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Number of political and Ministerial oversight groups established since November 2014

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Could the Chief Minister detail the number of political and ministerial oversight groups established since November 2014, their terms of reference and the date which they began their roles?


To ensure that Strategic Plan priorities are advanced, two new ministerial groups have been established:

  • Future St Helier Ministerial Oversight Group (established in February 2015)
  • Economic Policy Political Oversight Group (established in October 2015)

In addition, two existing ministerial groups (the Children's Policy Group and the Vulnerable Adults Policy Group) were merged to form the Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy Group in September 2015. This recognised the importance of the transition between childhood and adulthood; and that vulnerable children and adults can form part of the same family group. Having a single ministerial group enables policy to better deal with this transition and with families as a whole.

The terms of reference, including ministerial membership, of the above groups are outlined below.

A list of all other ministerial groups is also provided. This list will be maintained, ensuring that all these groups are properly constituted by the Council of Ministers.

Economic Policy Group

To improve the coordination of economic policy formulation and to oversee its implementation.

This covers all the responsibilities set out the Strategic Plan 2015-18 priority "Optimising Economic Growth", with a particular emphasis on policy that will help to raise the underlying rate of productivity and economic growth.

Ministerial Membership:

  • Chief Minister (Chair)
  • Assistant Chief Ministers
  • Minister for Treasury and Resources
  • Minister for Economic Development
  • Minister for Social Security
  • Minister for Education, Sport and Culture

The Minister for External Relations attends as appropriate. Future St Helier Ministerial Oversight Group

The 2011 Island Plan sets out an overarching vision for the development and regeneration of the Town of St Helier:

To create a vibrant, compact and characterful town that is worthy of its role as Jersey's capital and principal settlement, with an economically sustainable future and which offers the highest quality of life for its communities.

The strategic policy context is established and clear (as outlined in the Strategic Plan 2015 – 2018).

What needs to happen is for the vision for the town to be properly tested and reviewed by those who live and have an interest in the town. It needs to be translated into a series of objectives and actions to address the challenges that the town faces. There is a need to turn policy into action to deliver what the town needs.

Ministerial Membership:

  • Minister for Planning and Environment (Chair)
  • Minister for Transport and Technical Services
  • Minister for Housing
  • Minister for Education, Sport and Culture
  • Connétable of St Helier

Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy Group

Responsibilities, which are formally designated to it by the Council of Ministers, include to:

  1. Provide political oversight with regard to safeguarding:
  1. Formally receive the Serious Case Reviews (SCR) commissioned and undertaken by the Safeguarding Partnership Boards (SPB), in order to:
  1. Consider and adopt relevant recommendations
  2. Working in partnership with the SPB to oversee and monitor delivery of recommendations
  3. Reporting SCR findings and recommendations to Council of Ministers (COM) as appropriate.
  1. Formally receive the Annual Report and business plan of the SPB prior to presentation to COM and publication
  1. Advise and support relevant Ministers on policy and legislative matters in order to facilitate a joined up approach with regard to children and vulnerable adults This will include providing political oversight and lead for all key activities/strategies as detailed below.
  2. Work pro-actively with each other, other Departments, States funded services, Parochial Authorities, and other external organisations, to help ensure the provision of cohesive, effective services
  3. Provide strategic advice to the Council of Ministers and States Assembly on matters relating to those children and adults including their families/carers
  4. Advise and contribute to propositions to the States Assembly, and the formal consultation processes, in order to ensure that the impact on children and adults is taken into account.

This does not including making decisions on operational or funding matters which are the responsibility of the executive. Whilst the Ministers will act collaboratively to discharge their responsibilities each Minister retains their own statutory obligations as set out in Law.

The Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy Group will have responsibility for key areas of activity/strategies with particular focus on:

  • Safeguarding
  • Legal and policy matters relating to the family
  • Children and Young People's Strategic Framework
  • 1001 Days/Early Help
  • Building a Safer Society Strategy (BASS)
  • Disability strategy
  • Relevant international conventions, as determined by the Ministers
  • Violence against women and girls – Istanbul Convention
  • Others, as delegated, by COM, or as determined by individual Ministers

Ministerial Membership:

  • Assistant Chief Minister (Chair)
  • Minister for Health and Social Services
  • Minister for Home Affairs
  • Minister for Housing
  • Minister for Social Security
  • Minister for Education, Sport and Culture

Full Listing of existing Ministerial Groups

For completeness, the following is a full listing of the existing ministerial groups that serve the requirement under paragraph 7 of the "Code of Conduct and Practice for Ministers and Assistant Ministers".

Paragraph 7:

It is the responsibility of the proposing Minister to ensure that a matter is brought before the Council, and to have discussed the matter with other relevant Ministers in advance of the Council meeting, including having attempted to resolve any policy differences with those Ministers  before  the  matter  is  considered  by  the  Council.  Wherever  possible,  these discussions should take place through ministerial groups established by the Council to provide the fullest opportunity for policy matters to be considered.




Meeting Frequency (approximate)

Access to Justice Review Advisory Panel

Assistant Chief Minister (Chair), Assistant Home Affairs Minister, and selected States Members

As necessary

Alcohol and Licensing Policy Group

Assistant Chief Minister (Chair), Economic Development Minister, Health and Social Services Minister, Home Affairs Minister


Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy Group

Assistant Chief Minister (Chair), Health and Social Services Minister, Home Affairs Minister, Housing Minister, Social Security Minister, Education, Sport and Culture Minister

Every 6 weeks

Criminal Justice System Board

Bailiff (Chair), Chief Minister, Home Affairs Minister


Economic Policy Group

Chief Minister (Chair), Treasury and Resources Minister, Economic Development Minister, Social Security Minister, Education, Sport and Culture Minister, Assistant Chief Ministers


Financial Services and External Relations Advisory Group

Chief Minister (Chair), Deputy Chief Minister, Assistant Chief Minister, External Relations Minister, Economic Development Minister, Treasury and Resources Minister, Assistant Treasury and Resources Minister


Fort Regent Steering Group

Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources (Chair) (JPH), Assistant Ministers for Education, Sport and Culture

As necessary


Future St Helier Ministerial Oversight Group

Planning and Environment Minister (Chair), Transport and Technical Services Minister, Housing Minister, Education, Sport and Culture Minister, Connétable of St Helier

Every 6 weeks

Health Transformation Ministerial Oversight Group

Chief Minister (Chair), Assistant Chief Minister, Health and Social Services Minister, Social Security Minister, Treasury and Resources Minister, Assistant Ministers for Health and Social Services, Treasury and Resources and Social Security


Housing and Work Advisory Group

Assistant Chief Minister (Chair), Assistant Economic Development Minister, Housing Minister, Social Security Minister

Every 2 weeks

Ministerial Oversight Group on Education

Education, Sport and Culture Minister (Chair), Chief Minister, Social Security Minister, Treasury and Resources Minister, Economic Development Minister, Education Sport and Culture Assistant Ministers

As necessary

Political Oversight Group on Reform

Chief Minister (Chair), Treasury and Resources Minister, Assistant Chief Minister, Assistant Treasury and Resources Minister (JPH), Constable of Trinity , Education, Sport and Culture Minister, Planning and Environment Minister


Regeneration Steering Group

Chief Minister (Chair), Treasury and Resources Minister, Economic Development Minister, Transport and Technical Services Minister, Connétable of St Helier, Housing Minister


Rural Executive Group

Planning and Environment Minister (Chair), Economic Development Minister, Planning and Environment Assistant Minister, Economic Development Assistant Minister

Every 2 months

Strategic Housing Group

Housing Minister (Chair), Assistant Chief Minister, Planning and Environment Minister, Treasury and Resources Minister, Health & Social Services Minister
