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Working groups to inform policy development Updated answer

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Would the Chief Minister provide an updated reply to the question previously asked by Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondre on 9th October 2012 providing full details of the role and membership of all groups established by all Departments , including Transport and Technical Services (for example working parties, policy, advisory, oversight groups) which are either cross-departmental, of which membership comprises only/mainly States officers, or groups of which membership comprises States officers and external third parties) which influence the workings of a Department, and/or development of Ministerial proposals, decisions or policies, and which have met since 1st January 2012 including the name of the group, attendees, frequency of meetings and remit?


On the 4th March I said we would update the detailed list produced on 9th October, 2012. This has been done, and demonstrates the cross-departmental nature of the public sector.

All major decisions are made by Ministers and are published in accordance with the "Code of Practice on Access to Official Information" to establish a minimum standard of openness and accountability.

A number of groups meet to take forward policy decisions made by Ministers, many of which are cross-departmental.

The groups made up mainly of Officers are primarily operational in nature, or they support the operation of Ministerial Groups.

The information supplied should not be regarded as exhaustive, due to the ambiguity in defining what constitutes "of which membership comprises only/mainly States officers". Departments have provided as much information as possible. It should also be noted that it does not include Court groups or working parties.

Due to the cross-departmental nature of group membership some groups may appear on more than one departmental list.

Chief Ministers Department – 24th March 2014


Lead  Dept (other depts)

Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Frequency  of meetings

Job title of officers/name of organisation

CMD  (all depts.)

Corporate Management Board

Chief Officer meeting to discuss draft policy, finance and cross departmental issues


All Chief Officers

CMD  (T&R, EDD, ER).

Financial  Services and  External Relations  Advisory Group

To  consider  matters  relating  to  financial services  and  external  relations,  in  order  to ensure  that  the  Chief  Minister,  the  Assistant Chief Ministers and Ministers with significant financial services and external responsibilities receive appropriate and co-ordinated advice.  


Chief  Minister,   Deputy  Chief  Minister,  Assistant Chief Minister(s), Minister for Treasury & Resources, Minister  for  Economic  Development,  Minister  for External Relations, Assistant Minister for Treasury & Resources, Chief Executive, HM Attorney General, Director of External Relations, Advisor - External Relations,   Treasurer  of   the  States,  Director  of Financial  Services,  CO  of  Economic  Development. Other Ministers or officers are invited to attend as appropriate


Jersey  Financial Crime Strategy Group

To oversee implementation of the action plan agreed in response to the findings of the IMF assessment of AML/CFT standards (2009). To co-ordinate  preparation  of  the  Island's  next detailed assessment by Moneyval in September 2014, and beyond. In addition, the Group will seek  to  ensure  that  Jersey  complies  with  all relevant international standards and obligations relating  to  financial  regulation  and  financial crime.  It  monitors  developing  international standards, conventions and protocols to counter ML/FT,  the  financing  of  the  proliferation  of weapons  of  mass  destruction,  corruption  and other financial crime.

Monthly (previously quarterly)

Director  of  External  Relations,  Adviser   External Relations, HM  Attorney  General,  CO  of  Economic Development,  Head  of  Crime  Services   States  of Jersey Police - Head of Financial Crime Intelligence Unit - States of Jersey Police, Treasurer of the States, Head of Service - Jersey Customs and Immigration, Legal  &  Intelligence  Manager  -  Jersey  Gambling Commission, CEO of Home Affairs, Law Draftsman, Director  General   Jersey  Financial  Services Commission, Director, Office of the Director General, JFSC. Other officers attend as appropriate.

CMD  (T  & R, JFSC)

(Interim)  Jersey Financial  Stability Board

To  focus  on  macro-prudential  oversight  and contributing  to  identifying,  monitoring  and addressing  systemic  risks  to  the  Island's financial system.


CEO  -  Chief  Minister's  Department,  Director  of External  Relations,  Adviser   External  Relations, Economic Adviser,  Chief  Statistician,  CO  of EDD, Director  of  Financial  Services,   Treasurer  of  the States,  Director  General  of  the  Jersey  Financial Services  Commission  and  Director-Banking, Investment  Business  &  Insurance,  JFSC. Other officers attend as appropriate.


Lead  Dept (other depts)

Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Frequency  of meetings

Job title of officers/name of organisation

CMD  (T&R, EDD,  TTS, Env)

Regeneration Steering Group

Inform  policy  guidelines  for  public  property and infrastructure regeneration projects


Chief Minister, Minister for Treasury and Resources, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Transport and Technical Services, Assistant Minister Treasury and Resources, Chief Executive, Treasurer of the States, Economic Development Department Chief Officer, Jersey Property Holdings Acting Director, States of Jersey Development Company Managing Director, Transport & Technical Services Director - Engineering & Infrastructure, Department of the Environment Chief Officer.


Senior  Management Team

Coordinate  the  operational  development  of departmental  sections  and  policy implementation


Chief Executive, Finance Director-Corporate Group, CSR  Team  Leader,  Director  International  Affairs, Communications  Manager,  Director  of  Human Resources,  Law  Draftsmen,  Director  of  Corporate Policy,  Senior  Human  Resources  Manager, Information Services Director, Director of Financial Services


Emergency  Planning Board  and  related sub-groups

Ensure  there  is  an  appropriate  level  of planning, preparedness and resilience to enable an  effective  multi-agency  response  to  major emergencies  which  would  have  a  significant impact on Jersey.


Chief Executive, States of Jersey Police Chief Officer, Ports of Jersey Group Operations Director, Chief Fire Officer, Assistant Harbour Master, Director of Health

& Safety Inspectorate, Director of Environment, Centenier & Representative of Chefs De Police, Transport & Technical Services Chief Officer, Medical Officer of Health, H&SS Director of Finance

& Information, Ambulance Service Operations Manager, Emergency Planning Officer, Health & Social Services Chief Executive, Jersey Coastguard Coastguard & VTS Manager, Acting Chief Ambulance Officer


PSR   Culture Steering Group

Steering  Culture  Workstream  of  the  Public Sector Reform Programme

Monthly or as required

ESC Chief Officer, HSSD Chief Officer, Ports Chief Executive,  PSR  Programme  Director,  Engagement Specialist


PSR – Lean Steering Group

Steering  Lean  Workstream  of  Public  Sector Reform Programme


Environment  Chief  Officer,  HSSD  HR  Director, Operations  Director  (SSD),  Senior  Manager Organisational  Development,  Internal Communications Officer, professional & Corporate


Lead  Dept (other depts)

Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Frequency  of meetings

Job title of officers/name of organisation





Services Manager (ITax)


PSR   E- Government Steering Group

Steering E-Government Workstream of Public Sector Reform Programme

Monthly or as required

EDD Chief Officer, HSSD Chief Officer, Treasurer, ESC  Chief  Officer,  Social  Security  Chief  Officer, information Services Director, E-Government project Manager, representative from Digital Jersey.


PSR   Workforce Modernisation Steering Group

Steering Workforce Modernisation Workstream of Public Sector Reform Programme

Every 6 weeks

Home  Affairs  Chief  Officer,  TTS  Chief  Officer, Assistant  Director  of  Policy  (CMD),  Hospital Director, HSSD HR Director, Representatives from Unite, Prospect, NASUWT and Nurses.


PSR   Workstream Leads Group

Co-ordinate  the  workstreams  of  the  Public Sector Reform Programme


PSR Programme Director, Chief Officer Workstream Leads, PSR Programme Office Director.


Strategic  Planning Programme Board

Provide oversight for the development of a new strategic planning and performance management system


Chief Executive, Treasurer, Chief Officers of Home Affairs, Environment and TTS, Director of Corporate Policy, Head of Strategic Planning


Strategic  Plan Implementation Group (SPIG)

Act  as  contact/  communication  point  in departments for corporate initiatives in strategic and  business  planning  and  performance monitoring.

Quarterly or as required

A representative from each Department responsible for  Strategic  Business  Planning/performance monitoring.


Children's Policy Group Chief Officers' Group

Provide oversight and support management of Children's Policy Group agenda and business.


Chief officers and Finance Directors (HSSD/HA/ESC); Chief Probation Officer; CPG Executive Officer


Adults Policy Groups Chief  Officers' meeting

Provide oversight and support management of Adult's Policy Group agenda and business.


Chief officers (HSSD/HA/Soc Sec); Chief Probation Officer; APG Executive Officer

CMD (ESC, HSS, Probation)

Children and Young People's Strategic Framework – Planning group

To oversee development of delivery plans underpinning the Strategic Framework

c. Quarterly

ESC: Head of Early Years, Schools and Colleges, Business Manager, Head of Youth Service, Chief Probation Officer, HSSD: Director of Children's, Services; Head of Health Improvement, CPG Executive Officer


Historic  Abuse Redress  Scheme Team

To develop the Historic Abuse Redress Scheme and  consider  applications  for  compensation under the Scheme


Managing Director, Community and Social Services. Information  Governance  Manager  HSSD.  Legal Administration  Officer  HSSD.  Partner,  Senior Associate and Senior paralegal at Mourant Ozannes.


Jersey  Joint

Multiagency forum for strategic development re


HSSD: Director of Adult Services & Head of Service


Lead  Dept (other depts)

Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Frequency  of meetings

Job title of officers/name of organisation


Secretariat for People with Special Needs

Learning Disability and Autism


for Adult Community Support Services


Alcohol  and Licensing  Policy Working Group

To  oversee  development  of  Alcohol  and Licensing Policy delivery plan

Quarterly  (to commence end Q1 2-14)

CMD  social  policy  director;  HSSD  Public  Health Policy  officer;  HA  policy  officer;  EDD  policy officer; Medical Director of Health


Joint  Safeguarding Partnership Boards

To  co-ordinate  local  work  to  protect  and safeguard children and vulnerable adults from harm.

5-6 per year

Representatives  from  H&SS;  SoJP;  ESC;  FNHC; Probation;  Prison;  GPs;  Third  Sector  reps; Professional Officer JCPC.


IS Strategy Group

The purpose of this group is take ownership of and  be  accountable  for  the  development  and fulfilment of the Corporate IS Strategy.


IS  Director,  Head  of  IT  Services,  ESG  Manager, Head  of  Organisational  Development,  IS  Finance Manager, Programme Office Manager.


Jersey  Appointments Commission

Oversee  senior  officer  recruitment  within  the public sector and Quangos

4  times  per year  and recruitment activities

Human Resources Director and HR Business Partner for CMD


Civil Service Forum

To enable the employer and civil service staff side to discuss items of mutual interest

C 4 times pa

HRD , Dof ER + 2 others /4 TU reps inc Fulltime official


Suspensions  Review Panel

Review of employees suspended in accordance with States proposition


Senior Employment Relations Manager HRD, Chair; plus  2  others  drawn  from  States  wide  Panel  of employees.


Manual  Workers' Joint  Council (MWJC)/

To determine  pay,  T&Cs  of  Manual  Workers within its scope

2  to  4  times per year

Employer's  Side:  Director  of  Education;  CEO H&SS;  CEO  TTS;  Senator  Routier;  Constable Crowcroft ; Deputy Martin.

Employees' Side: 6 senior Manual Worker employee representatives.


Disputes  Committee of MWJC

To  resolve  disputes  affecting  pay,  T&Cs  of Manual Workers within the scope of the MWJC

Varies  with need.  Approx 4  to  6  times per year

Any 2 members from the Employer's Side MWJC and  any  2  members  from  the  Employees'  Side MWJC.

Economic Development

Lead  Dept (other depts)

Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Frequency  of meetings

Job title of officers/name of organisation


Senior  Leadership

To  discuss  draft  policy,  finance,  and  the


EDD Leadership Team





performance of the service



EDD Tourism


Jersey  Conference Bureau

P.P.P. funded by EDD grant promoting Jersey as a conference destination

5-6 times p.a.

Director of Jersey Tourism and members of industry

EDD Tourism


Tourism Development Fund

Evaluates funding requests

6-8  times  per year

Director  of  Jersey  Tourism,  Strategy  Manager, External Panel Members

EDD - Gsy


Joint  CI  EDD/ Commerce  & Employment meeting

Update  on  issues  relating  to  Jersey  and Guernsey


Chief Officer, Deputy Chief Officer, Policy/Strategy

&  Regulatory  Director.  Maritime  Compliance Manager

EDD - Gsy


Joint  External Transport  Group meeting

Update on issues relating to transport issues affecting Jersey and Guernsey


Chief  Officer,   Deputy  Chief  Officer,  Tourism  & Marketing Director, Maritime Compliance Manager, Policy/Strategy & Regulatory Director



Annual  Technical Conference

To oversee survey standards of Jersey vessels.


Registrar of Shipping and associated officers from EDD and Jersey Harbours



Stakeholder engagement

Policy and Regulation section meets regularly with various stakeholders on an ad hoc basis. Examples include working with Guernsey and CICRA on broadcasting and communications matters, meeting stakeholders with an interest in  the  development  of  intellectual  property laws, discussing competition policy, law and work  programme  with  the  JCRA,  cross departmental  discussions  on  licensing  policy etc.

As necessary




Public  Lotteries Board

Advise Minister on Channel Islands lottery

Several  times per annum

Strategy Manager / PLB Members

EDD - Gsy


Financial Ombudsman Implementation Oversight Group

Discuss  proposals  for  establishment  of Financial  Services  Ombudsman  for  Jersey  / Channel Islands

Fortnightly Conference Call

Strategy Manager / External Consultant / Commerce

& Employment (Guernsey) / JFL / GIBA



Tourism  Shadow Board

In  the  first  instance,  to  define  the  optimum operational and governance structure and make a  recommendation  to  the  Minister  to implement changes as necessary.

As necessary

External Board plus CEO, EDD



Ports  of  Jersey Shadow Board



External Board plus CEO, EDD & Group CEO, Ports of Jersey



Digital Jersey Board



External Board plus CEO, EDD



Jersey  Business Board



External Board plus Deputy CEO, EDD



Jersey  Aircraft Registry  Working Group

To advise the Minister on the correct model for the establishment of a Jersey Aircraft registry

As necessary

Assistant  Minister,  Project  Manager,  CEO  (EDD), Deputy CEO (EDD), LOD, Law Draftsman, Treasury (Tax and GST), plus consultant and externals


Jersey  Finance Limited Board



EDD's CO, Director of Financial Services,

Education, Sport and Culture Department



Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Meeting Frequency

Job title of officers/name of organisation


Senior  Management Team

To  discuss  draft  policy,  finance,  and  the performance of the service


ESC Senior Management Team



To discuss the implementation of policy and operational matters relating to schools.


Director of ESC, Advisory staff, Primary and secondary headteachers (separate meetings)


Curriculum Council

This is a statutory group established to advise the Minister on curriculum matters in relation to schools and colleges


Minister for ESC, Director for ESC, advisory staff, plus teacher reps from early years, primary, secondary, further education


Governing Bodies

To  support  the  school,  provide  advice,  an independent  view  and  a  visible  form  of accountability for the headteacher and staff of the school

At least termly

Headteacher,  Department  Representative,  Chair  of Governors  elected  by  the  Governors,  Governors selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Governors handbook.


Fort Regent Steering Group

Ensure  there  is  an  appropriate  level  of planning, preparedness and resilience to enable an  effective  multi-agency  response  to  major emergencies which  would  have  a  significant impact on Jersey.

As required

Assistant Treasury Minister, Assistant Ministers of ESC,  Officer  from  Property  Holdings,  Chief Executive Jersey, Property Development Company, Senior  Management,  Fort  Regent,  Officer  from Treasury, Assistant Director ESC


Skills Board

To  advise  the  Skills  Executive  on  matters relating to the Skills Strategy for Jersey


Independent  Chair  and  Board  Members  appointed from  the  business  community  in  accordance  with Nolan  Principles,  Head  of  Lifelong  Learning  and Skills at ESC


Early  Years Childcare Partnership

To  promote  best  practice  in  Early  Years education and care across private and public sectors,  and  to  advise  the  Minister  on  the progress of the early years strategy.


Independent Chair, Practitioners representing various sectors, Officers representing key States departments that contribute to the early years strategy


Skills Executive

To agree, take forward and monitor the Skills


Minister for ESC, Ministers for EDD, ESC, Soc Sec,


Soc Sec)





Chief Officers of EDD, ESC, Soc Sec , Supporting officers  from  EDD,  ESC,  Soc  Sec,  Independent Chair of Skills Board



Children's  Policy Group

To coordinate policy development in relation to children and young people


Ministers for H&SS, HA and ESC, Chief Officers H&SS, HA and ESC, Executive officer to Children's Policy  Group,  Chief  Probation  Officer,  Officer representing States of Jersey Police, Other officers as required



Sports  Advisory Council

To  consider  and  distribute  grants  to  the Sporting Community for travel


Members elected from the Jersey Sports Council Assistant Director ESC



New  Town  Primary School  Working Group

Review  proposal  from  CoM  Capital  Sub- Group to invest in New Primary School in St Helier


Project Director, T&R



Sports Council

To represent sport in Jersey to the Minister for ESC


Elected  from  the  various  sporting  associations  in Jersey

 Health and Social Services



Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Meeting Frequency

Job title of officers/name of organisation


Corporate Management Executive and Corporate Management Team

To discuss departmental draft policy, finance, and the performance of the service


HSSD Corporate Directors; (HSSD Medical Directors on monthly basis)

HSSD  (Soc Sec)

Joint meeting

To discuss and review areas of work which are relevant to HSS and Soc Sec.

every 6 weeks

HSSD and Soc Sec CEO and officers as relevant to agenda

HSSD (Primary Care Body)

Joint meeting

To discuss and review areas of work which are relevant to HSS and the Primary Care Body.


HSSD  Corporate  Director  and  Primary  Care Governance Team, Primary Care Body (8 x GPs)


Sustainable  Primary Care Project Board

To  oversee  development  of  a  sustainable model for Primary Care

TBC (commencing April 2014)

HSSD  Corporate  Director  and  officers,  Social Security, Treasury & Resources; Representatives of Primary  Care  professionals  (GPs,  Dentists, Optometrists, Dentists, Community Nurses)


Transition  Plan Steering Group

To oversee the implementation of the system redesign (Transition Plan)


HSSD  CEO  and  Corporate  Directors.   HSSD Medical Directors. Treasurer and Treasury officials. CEO SSD. 2 x GP.s. Representative of Voluntary and Community Sector



Estates  Strategy Group

Review use of H&SS property

3 time a year

Director JPH AD Estates /T&R/HSS

HSSD  (Soc Sec, T&R)

Ministerial Oversight Group

Political Oversight of P82/2012  


Chief  Officers  of  HSSD,  Soc  Sec,  Treasurer, Corporate Director of System Redesign and Delivery

HSSD (Primary Care Body)

Out  of  Hours Working Group

To  develop  a  sustainable  model  for  out  of hours care


HSSD officers, GP representatives

 Home Affairs

The Home Affairs department has not included a range of cross-departmental meetings whose primary purpose is front-line partnership activity. The work of these officer groups is focussed upon business-as-usual operational work which does not impinge upon departmental policy or strategy. The department has also listed some groups where Home Affairs is not necessarily the lead department, but these have been listed to ensure they are identified.



Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Meeting Frequency

Job title of officers/name of organisation

Home Affairs (ESC, SoJP)

Firearms Law Liaison Group

Liaison in relation to matters arising out of the Firearms (Jersey) Law 2000

Ad hoc

Minister for Home Affairs; Chief Officer, Home Affairs; Executive Officer Home Affairs; Assistant Director, Education Sport and Culture; Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representative from the Comité des Connétable s; Representatives from Jersey Firearms Council; 2 independent members.

Home Affairs

Prison Board of Visitors (PBOV)

Watchdog' role in relation to the prison – reporting to the Minister for Home Affairs


Members of the PBOV (7 Jurats of the Royal Court); Prison Governor

Home Affairs

Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs)

The ICVs carry out unannounced visits to Police HQ to check on the welfare of detainees. They meet occasionally with officers from Home Affairs to discuss any issues arising.

Ad hoc

Chief Officer, Home Affairs; Executive Officer, Home Affairs; Independent Custody Visitors.

Home Affairs (Prison)

Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) Panel

To determine prisoner access to community placements and release on Home Detention Curfew

Twice per month

Prison Governor; Probation Officer; Prison Psychologist; Independent member.

Home Affairs (Prison)

Security Board

To preserve the security of the prison and prevent the commissioning of further crime.


Prison Governor; Deputy Prison Governor; Head of Operations; Head of Custodial Care; Police Liaison Officer; Customs and Immigration Liaison Officer.


Home Affairs

Criminal Justice Information Technology Group

To work towards the achievement of an integrated and unified criminal justice information system.


Chief Officer, Home Affairs; ISD Representative; Chief Probation Officer; Magistrate's Court Greffier; Director, Jersey Legal Information Board;

Head of Custodial Care, Jersey Prison Service; Director of Court Services; Representative of the Chefs de Police; Director of Criminal Justice, States of Jersey Police; Assistant Director, Customs & Immigration; Head of ICT, States of Jersey Police.

Home Affairs

Court Security and Prisoner Transport Group

Review the roles and responsibilities of Police, Prison and Court Support staff in respect of security and prisoner transport and recommend improvements where appropriate


Deputy Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police; Superintendent, States of Jersey Police; Magistrate; Chief Officer, Bailiff 's Chambers; Chief Usher, Royal Court; Building Maintenance Manager, Property Holdings; Judge, Family Division of Royal Court; Bailiff 's Judicial Secretary; Magistrate's Court Greffier; Acting Assistant Judicial Greffier (Court of Appeal); Deputy Judicial Greffier; Prison Governor; Executive Officer, Planning & Project Management, Home Affairs.

Home Affairs (Jersey Customs and Immigration Service JCIS)

Parasol Group

To discuss drugs matters of mutual interest with Officers of French Customs and the Guernsey Border Agency


Director, Law Enforcement, JCIS;

Assistant Directors, Intelligence and Investigation, JCIS; Officers from French Customs; Officers of the Guernsey Border Agency.

Home Affairs

Anti-social behaviour intervention and prevention group

To provide a collective response to emerging issues of anti-social behaviour and develop and implement ASB interventions

Ad hoc

Executive Officer, Community Safety and Criminal Justice; Chief Inspector, States of Jersey Police; Community Development Officer (Sport), ESC; Representative from Alcohol and Drugs Service; Representative from Health Promotion; Professional Adviser to Schools; Principal Youth Officer; Representative from the Honorary Police; Representative from Housing Representative from the Bridge

Home Affairs

Safer St Helier Community Partnership group

Develop community solutions to keep St Helier safe


6 Independent members from St Helier

Chief Inspector, States of Jersey Police

Executive Officer, Community Safety and Criminal Justice


Building a Safer

To create a safer environment by reducing

In 2011, this

Chief Officer, Home Affairs;


Affairs (HSS)

Society Strategy (BASS)

crime, public disorder and anti-social behaviour; to provide people with opportunities to develop their potential as active and responsible members of society; and to reduce the harm caused by drugs, alcohol and solvents.

was aligned with SP7. From 2012, a new governance structure has been agreed. Meetings to take place every 6 months.

Chief Officer, Health and Social Services; Director, Alcohol and Drugs Service;

Director of Adult Services, Health and Social Services;

Head of Health Improvement, Health and Social Services;

Executive Officer, Community Safety and Criminal Justice;

Home Affairs (SoJP, ESC, Probation)

Domestic Abuse Forum

Preventing domestic abuse and sharing best practice


Representative from the States of Jersey Police; Representative from Children's Service; Representative from Victim Support; Representative from Probation and After-Care Service; Representative from Education, Sport and Culture; Representative from the Women's Refuge; General Practitioners.

Home Affairs (SoJP, ESC, Probation)


Child protection


Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representative from Children's Service; Representative from Victim Support; Representative from Probation and After-Care Service; Representative from Education, Sport & Culture; Representative from Family Nursing;

General Practitioners.

Home Affairs (SoJP, ESC)

MASH Steering Group

Project group for safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults


Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representative from Education, Sport & Culture; Representative from Children's Service; Representative from Family Nursing.

Home Affairs (SoJP, Housing, Probation, Soc Sec, HSS)

Strategic Management Board relating to Jersey Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (JMAPPA)

Management of sex offenders, violent and other dangerous persons


Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representative from Probation and After-Care Service; Representative from Health and Social Services; Representative from Housing; Representative from Education, Sport & Culture; Representative from Social Security Department; Representative from Jersey Prison Service; Representative from the Honorary Police.

Home Affairs

Prolific Offender Management Group

Identify and actively manage prolific offenders

Ad hoc

Representatives from States of Jersey Police; Representatives from Probation and After-Care


(SoJP, Probation)





Home Affairs (SoJP, LOD)

Tripartite Financial Crime Forum

Financial crime investigation and regulatory matters


Representative from the Law Officers' Department; Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representative from Joint Financial Crimes Unit; Representative from Jersey Financial Services Commission

Home Affairs (SoJP) / Honorary Police

Honorary Tasking

Information sharing to inform operational deployment


Representatives from States of Jersey Police; Representatives from Honorary Police


Anti-Money Laundering / Combating the Financing of Terrorism Strategy Group

Considers matters of anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism

Ad hoc

Representative from Chief Minister's Department; Representative from Jersey Financial Services Commission; Representative from Joint Financial Crimes Unit; Representative from Law Officers' Department; Representative from Customs and Immigration Service; Representative from Economic Development Department.


Sanctions Forum

Consideration of sanctions matters

Ad hoc

Representative from Chief Minister's Department; Representative from Jersey Financial Services Commission; Representative from Law Officers' Department; Representative from Joint Financial Crimes Unit


Bailiff 's Panel

Event planning


Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representative from Environmental Health; Representative from Health and Safety; Representative from Fire and Rescue Service; Representative from Ambulance; Representative from Bailiff 's Office.


Road Safety Panel

Road safety


Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representative from Driver and Vehicle Standards; Driving instructors; Representative from Transport & Technical Services; Representative from Compulsory Basic Training (CBT); Representative from Hands Off' Charity; Representative from Motor Trade Federation.


Licensing Assembly



Representative from States of Jersey Police;






Representative from Bailiff 's Office


Licensing Trade Meeting



Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representatives from licensed trade and night clubs.


La Collette Flame Group

Public Safety


Representative from States of Jersey Police; Representative from Fire and Rescue Service; Representative from Ambulance; Representative from Health and Safety; Representative from Transport & Technical Services;

Representative from Jersey Gas;

Representative from Jersey Electricity.


Major Incident Gold Group

Manage response to major incidents

As required

Representatives of appropriate agencies at Chief Officer level.


Criminal Justice System Board

To have strategic oversight and keep under review and co-ordinate all legislative and other initiatives relevant to criminal justice.

Every 6 months

Bailiff ; Chief Minister; Attorney General; Minister for Home Affairs; Chief Officer, Home Affairs; Judicial Greffier; Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police; Deputy Judicial Greffier; Chief Executive of the States; Magistrate; Jurat, Royal Court; Chief Officer, Bailiff 's Chambers; Bâtonnier; Superintendent, States of Jersey Police; Representative from the Comité des Connétable s; Director of Criminal Justice, States of Jersey Police.


Criminal Justice Working Group

Responsible for the delivery of the Justice System Board objectives (see above)

Every 6 weeks

Attorney General; Chief Officer, Home Affairs; Magistrate; Magistrate's Court Greffier; Prison Governor; Director of Court Services, Judicial Greffe; Director of Criminal Division, Law Officers' Department; Head of Service, Customs and Immigration; Chief Clerk, Law Officers' Department; Chief Officer, Bailiff 's Chambers; Representative from the Honorary Police; Senior Legal Adviser to States of Jersey Police; Victim Support Representative; Director of Criminal Justice, States of Jersey Police; Deputy Judicial Greffier; Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police;

Chief Probation Officer; Jersey Advocate (Bar representative).


Integrated Offender Management Group

To ensure that best practice is achieved in the management of offenders through the commissioning of research and evaluation of outcomes.


Chief Probation Officer; Prison Governor; Director of Children's Services; Inspector, States of Jersey Police; Magistrate.



Legislation / Procedure Review Group

To act as a conduit for the consideration of all changes to legislation and procedures which affect criminal justice in Jersey


Advocate (Bar representative); Director of Criminal Division, Law Officers' Department; Magistrate; Director of Criminal Justice, States of Jersey Police.


Criminal Justice System Performance Group

To monitor the performance of the Criminal Justice system


Director of Court Services; Director of Corporate Development, States of Jersey Police; Magistrate's Court Greffier; Finance Manager, Viscount's Department; Director, Jersey Legal Information Board.


TETRA User Group

To oversee the use of the TETRA radio system

Ad hoc

Chief Officer, Home Affairs; Representative from the States of Jersey Police; General Manager, Communications Services; Representative from Jersey Ambulance Service; Representative from the Fire and Rescue Service; Representative from the Airport Fire and Rescue Service; Representative from the Honorary Police; Representative from TTS; Representative from Jersey Prison Service; Representative from TTS Parking Control




Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Meeting Frequency

Job title of officers/name of organisation


Tenants Forum

To  provide  a  key  communications  link between  States  tenants  and  the  Housing Department  and  to  consult  on,  inform  and develop policy in respect of service delivery.

6 weekly

Tenant  Forum Members (States Tenants), Housing Officers e.g. Community Liaison Officers and Head of Housing Services


JMAPPA  Strategic Management Board

To monitor the JMAPPA process, propose and review  practice  and  policy  in  relation  to managing clients posing high or very high risk of harm to people in Jersey.


Officers  from  Home  Affairs  (Police,  Probation  & Prison),  Social  Security,  Education,  Housing  & HSSD


Supported  Housing Group

To assess applications for supported housing for a vulnerable client group, manage support plans and any associated risks.


Officers/Representatives  from  the  Housing Department), HSSD, Shelter Trust, Silkworth Lodge, Probation


16-25yr  old Supported  Housing

To develop an additional facility of supported accommodation for vulnerable 16-25 yr olds –

2 monthly

Officers/Representatives  from  HSSD,  Housing, Social Security, Shelter, Youth Service



Project Team

linked to report endorsed by CPG and Children

& Young People's Strategic Framework




Autism  Strategy Group

Deliver the Strategy for the support of people on  the  Autistic  Spectrum  and  people  with associated  development  disorder/complex needs in Jersey 2012-2015


Offers/Representatives  from  HSSD,  Housing Department, Autism Jersey, Social Security & Home Affairs


Anti-Social Behaviour Intervention Group

To bring a coordinated response to hot spots of anti-social behaviour within the Island


Officers  of  the  Housing  Dept,  Home  Affairs,  SoJ Police, Honorary Police, HSSD & ESC.

Department of Environment



Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Frequency of meetings

Job title of officers/name of organisation


Abattoir User Group

Monitor  and  advise  on  operations  to  ensure continued efficiency and value for money

3  times  per annum

Director  EMRE,  Senior  Livestock  Advisor,  States Vet,  Abattoir  Manager  from  TTS  and  Industry stakeholders


Administrative licensing  groups including  FEPA Board  and  fisheries licensing panel

To  make  recommendations  to  the  Minister relating to the issue of licences in respect of fishing in French waters, using specific fishing methods  and  managing  dredging,  marine dumping, etc.


Environment  Director  and  4  members  of  marine resources team are involved in such meetings, often sitting as experts.


British Irish Council

-  Energy  work stream  -  Grid Infrastructure

To  strengthen  and  consolidate  ongoing  co- operation  and  the  exchange  of  information, experience and best practice between Member Administrations on issues of grid connectivity

½ yearly

Director for Environmental Policy and reps of other BIC administrations


British Irish Council

-  Energy  work stream  -  Renewable Energy

To  strengthen  and  consolidate  ongoing  co- operation  and  the  exchange  of  information, experience and best practice between Member Administrations on issues of marine renewable energy

½ yearly

Director for Environmental Policy and reps of other BIC administrations


British Irish Council

– Environment work stream

To  strengthen  and  consolidate  ongoing  co- operation  and  the  exchange  of  information, experience and best practice between Member Administrations  on  issues  pertaining  to  the Environment

½ yearly

Director for Environment and subject specialist, and reps of other BIC administrations



British-Irish  Council Collaborative Spatial Planning  work stream

To  strengthen  and  consolidate  ongoing  co- operation  and  the  exchange  of  information, experience and best practice between Member Administrations  on  spatial  and  territorial matters

½ yearly

Director of Planning Policy and reps of other BIC administrations


Countryside Enhancement Scheme Panel

To  decide  and  agree  on  allocation  of Countryside Enhancement Grants


CEO of EDD, EMRE Director, Principle Ecologist, CEO of RJAHS and Industry stakeholders.


Channel  Island Renewable  Energy Forum

To share knowledge across the Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey in respect of renewable energy development and deployment

Approx  4  pa and  one political summit pa

Officer  -  Director  for  Environmental  Policy  from Jersey.  Similar  attendance  from  representative officers from Guernsey, Sark and Alderney. Political representatives  are  Minister  for  Planning  and  the Environment  and  the  Chairman  of  the  Renewable Energy Commission (see below) from Jersey. Sark are represented by a member of the Chief Pleas and Guernsey  by  the  Minister  for  Commerce  and Employment


Dairy  industry liaison group

Liaison  between  Government,  (EDD  and Environment) and senior representatives of the Island's dairy industry.

6 monthly

Environment  Director,  EMRE  Director,  Livestock Advisor and senior members of dairy industry


Eco-Active  States  – project team

Officer working team to ensure co-ordination between the Eco-Active States Programme and other  related  areas  of  work  within procurement, TTS and the JPH energy project.

c.6 per annum

Officers  -  Senior  Policy  Manager  and Eco-Active Programme  manager  from  DoE.  Representatives from JPH energy project, TTS – transport and waste.


Energy  Policy Political  Steering Group

To bring together key political stakeholders in the development of the Energy Policy


Minister for Planning and Environment, Director of Environment, Chief Executive Officer, Director for Environmental  Policy,  Treasury  Minister,  Minister for EDD, Minster for TTS


Ecology  Trust  Fund (ETF)

The Ecology Trust fund was created in 1991 with  funds  from  an  insurance  payment  for compensation from the oil tanker, the 'Amoco Cadiz', disaster. The funds were invested and the interest generated is granted to applicants for "ecological purposes". Minister decided in 2012 to continue with this group in the existing format.

Meetings  take place  ad  hoc, when applications to the  fund  have been received

The Board of Trustees comprises 5 (including the Chair) members recommended by the Minister for Planning & Environment and approved by the States. It is chaired by a States Member who is appointed by the  Minister  for  Planning  &  Environment  and approved by the States. Members should serve for no more than 10 years. The current members:

Deputy Anne Pryke (Chair - appointed 2006), Mr James Maxwell Allen, Mr Frances Binney, Mr Jerry Neil, Dr Amy Hall .

The  current  Executive  Officer  is  the   Principal






Ecologist,  Department  of  the  Environment, supported by a Natural Environment Officer


Fisheries  Technical Working Groups

To provide management advice on particular commercially important stocks in the Bay of Granville

As required

Marine  and  Coastal  Manager,  Marine  Scientist, Scientists from IFREMER


Health  and Environment Strategy meetings

Meetings to assess at strategic and operational level  where  synergies  lie  between  Health Protection (HSSD) and the Department of the Environment


Environment  Director  and  Director  for  Health protection Jersey / Guernsey


Jersey  Architecture Commission (JAC)

To  provide  independent,  informed  design critique  of  major  development  schemes  to assist  the  Minister  and  the  Planning Applications Panel in decision-making, where the  design  and  architecture  of  schemes  is  a material  planning  consideration.  Also  offers advice in relation to the preparation of site- specific  development  briefs  for  the development of States-owned land set out in the Island Plan. Minister decided in 2012 to continue with this group in the existing format.


The panel commission is made up of up to eight formally-appointed Commissioners, made up of local industry experts.

Three  commissioners  attend  as  a  minimum;  the maximum attendance is set at four members.


Jersey  Biodiversity Partnership

Set  up  in  2006  for  the  purpose  of implementing a range of action plans designed to target those species and habitats which are considered  to  be  threatened,  or  in  need  of special  attention  and  to provide  a  range  of strategies and targets for their conservation.


Action for Wildlife Jersey, C.S Conservation, Durrell Wildlife  Conservation  Trust,  Guernsey  Biological Record  Centre,  Jersey  Amphibian  and  Reptile Group, Jersey Barn Owl Network, Jersey Bat Group, Jersey Hedgehog Preservation Group, Jersey Trees for  Life,  JSPCA,  Little  Green  Man,  New  Era Veterinary Hospital, Société Jersiaise, St Helier in Bloom St Martin in Bloom, The National Trust for Jersey


Jersey  Energy  Trust (JET)

Established  under  MD-PE-2009-0114  to provide  oversight  of  the  Energy  Efficiency Service.

6 per annum

Officers – Chief Exec & Dep. Chief Exec of P&E, Director of Env. Policy, Energy Efficiency Service Programme Manager. External members –Sir Nigel Broomfield  (Chair),  Andrea  Cook  OBE,  Chris Ambler and David Lord


Joint  Advisory Committee

Established  under  international  agreement between UK and France concerning Fishing in the Bay of Granville. To discuss all aspects of commercial fishing and fish stocks, including

3 per year

Assistant Director Marine Resources.

Other  marine  resources  officers  depending  on agenda. Fisheries  Association  members  from Normandie and Brittany.




scientific. To recommend to the JMC measures needed  to  research  and  implement management regimes.




Joint  Jersey  Water meeting

Enable discussion and joint working to ensure the  Island's  water  supply  is  maintained (specifically ref pollution, over abstraction and drought situations)

1/4  yearly alternating


Officers of DoE, Chief Engineer and Officers Jersey Water


Joint  Management Committee (JMC)

Established  under  international  agreement between UK and France concerning Fishing in the Bay of Granville. To receive reports and make recommendations to the governments of Jersey and France relating to the management and  regulation  of  commercial  fishing  in  the Bay of Granville

2 per year

Assistant Director Marine Resources.

Other  marine  resources  officers  depending  on agenda.  Representative  from  Chief Ministers Dept and French Government Officials


La  Collette  Hazards Review Group

Specific threats and solutions to La Collette


Environment  Director  or  Delegate,  members  of emergency  services,  fuel  supply  companies,  states departments, occupying land at La Collette


Marine  Climate Change  Impact Partnership  Steering Group (UK)

To  provide  evidence  and  advice  on  climate change in the marine environment

2 per year

Marine and Coastal Manager, Representatives from UK and DA governments and NGOs


Marine  Resources Panel

For  stakeholders  in  the  marine  resource  to make recommendations to the Minister on the management  of  the  marine  resource  (fish, habitats and living aquatic resources).

6 per year

Panel currently under review, but generally attended by:

Director  (varies),  Assistant  Director  Marine Resources. Other marine resource officers depending on agenda. Representative from Jersey Harbours and Industry and stakeholders.


Oil Care Group

Facilitate  discussion  and  joint  working  to reduce oil pollution in Jersey.


Officers of DoE and members of the Island's fuel suppliers, heating engineers, plumbers.


Planning Applications Panel

States members appointed by the Minister for Planning  and  Environment  to  review  and support the planning applications process


7 States members


Rural  Initiative Scheme Group

To  decide  and  agree  allocation  of  grants  in order to assist the diversification and growth of the rural economy


Director  EMRE,  Assistant  CEO  of  EDD,  JCRA, members of the public


Ramsar  /  N2K Steering Group (UK)

To provide advice on management of marine protected areas (MPAs)

2 per year

Marine and Coastal Manager, Representatives from UK and DA governments and NGOs


Ramsar Management

To  produce  and  implement  the  management

As required

Director  of  Environment,  Marine  and  Coastal



Authority  / Committee

plans for Jersey's Ramsar Sites


Manager,  Representatives  from  TTS,  ESC,  PoJ, Parishes and NGOs


Renewable  Energy Commission

-  (formerly  Tidal Power  Commission and  Tidal  Power Group)

Established under MD-PE-2009-0093 to carry out  investigations  into  the  potential  for Renewable Energy for Jersey and advise the Minister

Approx  4  pa. Group mandated  to 2013

Officer support – Director of Environmental Policy, Constable Grouville (Chair), Sir Nigel Broomfield, Alick McIntosh, Mike Liston.


States  Emergency Planning Board

Strategic  Chief  Officer  /  Director  group considering major island threats.


Environment  Director  or  Delegate  and representatives  of  emergency  services  and  other states department


Technical  Advisory Group (England/Wales)

To  provide  advice  on  marine  and  fisheries management

2 per year

Marine  Scientist,  representatives  from  Inshore Fisheries  and  Conservation  Authorities  and Government

Social Security



Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Frequency  of meetings

Job title of officers/name of organisation

Social Security

Get  People  Into Work  Taskforce  - Officers

 Strategic priority – continue to develop,

progress and monitor.


Chief Officers, SSD, ESC, EDD Director of Corporate Policy, Chief Internal Auditor, Economic Advisor, Operations Director SSD

Social Security

Housing Adaptations Grants Assessment Panel

Assess applications for grants from people with disabilities for adaptations to homes that are privately rented or owned

When required  to consider applications

SSD Finance Manager, H&SS Head of OT Services & external member

Social Security

Senior Management meeting

To discuss draft policy, finance & operational performance.


SSD Chief Officer, SSD Directors, Assistant Director States HR,ISD Senior Business Partner

Social Security

Pharmaceutical Benefit  Advisory Committee

Statutory body responsible for making recommendations to the SS Minister for the inclusion or deletion of products from the Approved List of Pharmaceutical Preparations


Chair, MOH, Chief Pharmacist General Hospital, SSD officer, SSD Pharmaceutical Advisor, 3 medical practitioners and 2 approved suppliers, secretary

Social Security

Social  Security Advisory Council

Statutory independent body to provide advice on Social Security issues to the SS Minister


Chairman and between 4 and 8 external members



Review of draft health and safety


Director of Health and Safety. 6 representatives



working  party forum

legislation affecting the construction industry

monthly between April

&  August 2013

nominated by the Jersey Construction Council


Skills Board

To advise the Skills Executive on matters relating to the Skills Strategy for Jersey


Independent Chair and Board Members appointed from within the business community in accordance with Nolan Principles, Head of Lifelong Learning and Skills at ESC


GP Central Server

The GP Central Services project will deliver a central repository to store Electronic Healthcare Primary Care Record for all Jersey residents.


Senior officers from SSD, H&SS, Public Health, Data Protection and the Primary Care Body.


Health  Benefits Advisory Panel

To provide guidance on activity that can result in a medical benefit claim from the HIF


Director of Primary Care Governance team, Director of Contributions, Enforcement & Contributory Benefits SSD, Policy Principal Health, Manager Health & Pensions, Manager of Healthzone, 2 x PCB (Primary Care Body)


Long  Term  Care Steering group

Joint meeting to manage & review implementation of inter-departmental process and systems changes associated with the new Long Term Care benefit


Senior officers from SSD and HSSD

Treasury & Resources



Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Meeting Frequency

Job title of officers/name of organisation


Tax Strategy Group

To discuss strategic tax issues on policy and administrative matters


Internal only. Treasurer. Director, Tax Policy. Interim Comptroller of Taxes.

Deputy Comptrollers. Director, GST.

Deputy Director Tax Policy. Tax policy senior managers

T&R, EDD, Housing

High net worth steering group

To discuss tax and non-tax policy matters relating to Jersey's high net worth offering

Monthly during 2011

Internal only. Director, Tax Policy. Director, Population Office. Comptroller of Taxes. Director, High Value Residency


Double Tax Agreement Advisory Group

To discuss the double tax agreement policy.

Ad-hoc. Established 2012

Director, Tax Policy. Heads of tax of local external bodies


Income Tax

Determine forecast of Income Tax revenues for

Between two

Treasurer of the States. Comptroller of Taxes. Head



Forecasting Group

planning/budgeting purposes.

and five times a year

of Financial Planning. Economic Advisor. Economist. Finance Director of Taxes Office


Tax Strategy Group

Taxes Office and Tax Policy Unit to review tax strategy issues.


Comptroller of Taxes. Deputy Comptrollers of Taxes. Director of GST. Director of Tax Transformation Program. Tax Policy Unit


Taxes Transformation Programme Steering Group

Oversee implementation of the Tax Transformation Programme


Treasurer of the States. Comptroller of Taxes. Head of Service - Customs and Immigration. Chief Officer of Social Security. Director Tax Transformation Program. Director Tax Policy Unit Deputy Comptroller of Taxes. Head of Policy at Social Security


Technical Working Group

To develop options for further consideration on changes to the Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (PECRS) to ensure it is affordable, sustainable, and fair for the long term.

Ad hoc

Treasurer, Director of Accounting Services, Project Director (Pensions), Head of Dedicated Pensions Unit, Chair of Committee of Management, 3 other members of Committee of Management


Insurance Risk Forum and Insurance Group

  1. To monitor the insurable risk management controls and performance of all participants within the States of Jersey insurance group boundary cover arrangements.
  2. To investigate and improve all areas of insurable risk management within the States of Jersey (e.g. Health and Safety, Business Continuity Management, etc.)


All States Departments & States of Jersey External Risk Consultants


Treasury Advisory Panel

Provide advice to the Minister and Treasurer on the following matters.

  • Fund Investment Strategies
  • Investment performance
  • Appointment and dismissal of IM
  • Currency and Interest rate exposure
  • Other Advice

Minimum quarterly

Minister / Deputy Minister for T&R, Independent Chairman & Treasurer of the States


Charitable Funds Oversight Board

Review the continuing operations of certain Charitable Funds.

Recommend potential changes to Fund operations where appropriate

Bi annual

Treasurer of the States, Head of Investment Management & Charitable Funds


Finance Advisory Board

Discuss high-level financial management matters which affect all Departments


Treasurer of the States. All Departmental Finance Directors. Other senior T&R officers



Financial Management and Reporting Group

Discuss detailed financial management matters which affect all Departments


One finance officer from each States department


Senior Management Team

Discuss matters relating to T&R Department


Treasurer of the States. Various senior T&R officers


Police Relocation Group

Provide Treasury input to the Police Relocation Group

Attendance when called by the Project Manager

Various senior T&R officers


States of Jersey Investments Limited statutory meetings

Meetings of the Directors of the company. This company holds the Jersey Post and Jersey Telecom Investments


Head of Shareholder Relations / Treasurer of the States / Deputy Treasurer and Chief Officer of Social Security

T&R - Procurement

Procurement Transformation Board

Promote Procurement throughout SOJ and make CSR savings


Treasurer of the States. CO DofE. CO of TTS. Director of Strategic Procurement. Director of Accounting Services. Project Support Officer

T&R - Procurement

H&SS Savings Group

Deliver and monitor CSR savings in H&SS


Director of Strategic Procurement. Director of Finance and Information, H&SS. Director of Accounting Services. Category Manager for H&SS. Programme Manager CSR for H&SS. Project support Officer

T&R - Procurement

ESC Procurement Group

Co-ordinate Procurement throughout ESC.


Category Manager for Professional Services. Sports and Facilities Manager. Assistant Finance Director for ESC. Finance Manager for ESC. Project support Officer

T&R - Procurement

Travel working Group

Implement the new Travel Management co throughout SOJ


Category Manager for Professional Services

2 representatives from HRG. Office Manager - Schools and Colleges. PA To Chief Officer Scrutiny Administrator

T&R - Procurement

Managed Print Board

Implement managed Print throughout SOJ.


Director of Strategic Procurement. Category Manager for Professional Services. 3 representatives from Danwood. CO of DoE

Senior Manager – BSG IS. Director of Accounting Services

T&R - Procurement

P2P project Board

Implement new P2P throughout SOJ


Director of Strategic Procurement. Projects Director. Enterprise Systems Manager. Senior Manager –ESG IS. Director of Finance and Information for H&SS. Assistant Finance Director for ESC. Head of Financial Processing Shared Serv. Director of






Accounting Services. P2P Functional Manager

T&R - Procurement

Health & Safety Group

Ensure T&R is compliant with policy

6 weekly

Director of Strategic Procurement. Programme and Business Manager

Vault and Support Services Manager

Processing and Controls Administrator

HR Manager



JPH Management Forum


Director JPH Assistant Directors, Finance Director


Backlog Maintenance Working Group

Backlog  Maintenance  Prioritisation  and Monitoring


Director JPH AD FM, HSS


Office Rationalisation Project Board

Office Accommodation Strategy

As diarised

Director  JPH  AD  Estates  and  AD  Capital /CMD/T&R


Police  Relocation Steering Group

Police relocation

As diarised

AD  Asset  Management,  Head  of  Capital/Home Affairs/CMD


Fort Regent Steering Group

Future of Fort Regent

As diarised

Director JPH ESC/T&R/SoJDC


Bus Contract Project Board

New bus contract

Bi Monthly

AD Asset Management TTS/CMD


H&SS  Staff Accommodation Working Group

Improve  allocation  of  accommodation  for H&SS key workers

As diarised

Director,  Information  &  Business  Services Manager/T&R/JPH/Housing/HSS


Transformation Programme  -  FM&I Project

Development  of  energy  issues  within  JPH maintenance delivery model


AD - FM, Principal Building Services Manager, Energy Manager/ T&R/ Environment


Corporate Heath and Safety  Steering  and Implementation Groups

Policy setting and Implementation

As diarised

AD Business Planning /Various representatives from other depts


Insurance  Risk Forum

Mitigation of insurance risks

As diarised

AD Business Planning /Various representatives from other depts


P2P  Extended Project Group

Consultation around the P2P project

As diarised

AD Business Planning /Various representatives from other depts

Transport and Technical Services



Name of Group

Brief Description of remit

Meeting Frequency

Job title of officers/name of organisation


Senior  Management Team

To discuss Ministerial Decisions and matters relating to the TTS Department.


- Chief Officer for TTS

- Director of Transport for TTS

- Director of Engineering and Infrastructure for TTS

- - - -

Director of Finance for TTS

Director of Operations for TTS

Project and Planning Manager for TTS Senior Human Resources Manager for TTS


Liquid  Waste Strategy  Ministerial Oversight Group

To  provide  political  direction,  support  and challenge to the Liquid Waste Strategy.


- Chief Executive

- Chief Minister

- Treasurer of the States

- Chief Officer for TTS

- Minister for TTS

- Director of Finance for TTS

- Director of Operations for TTS

- Minister for Treasury and Resources

- Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources

- Chief Officer for Planning and Environment

- Minister for Planning and Environment

- Director for Environment / Deputy Chief Officer for Planning and Environment

- -

Assistant Director Drainage Infrastructure Constable of St Brelade


St  Aubin  Project Board

Oversight of village improvement scheme.

As required

Director  of  Infrastructure,  Director  of  Transport, Connétable  Pallet,   Deputy  Young,  Community Representatives


St  Mary's  Project Board

Oversight of village improvement scheme.

As required

Director of Transport, Connétable Gallichan, Deputy Le Bailly, Parish Centenier


St  John's  Project Board

Oversight of village improvement scheme.

As required

Director  of  Transport,   Connétable  Rondel,  Parish Roads  Committee  Representatives,  Parish






Committee Rural Representative


St  Lawrence  Project Board

Oversight of village improvement scheme.

As required

Director  of  Transport,   Connétable   Mezbourian , Deputy Noel, Deputy Le Fondré


Bus  Strategy Political  Steering Group

Political Steering Group.

As required

Minister for TTS, Connétable Gallichan, Connétable Mezbourian , Deputy Herrisier, Deputy Reid


Road Safety Panel

Road safety.


TTS, Home Affairs, Health Officers and Community Representatives


Road Safety Strategy

Road Safety Strategy.

As required

Manager of Transport Policy, Chief Officer Home Affairs, Home Affairs Officers


Active  Travel Strategy

Active travel.

As required

TTS, Health, Education and Environment Officers


Cycle  Promotion Events

Promote sustainable travel.

As required

TTS, Health, Environment and Education Officers


Eastern  Cycle Network

Eastern cycle network development.

As required

Assistant Minister for TTS, Director of Transport, Deputy   Labey ,   Grouville  Community Representatives


Town Team

Economic development of Town.

As required

Parish of St Helier, Chamber of Commerce, EDD and TTS Officers