of the Regeneration Steering Group (RSG) Meeting.

Voting at AGM's (including Directors remuneration) Approval changes to levels of non-Executive Directors remuneration and material changes to Executive Directors remuneration.

Attendance at the RSG meetings and liaison with other departments including Property Holdings.

Review and approval of SOJDC's decisions in compliance with P.73-2010 and the MOU.




Communication with SOJDC on relevant states Decisions

Strategic and Business Plans

Review and approval of SOJDC Strategic and Business Plans.

Ensure all Founding documents are up to date and in line with current approaches /strategies

Agricultural Loan Schemes

Agricultural (Loans and Guarantees) (Jersey) Law 1974

Agricultural (Loans) (Jersey) Regulations 1974

Provision of the accounting function to check repayments of existing and outstanding Agricultural loans.(administration sits with ED)

Approval of the T&R Minister for issuing new loans exceeding £150,000 or where the applicant's outstanding capital debt would exceed this under the Agricultural loans.

Ensure loans are accounted for correctly and together with ED repaid on time and that any arrears are addressed.

Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end.

Ensure the Minister is advised of any amendments necessary to the legislation.




Review of ongoing security and hypothecs /re-registration for the loans with ED.

Dwelling Houses Loans Fund

Building Loans (Jersey) Law 1950 Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005

Provision of accounting for the loans and Fund

Note it is the Housing Minister which has the power to approve loans (however requests are made in consultation with the T&R Minister through the Public Finances Law)

Changes to the prescribed rate of Interest in consultation

Investment of Fund's moneys

Ensure the loans are accounted for correctly with the Housing department, including the chasing of arrears. Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end.

The Housing Minister consults with the T&R Minister when changing the rates of Interest.

Housing consult on the issuance of any new loans (however the Fund has seen little activity recently) Creation/Review/Management of Investment Strategy. Including presentation of revised Strategies to the States.




Investment and Management of Monies






through the Common Investment Fund (CIF) and directly in line with the Investment Strategy




Liaise with Investment Advisers




Preparation of Cash-flow forecasts for Investment Management Purposes.

99 Year Leaseholders Fund

The Fund was incorporated under the Building Loans (Jersey) Law 1950

Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Note it is the Housing Minister which has the power to approve loans (however requests are made in consultation with the T&R Minister through the Public Finances Law)

Changes to the prescribed rate of Interest in consultation

Provision of accounting for the loans and Fund

Ensure the loans are accounted for correctly with the Housing department, including the chasing of arrears. Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end.

The Housing Minister consults with the T&R Minister when changing the rates of Interest.

Housing consult on the issuance of any new loans (however the Fund has seen little activity recently)




Management of cross charges across states departments

Assisted House Purchase Scheme

The Assisted House Purchase Scheme was established by the States of Jersey in 1977 there is no law directly establishing it

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Provision of accounting for the loans and Fund

Ensure the loans are accounted for correctly with the Housing department, including the chasing of arrears. Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end. Management of cross charges across states departments

Housing Development Fund

Planning for Homes Report R/C 10/99

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Creation, Establishment and operation of new schemes under the law and regulations

Provision of accounting for the Fund

Preparation of Fund accounts

Review of the Funds Strategy/propose amendments to the Strategy.

Work with Chief Ministers, Planning and Environment and Housing to design, implement and operate the scheme.

Postal Pension Fund

Postal Services (Jersey) Law 2004

Postal Services (Transfer) (Jersey) Regulations 2006

Provision of accounting for the Fund (outside of the Group)

Investment of Fund's moneys

Preparation of Quarterly and Annual Fund accounts

Investment and Management of Monies Preparation of Cash flow forecasts for



Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Investment Management Purposes Liaise with Investment Advisers

Various Trust and Bequest Funds (approx.. 200)

PFL 2005 – Article 67

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Management and safeguarding of the Trusts' assets (separately from the Consolidated Fund)

Provision of accounting for the Funds (outside of the Group)

Investment of Fund's moneys

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Trusts bank accounts Establishment/closure

administrative support for several large funds

Changes in Trustees

Preparation of Quarterly and Annual Fund accounts

Investment and Management of Monies through the Common Investment Fund (CIF) and directly in line with the Investment Strategy

Preparation of Cash flow forecasts for Investment Management Purposes Appointment and retirement of Investment Managers/advisers/ custodians Liaise with Investment Advisers

Manage, handle and account for trusts moneys bank accounts.

Internal Audit carrying out reviews of

Trusts assets

Liaising with other States Departments to Establish or Close these Funds.

Working with departments to ensure the money is spent.

Provision of Administrative support for several large funds – including making fund distributions.




Where appropriate notifying the State of changes in Trustees / seeking their approval based on the Founding documentation.

Strategic Reserve Fund

PFL 2005 – Article 4

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions)

Provision of accounting for the Fund Investment of Fund's moneys

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end. Creation/Review/Management of Investment Strategy. Including presentation of revised Strategies to the



(No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Transfers of moneys Withdrawal of moneys


Investment and Management of Monies through the Common Investment Fund (CIF) and directly in line with the Investment Strategy




Appointment and retirement of Investment Managers/advisers/ custodians




Liaise with Investment Advisers




Preparation of Cash flow forecasts for Investment Management Purposes.




Transfer of moneys to/from the Consolidated Fund as approved by the States.




Raising Propositions for withdrawals of moneys for States Approval

Stabilisation Fund

PFL 2005 – Article 4A

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Provision of accounting for the Fund

Investment of Fund's moneys

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Transfers of moneys from the Consolidated Fund

Withdrawal of moneys

Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end. Creation/Review/Management of Investment Strategy. Including presentation of revised Strategies to the States.

Investment and Management of Monies through the Common Investment Fund (CIF) and directly in line with the Investment Strategy




Appointment and retirement of Investment Managers/advisers/ custodians as appropriate




Liaise with Investment Advisers




Preparation of Cash flow forecasts for Investment Management Purposes.




Transfer of money's from the Consolidated Fund into the Fund as approved by the States.




Raising Propositions for withdrawals of moneys for States Approval (moneys to be credited to the Consolidated Fund)


Consolidated Fund

PFL 2005 – Article 3

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Provision of accounting for the Fund Investment of Fund's moneys

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Transfer of moneys in/out from other Funds.

Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end. Creation/Review/Management of Investment Strategy. Including presentation of revised Strategies to the States.

Investment and Management of Monies through the Common Investment Fund (CIF) and directly in line with the Investment Strategy




Preparation of Cash flow forecasts for Investment Management Purposes.




Appointment and retirement of Investment Managers/advisers/ custodians




Liaise with Investment Advisers




Transfer of moneys in/out from other Funds (Strategic Reserve Fund, Stabilisation Fund, Currency Fund etc.) as approved under the Law.

Currency Fund

PFL 2005 – Article 5

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Currency Notes (Jersey) Law 1959 Decimal Currency (Jersey) Law 1971

Provision of accounting for the Fund Investment of Fund's moneys

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Transfer of moneys

Ensure sufficient moneys held to meet moneys in circulation

Issuance of Currency

Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end Creation/Review/Management of Investment Strategy. Including presentation of revised Strategies to the States.

Investment and Management of Monies through the Common Investment Fund (CIF) and directly in line with the Investment Strategy

Preparation of Cash flow forecasts for Investment Management Purposes.




Transfer of moneys to / from the Fund in accordance with the law as approved by the Minister.(via the Consolidated fund)




Monitor balances in circulation to the Fund balances – to ensure sufficient






moneys are backed by the Fund and it is not deficient.




Issuance of Notes in denominations, not exceeding £100 within the limitations of the Law




Issuances of coins in denominations as the Minister shall determine and quantity, weight, design and composition.




Issuance of commemorative coins (this do not have the right to be recalled.)




Ability to make payments in relation to the issuances, in accordance with the laws.




Receipt and exchange of Currency notes at face value.




Power to recall currency notes and Coins (not commemorative) after publication in accordance with the Law.




Power to melt/break metal coins authorised by the Minister.




Ability to issue penalties if bank notes and currency notes are defaced.

Social Security (Reserve) Fund

PFL 2005 – Article 3

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974

Provision of accounting for the Fund Investment of Fund's moneys

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end. Creation/Review/Management of Investment Strategy in consultation with the Minister for Social Security. Including presentation of revised Strategies to the States.

Investment and Management of Monies through the Common Investment Fund (CIF) and directly in line with the Investment Strategy in consultation with the Minister for Social Security.




Appointment and retirement of Investment Managers/advisers/ custodians.





Liaise with Investment Advisers.




Preparation of Cash flow forecasts for Investment Management Purposes in consultation with the Social Security Department.




Discussions on the outcomes of Actuarial Reviews with the Social Security Minister.

Health Insurance Fund

PFL 2005 – Article 3

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967

Provision of accounting for the Fund Investment of Fund's moneys

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Preparation of Monthly/Quarterly and Statutory accounts at year end. Including Liaison with auditors at year end. Creation/Review/Management of Investment Strategy in consultation with the Minister for Social Security. Including presentation of revised Strategies to the States.

Investment and Management of Monies through the Common Investment Fund (CIF) and directly in line with the Investment Strategy in consultation with the Minister for Treasury and Resources




Preparation of Cash flow forecasts for Investment Management Purposes in consultation with the Social Security Department.




Discussions on the outcomes of Actuarial Reviews with the Social Security Minister.

Common Investment Fund (CIF)

PFL 2005 – Article 3

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Management of the Fund

Provision of accounting for the Fund and the individual Investment Pools in the Fund

Quarterly Investment Meetings

Seek advice of appropriately qualified persons for Investments

Creation/Review/Management of Investment Strategies for each Investment Pool in consultation with the various participants and Ministers (as appropriate).

Appointment and retirement of Investment Managers/advisers/ custodians.

Liaise with Investment Advisers. Monthly and Annual Statutory






Accounting and Investment Management Reporting.




Quarterly review of all Investments and meeting with Investment Managers.


PFL 2005 – Articles 21 and 22

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Authority to borrow / arranging borrowing Repayment/return from borrowing Reporting on borrowing

Enter into approved borrowing arrangements

Management of central borrowing, accounting, administration reporting and budgeting (as and when it occurs)

Budgeting and Forecasting

Minister may borrow for short term, if <25% of the prior year income.

The Minister may borrow for up to 10 years £1m in any one transaction, £3m in a year and £10 m in total without going to the States.

Take proposals for borrowing to the States of a larger scale/long term view.

Decide on security /covenants of loans. Appointment of Advisers to assist in developing the best borrowing solution. Appointment of rating agencies (as appropriate.)

Preparation and review of cash flow forecasts, for capital expenditure.




Evaluate that the moneys can be repaid by income from the capital project or generated savings over the period of the borrowing.




Reporting every 6 months on new borrowing to the States.




Review of legislation for borrowing and relevance of limits.




Accounting for borrowing, reporting and administering any borrowing in existence. (as and when it occurs.)




Preparation of forecasted costs for use in the Budget/MTFP in accordance with the law.


PFL 2005 – Article 23

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Authority to Lend

Deciding on Terms and conditions of lending

The minister may lend £500k in any one transaction, £3m in a year, £10m in total for no more than 20 years.

Minister to determine terms and conditions of loans – security, interest




Reporting on Lending

Creation, Establishment and operation of new schemes under the law and regulations

Management of central loans, accounting, administration reporting and budgeting. (some have been approved by the States/Previous Committee Structures/ Minister)

Budgeting and Forecasting

rates, covenants, durations.

Take propositions to the States for approval where outside of the Ministers limits.

Work with Chief Ministers to design, implement and run new schemes (e.g. Pilot Starter Home Deposit loan Scheme.) Reporting every 6 months on new borrowing to the States.

Review of legislation for lending and relevance of limits.

Preparation of forecasted income for use in the Budget/MTFP in accordance with

the law.




Accounting for central loans, administration – chasing and collections. Quarterly and Annual reporting of these loans.

Guarantees / Letters of Comfort

PFL 2005 – Article 24

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Offer Guarantees or Indemnities Reporting on Guarantees/Indemnities Offer letters of Comfort

The Minister may offer Guarantees or Indemnities either directly or seek States Approval.

Raising propositions to the States for their approval of guarantees as appropriate.




Accounting for these at year end.




Reporting every 6 months on new Guarantees/indemnities to the States.




Review of legislation for issuing guarantees and indemnities.




Provision and renewal of letters of comfort (mainly for the Housing Trusts.)




Valuation of the potential exposure for the Housing Trusts for yearend accounting purposes.

Housing Trust Relationships

Individual governing documentation establishing the 4 Housing Trusts

Review any proposals where the Housing and Treasury and Resources Ministers consent is required

Research and Review Housing Trust Proposals which require both the Housing and Treasury and Resources Minister's Consent (mainly around collateral.)




Approvals for any new Housing Trusts






financing arrangements.




Review with housing the governing documentation as and when appropriate.


Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005

Protection of States Assets (no direct clause relates to this)

Provision of insurance across States Departments and other relationships.

Bank Accounts

PFL 2005 – Article 33

Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Opening and closing of bank accounts by the Treasurer

Management of Bank Accounts (various currencies)

Financial management of currency

Bank account relationship management. Appointment/retirement of bankers. Management of authorised signatory listings.

Opening / Closing of Bank accounts. Daily management of cash balances to maximise returns.




Cash-flow forecasting sterling and currency




Financial management of currency exposure on a quarterly basis to the Treasury Advisory Panel. (Implementing decisions – such as placing of hedges to provide protection and manage currency exposure when deemed appropriate)




Ensure professional practices are adhered to and strategic controls in place.

Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (PECRS)

Public Employees (Retirement) (Jersey) Law 1967

Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Jersey) Regulations 1989

Public Employees (Investment of Fund) (Jersey) Act 1972

Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (New Members) (Jersey) Regulations 1989

Public Employees (contributory Retirement Scheme) (Jersey) Regulations

Assets of the scheme held by the Treasurer on behalf of the Committee

Investment of moneys (cash and stocks/shares /investments etc.)

Review of Schemes T&Cs

Attendance at committee meetings Annual Accounts

Selection of Committee of Management

Treasurer to collect employees' contributions for investment.

Meet reasonable expenses of administering the scheme and any remuneration as defined under the 1989 regulations.

Placing moneys on deposit.

Approval of the Investment Strategies. Investment of moneys in accordance with the Law and on direction of the Committee. The Minister may determine when an investment shall not be made. Consent for the appointment of Investment Managers/Advisers/ Custodian/ Actuary as proposed by the






Review of schemes Terms and Conditions in light of actuarial valuations with the Committee (including admitted bodies).




The Minister may at any time require the Committee of management to direct the actuary to carry out a review and report to the Minister. Should happen a minimum of every 5 years.




Presentation of actuarial reviews to the States.




Pension Payments (separate department in Treasury)




Attendance at Committee meetings on behalf of the Minister for Treasury and Resources (Quarterly.)




Preparation of annual accounts, which are audited. Copies to be provided to the Committee and the Actuary.




Selection of one-half of the employer representatives by the Minister for Treasury and Resources (the rest by Chief Ministers and representative associations)




Recommend the Chairman for the Committee.




The States may empower the Minister to extend the application of the Scheme.




Administration for collating and issuing packs for meetings.

Jersey Teachers' Superannuation Fund (JTSF)

Teachers' Superannuation (Jersey) Law 1979

Teachers' Superannuation (Administration) (Jersey) Order 2007

Teachers' Superannuation (Existing Members) (Jersey) Order 1986

Teachers' Superannuation (New

Assets of the scheme held by the Treasurer on behalf of the Committee

Investment of moneys Attendance at meetings

Annual Accounts

Selection of Management Board

Receipt of moneys from members contributions to the scheme and re- admitted members.

Selection of 2 of the employer representatives for the Management Board by the Minister for Treasury and Resources (the rest by Chief Ministers and Minister for Education, Sports and Culture.)

Management of moneys for investment in



Members) (Jersey) Order 2007.



accordance with the directions of the Management Board.




Recommend the Chairman for the Committee.




Agreement on the appointment of Investment Managers and terms of remuneration by the Management Board and the Minister for Treasury and Resources.




Consent on the appointment of Custodians.




Consult with the Minister for Treasury and Resources for the appointment of an Actuary for the Fund.




Inspection and Review of Investment Manager reports.




Approval of the Investment Strategy.




Receipt of Actuarial Review reports by the treasury and Resources Minister. The Minister lays these before the States.




Preparation of Fund Accounts and to have them audited. The Management Board and Actuary to receive copies.




Attendance at meetings on an observatory basis.




Administration for collating and issuing packs for meetings.

Public Markets (Jersey Property Holdings)

Public Market (Administration) (Jersey) Regulations 1947

General Administration of the Markets

Superintend the general administration of the markets




Cause the gates of the Markets to be opened or closed in accordance with agreed opening hours




Permit a lessee to have access to his shop or stall at reasonable times




Permit any other person to be within the Markets




Ensure that the buildings and all parts of the Markets are in a fit state of repair





Letting of shops and stalls within the Markets




Keep a register of leases granted

JPH support to Accounting Officers

PFL 2005 – Article 38

JPH support to Accounting Officers

JPH supports the requirement for Accounting Officers to provide for the resources of the body to be used efficiently and effectively

JPH support to Persons in Control' to ensure compliance with Health and Safety Legislation

Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law: 1989

JPH also provides a support service for the Persons in Control' to ensure that public buildings comply with relevant Health and Safety legislation. JPH ensure that compliance with the following legislative and other best practice requirements are delivered by contractors through its maintenance contracts

Site risk profiling and annual risk assessments

Working examination / inspection of a pressure system (s)

Working/ rest examination / inspection of item(s) with pressure system(s) Examination / inspection for heating water, supply boilers and connected systems




Electrical examination / inspection (Annual Visual)




Management of exposure to asbestos in workplace buildings and structures




Asbestos management - Type 2 surveys and subsequent re-inspections




Annual maintenance and certification of fall arrest system




Annual maintenance and certification of local extract ventilation tenants responsibility




Annual maintenance and certification of safety and access systems




Annual maintenance and certification of traveling ladders




Annual maintenance of pool lift




Annual safety check of gas services by testing it




Annual maintenance of disabled equipment




Portable Appliance Test






Tenants Responsibility (inspection)




Annual maintenance and certification of gym equipment


Management of Exposure to Asbestos in Workplace Buildings and Structures - Approved Code of Practice (AcoP 8)


Management of exposure to asbestos in workplace buildings and structures Asbestos management - Type 2 Surveys and subsequent re-inspections


Lifts (Jersey) Regulations: 1990


Thorough examination / inspection of lift or hoist




Maintenance/ servicing of goods hoists




Maintenance/ servicing of vehicle lifts maintenance


B.S./ EN 13015: 2001 Maintenance for lifts and escalators - Rules for maintenance instructions


Thorough examination / inspection of lift or hoist

Maintenance/ servicing of goods hoists




Maintenance/ servicing of vehicle lifts maintenance


Chains, Ropes and Lifting Gear (Jersey) Regulations: 1980


Thorough examination / inspection of lifting equipment

Electricity at Work (Jersey) Regulations: 1983

Electrical fixed wire testing/ inspection Report of electrical examination (Annual Visual / Inspection)




Portable appliance test tenants responsibility




Lightning protection inspection


HSE Guidance INDG 236: 2004


Portable appliance test tenants responsibility


B.S. 5266 - : 1999


Monthly maintenance and battery discharge tests of emergency lighting




Annual maintenance of emergency lighting generators


B.S./ EN 1176 -: 1997


Annual maintenance of external play equipment




Quarterly maintenance of external play equipment


B.S. 5839 -: 2002


6 Monthly maintenance of fire alarms


B.S. 5306 -:2003


Annual maintenance of fire extinguishers



Cranes and Lifting Appliances (Jersey) Regulations: 1978


Annual maintenance of fork lift trucks Thorough Examination / inspection of Lifting Equipment


LoLER: 1998


Hoists SAFed Testing




Lifts SAFed Testing




Routine safety checks on lift ancillaries


PUWER: 1998


Hoists SAFed Testing




Lifts SAFed Testing




Routine safety checks on lift ancillaries


B.S. 4737 - 4.3: 1998


Annual maintenance of intruder alarm


ACoP L8: 2004


Monthly temperature recording and check on water services - Legionella Water Temp Record




Bi-annual testing of Water Services - Legionella Risk Assessments


B.S. 6651: 1999


Inspection of lightning protection


B.S. 5446 - : 2000


Routine annual maintenance and certification of the smoke detectors


B.S. 5839 - 6:1995


Routine annual maintenance and certification of the smoke detectors


B.S. 5306 Part 2


Routine annual maintenance and certification of the sprinkler installations




Routine annual maintenance and certification of the sprinkler back-up generator installations


LPC Technical Bulletin No. 6


Routine annual maintenance and certification of the sprinkler installations




Routine annual maintenance and certification of the sprinkler back-up generator installations


Routine  maintenance/  servicing  in accordance  with  either  Manufacturer Recommendations  or  Industry  "Best Practice" to prolong useful and economic lifespan.


Access control

Air conditioning BMS control panels CCTV

Disabled equipment




Drainage pumping stations




Drainage systems





Electric doors




External blinds




Flood lighting




Pipework in conjunction with Gas-Fired Boilers, CHP's and Heating Installations




Heating control panels








Night storage heating




Pest control








Shutters / doors




Swimming pools






Routine annual maintenance/ servicing to bespoke  DfESC  generic  Specifications for differing building services


Mechanical Services

Income Tax

Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961

Issue annual tax returns




Calculate and issue income tax assessments


  • 36,000 Companies
  • 72,000 Personal Tax Base
  • 4,500 Employers ( for IT IS)



Process appeals against assessments to income tax

Examine and assess tax returns and accounts to determine and calculate an



List appeals against assessments to income tax for hearing by the Commissioners of Appeal


annual liability to tax amounting to revenue of circa;

  • Corporate £96m
  • Personal £361m



Levy penalties and surcharges for late submission of income tax returns and late payment of income tax

Issue and administer some 50,000 ITIS effective rate notices



Recover arrears of income tax through the Petty Debts and Royal Courts

Assist some 55,000 taxpayers in person at a Help Desk and handle over 100,000 incoming calls.



Administer the Income Tax Instalment

Enter into dialogue and corresponded with




System (ITIS)


the tax profession and general public into



Administer the payment on account regime


liabilities to tax, appeals and disputes, tax rulings and interpretation of tax law and concession and practice.



Process repayments of income tax

Undertake investigation into non-



Administer the income tax provisions relating to the failure to file a tax return or fraudulently or negligently making


compliance and collect back taxes with penalties ( of circa £1.5m / £2m tax per year)



incorrect statements

Tax legal action for recovery of unpaid



Administer the income tax provisions in relation to superannuation funds and pension schemes


taxes though Petty Debts Court and the Royal Court ( circa 360 summonses issued for a value of £4m)




Prepare and present cases for hearing by the Commissioners of Appeal




Review applications for approval of





superannuation funds and pension





schemes and action breeches of conditions





of approval as provided within the







Income Tax (Prescribed Limit and Rate) (Jersey) Regulations 2004

Application of the income tax prescribed limit and rate provisions to 1(1)(K) resident individuals subject to income tax

Applied in the annual income tax assessments of 1(1)(k) resident individuals


Income Tax (Superannuation Funds) (Jersey) Order 1972

Approval of superannuation funds, alteration of rules, deduction of contributions and repayment of contributions and payment of lump sums

Review applications for approval of superannuation funds and pension schemes and action breeches of conditions of approval as provided within the provisions


Income Tax (Purchased Life Annuities) (Jersey) Order 1959

Determining whether an annuity is a purchased life annuity and, if so, what proportion of the annuity constitutes a capital element.

Review applications for approval of the capital element of the annuity



Income Tax (Actuarial Equivalents) (Jersey) Order 2002

Administrating the provisions relating to the purchase of sufficient securities issued by the UK Government yielding an income having an actuarial equivalent which secures that an individual is entitled to a Minimum Retirement Income not less than the Jersey Old Age Pension

Approval of trusts which provide for a draw down contract

Goods and Services Tax

Goods and Services Tax (Jersey) Law 2007

Register businesses for GST

Determine eligibility for group registration

Ensuring that the liability to register has been met on time.



Cancelling Registration

Granting exemption from registration

Charge GST on the importation of Goods into Jersey

Give directions to ensure a business has a GST representative

If a voluntary registration that the criteria for registration have been met

Vary group registrations

Exercised under the application of the Customs and Excise (Jersey) Law 1999

Obtaining security and also requiring a person to pay on account



Processing GST Returns and Statements and payments

Take action to recover the money as a debt due to the States Of Jersey



Give relief on GST to charities and Overseas Trading companies

List International Service Entities

Impose penalties and surcharges where a GST Return has not been paid or is late

Issue Assessments and surcharges where applicable and direct taxable person to account for GST on goods or on the assessment of goods

Review premises, goods, services records, to ensure that the rules on place, valuation, and time of supply have been met. That exemptions and rates of GST applied correctly. Ensuring that output and input tax correctly calculated









GST DIY dwelling scheme,





Public Sector,





Bad Debts,





Overpayments GST










Ascertain if offences committed




Goods and Services Tax (Jersey)

Ensure substantiation of amounts of GST

Check where persons have applied the


Regulations 2007



margin scheme for second hand vehicles



Ascertain that treatment of second hand


that the correct procedure has been



goods correct





Relief for charities on expenses

Ensuring GST has been paid and that



Refunds of GST to persons not established in Jersey


goods and services have been used in accordance with the charitable business




Ensuring that the requirements of the





scheme have been met


Goods and Services Tax (International Services Entities) (Jersey) Regulations 2008

Calculate the fee for Listing of ISEs

Ensure the fee has been calculated correctly based on the registered entity and entities and that it is eligible to be listed as an ISE.



Give ISE relief on supplies to them

Ensuring that the conditions relating to refunds have been met

Land Transaction Tax

Taxation (Land Transactions) (Jersey) Law 2009

Tax levy on share transfer transactions involving immoveable property in Jersey

Processing Land Transaction Tax forms and payments and responding to queries








Taxation (Land Transactions) (LTT Statements and Receipts) (Jersey) Order 2009



International Tax

Taxation (Implementation) (Jersey) Law 2004

Enabling legislation to allow the States to make Regulations implementing agreements with, and obligations owed to, the governments of other countries and territories regarding or relating to taxation, and for connected purposes

  • Received 140 TIEA requests between 2010 & 2012.
  • Requests can lead to detailed and protracted litigation

Taxation (Implementation) (Disclosure Facility) (Jersey) Regulations 2013

Obligates Jersey financial intermediaries to contact clients regarding Memorandum of Understanding between Jersey & UK

Taxation (Agreements with European Union Member States) (Jersey) Regulations 2005

Annually receive and process information and/or retention tax from paying agents to 27 EU member states

Taxation (Double Taxation) (Jersey) Regulations 2010

Framework around which Competent Authority handles and responds to TIEA requests from most countries

Taxation (Exchange of Information with Third Countries) (Jersey) Regulations 2008

Framework around which Competent Authority handles and responds to TIEA requests from most countries

Taxation (United States of America) (Jersey) Regulations 2006

Framework around which Competent Authority handles and responds to TIEA requests from USA.




Date Signed

Ratified by Jersey

Ratified by other Party

Entry into Force


November 2002

May 2006

November 2002

23 May 2006


June 2007

February 2008

December 2007

1 March 2008


July 2008

January 2009

July 2009

28 August 2009


October 2008

March 2009

November 2009

23 December 2009


October 2008

March 2009

September 2009

7 October 2009


October 2008

March 2009

October 2009

3 December 2009


October 2008

March 2009

December 2008

3 August 2009


October 2008

March 2009

March 2009

6 June 2009


October 2008

March 2009

March 2009

6 June 2009


October 2008

March 2009

June 2009

21 August 2009

United Kingdom

March 2009

July 2009

November 2009

27 November 2009


March 2009

July 2009

July 2010

11 October 2010


March 2009

July 2009

April 2010

5 May 2010


June 2009

November 2009

January 2010

5 January 2010

New Zealand

July 2009

November 2009

September 2010

27 October 2010


July 2010

September 2010

March 2011

9 November 2011

People's  Republic of China

October 2010

January 2011

October 2011

10 November 2011


November 2010

February 2011

August 2013

11  September 2013


November 2010

February 2011

February 2012

22 March 2012


January 2011

March 2011

December 2011

19 December 2011


April 2011

July 2011


(2 Half 2013)


(2 Half 2013)

Czech Republic

July 2011

November 2011

March 2012

14 March 2012

South Africa

July 2011

November 2011

January 2012

29 February 2012


July 2011

September 2011

July 2011

9 December 2011


November 2011

April 2012

January 2012

8 May 2012


December 2011

April 2012

June 2013

30 August 2013


December 2011

April 2012

August 2012

1 November 2012


March 2012

May 2012

(1st Half 2014)

(1st Half 2014)


September 2012

November 2012

March 2013

1 June 2013


January 2013

March 2013


(2 Half 2013)


(2 Half 2013)


January 2013

March 2013


(2 Half 2013)


(2 Half 2013)


September 2013

January 2014

(1st Half 2014)

(1st Half 2014)

Note: dates in brackets are the expected dates based on the latest information from the country concerned.


Only a competent authority can make a request to Jersey's competent authority for information under the terms of a Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA)

Completion of a TIEA request

The request is required to be  made through the completion of a  form and constitutes a confidential communication between the requesting competent authority and the competent authority of Jersey.

To ensure that any request is processed without delay:

  • the form must be completed in English
  • all sections must be completed
  • as much detail as possible should be included
  • reference should be made on the form to any additional attachments
  • once completed, the form must be signed

Jersey Competent Authority

The Jersey Competent Authority for Jersey's international tax agreements is the Minister for Treasury and Resources.

The administration of Jersey's international tax agreements is entrusted to the office of the Comptroller of Taxes, as the authorised representative of Jersey's Competent Authority. Persons authorised to represent the Minister are:

  • Comptroller of Taxes
  • Deputy Comptroller of Taxes (International)
  • Deputy Comptroller of Taxes


  • Double Taxation Relief (Arrangement with the United Kingdom) (Jersey) Act 1952
  • Double Taxation Relief (Arrangement with Guernsey) (Jersey) Act 1956
  • Double Taxation Relief (Shipping & Air Transport Profits) (French Republic) (Jersey) Act 1964




Date Signed

Ratified Jersey


Ratified  by  other Party

Entry into Force


January 2010

June 2010


February 2010

19 July 2010


December 2010

March 2011


December 2011

30 December 2011

Hong Kong China

February 2012

May 2012


June 2013

(July 2013)


March 2012

May 2012


November 2012

22 November 2012


October 2012

January 2013


May 2013

2 May 2013


January 2013

June 2013


May 2013

9 July 2013

Isle of Man

January 2013

June 2013


May 2013

10 July 2013

Partial Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs)

Australia   Faroes   Greenland New Zealand  Poland   Denmark Finland   Germany  Iceland Norway   Finland


These agreements are primarily administered at both corporate and personal tax levels within the Taxes Office to ensure that companies and individuals are eligible to relief from double taxation.


Austria  Belgium  Bulgaria

Cyprus  Czech Republic   Denmark Estonia  Finland   France Germany   Greece   Hungary

Ireland  Italy  Latvia

Lithuania  Luxembourg  Malta Netherlands  Poland   Portugal Romania   Slovak Republic   Slovenia

Spain  Sweden  United Kingdom


In accordance with the Directive, annually receive and process disclosure of information and /or retention tax from Paying Agents' to 27 EU Member State countries.