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The offer of an inshore boat to the Fire and Rescue Service by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution

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12 Senator S.C. Ferguson of the Minister for Home Affairs regarding the offer of an

inshore boat to the Fire and Rescue Service by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution: [OQ.50/2018]

Will the Minister, or the Assistant Minister rather, advise whether the Fire and Rescue Service has been offered the donation of a new R.I.B. (Rescue Inshore Boat), or inshore boat, from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution; if so, will she explain whether the offer has been accepted and, if it has been accepted, why?

Connétable D.W. Mezbourian of St. Lawrence (Assistant Minister for Home Affairs -


There is an inshore rescue boat in service now that was purchased from the R.N.L.I. in 2008. That is due to be replaced within the next 12 months and the R.N.L.I. D-class lifeboat has been identified as the most suitable replacement. Although the full specification and cost has not yet been agreed, it will be funded from the existing Jersey Fire and Rescue Service equipment management budget. I can confirm to the Senator therefore that the Jersey Fire and Rescue Service has not been offered the donation of a new R.I.B. or inshore boat from the R.N.L.I.

3.12.1  Senator S.C. Ferguson:

Yes, so that the Fire and Rescue Service will be paying for this boat and how much will they be paying?

The Connétable of St. Lawrence :

I just said the final spec and cost has not yet been identified but an indicative cost of the new model IB1 boat is estimated at £40,000.

Senator S.C. Ferguson:

I thank the Assistant Minister for her answer.