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Closure of Rue de Maupertuis

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Will the Minister explain the rationale for the closure of Rue de Maupertuis as an experiment and state the reason the experiment needs to be for a period of 12 months; and will he provide an assurance that local residents will be fully consulted on the future use of the road after the 12-month period is completed?


The appended appraisal methodology statement to this response outlines the rationale for the closure of Rue de Maupertuis, and the general approach that will be undertaken for the trial.

Closing the road for a period of twelve months allows traffic patterns to settle down and become established, enable the organisation and collection of surveys in a traffic-neutral month and to carry out any analysis and consultation following the results of the trial closure.

This trial is being initiated following extensive consultation with the local community and schools, in collaboration with the Parish of St Clement. A copy of the consultation report and materials is appended to this response.

Following the completion of the trial, Growth, Housing and Environment will make a recommendation to the Parish of St Clement (who administer the road) as to whether or not the trial should be made permanent.

Appendix A – Appraisal Methodology Statement TD 15.05.18 FINAL ISSUED Appendix B –Consultation Report 12052017

Department for Infrastructure   Technical Note

Title  St Clement Safer Routes to School: Appraisal Methodology Statement Version  1.2

Date  15 May 2018


Prepared By



Rob Hayward


Checked By



Tristen Dodd

File Location


\\ois\sojdata\PSD\Transport\Transport Policy\2016 Schemes\Maupertuis ped




improvements\Appraisal Methodology Statement TD 15.05.18 FINAL






1.1.1.  This technical note outlines the Department for Infrastructure's (DfI) methodology for appraising proposed highways safety interventions at locations in St Clement.

Site Location

1.2.1.  A map indicating the locations of the proposed interventions is provided in Figure 1. Figure 1 – Scheme Locations

La Rue du Maupertuis Intervention 1 (Trial)

Rue de Samares  La Rue de Intervention 2  Pontlietaut

Intervention 3

Document Purpose

  1. DfI are the promoter of Safer Routes to School and are undertaking a trial closure of Rue du Maupertuis to determine whether an intervention should become permanent. This trial will be based on an assessment of the benefits afforded to vulnerable road users through the implementation of the scheme. Consideration will also be given to the potential impact in

neighbouring areas. This includes an assessment for the likelihood for potential increases in accidents brought about by displaced traffic.

  1. There are three interventions detailed in Figure 1 above, however the focus of this note is aligned towards appraising the effect of a trial of Intervention 1.
  2. The locations of the proposed interventions are on Parish Roads, which fall under the administration of the Parish of St Clement. Therefore the purpose of this document is to set out the basis upon which any future recommendation to the Parish will be formed.
  3. This document has been prepared to outline the intended appraisal methodology for the proposed road safety interventions. By setting out the methodology it clarifies what performance indicators will be used to measure the scheme outcomes.

Intervention 1: Rue Du Maupertuis

  1. This intervention involves the trial closure of Rue de Maupertuis by installing planters (or bollards) near the two right-angle bends in the road, located to the east of Willow Cottage. This will effectively turn Rue du Maupertuis into a no-through road for vehicular traffic.
  2. Access will be maintained for premises along the route.
  3. Access for pedestrians, cyclists (using either manual bicycles, pedelecs or ebikes) and mobility scooters will remain as per the current arrangement.

Intervention 2: La Rue de Samares / La Rue de la Croix / Rue du

Maupertuis Junction

  1. This intervention consists of installing a complete suite of improvements from Le Rocquier to Maupertuis Lane, comprising of a number of raised tables.
  2. This feature is intended to be permanent.

Intervention 3: La Rue de Pontlietaut

  1. This intervention consists of a group of raised tables, installed at three locations La Rue de Pontlietaut.
  2. This intervention does not change the access arrangements for properties along this route.
  3. This feature is intended to be permanent.

Scheme Aims

  1. The interventions have been designed, to improve the quality and safety of walking and cycling routes to and from Le Rocquier, St Christopher's and St Clements Schools. Theprimary aim is to make walking and cycling to school safer and more attractive.
  1. These interventions align with wider States of Jersey policies such as Future Jersey, the Island Plan and the Sustainable Transport Policy in promoting walking and cycling modes of transport above private car use and reducing the risk of road traffic collisions.
  2. Promoting walking and cycling will contribute towards an uptake in active travel and will realise wider health benefits to the population in Jersey.
  3. The benefits of the interventions will be assessed using the methodology outlined in 2.2. Measuring the benefits

Road Safety Assessment by Qualified Road Safety Auditor

  1. A comparison of the existing road layout and the benefits achieved through the trial intervention.
  2. This will involve an appropriately qualified independent Road Safety Auditor (MSoRSA qualified or equivalent – Member of Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation's Society of Road Safety Auditors) undertaking a Road Safety Assessment of the proposed scheme.
  3. The auditor will be appropriately qualified to the level outlined in DfI's Road Safety Audit Policy, which broadly mirrors the UK standard HD 19/15 document.
  4. The auditor will complete a review of the intervention and produce a recommendation as to how the intervention is anticipated to impact on the overall level of risk in the area, with respect to all highway users.
  5. If, in the opinion of the qualified road safety auditor the overall level of risk (of collisions) has decreased following the intervention then the scheme will be regarded as successfully fulfilling its intended aims. Conversely, if in the opinion of the qualified road safety auditor the overall level of risk (of collisions) has not decreased following the intervention then the scheme will not be regarded as successfully fulfilling its intended aims
  6. If the opinion of the independent auditor is that the quality of the in-lane environment has improved with respect to highway safety, the scheme will be regarded as successfully fulfilling its intended aims. Conversely, if in the opinion of the qualified road safety auditor the quality of the in-lane environment has not improved following the intervention then the scheme will not be regarded as successfully fulfilling its intended aims
  7. The independent auditor will be asked to consider the wider context of the proposals and whether displaced vehicles are thought to significantly increase the level of traffic risk on neighbouring roads.

Number of Users

Pedestrians and Cyclists

  1. Surveys will be undertaken to measure the number of users before and after the closure. These will be conducted during term time for an average dryday as there is more potential for journeys to be made via walking and cycling modes when the prevailing weather conditions are favourable.
  1. The surveys will pay particular attention to the period including the beginning and end of the school day when evaluating the outcome. This data will be passed onto the independent auditor for the purpose of the assessment detailed above.
  2. If the number of users has increased following the installation of the scheme it will be reasoned that the scheme has had a beneficial effect on the amount of people walking and cycling


  1. Traffic counts will be undertaken in La Rue de Samares in the northbound and southbound direction both before and after the implementation of Intervention 1. This data will be made available to the Road Safety Auditor for consideration of the effect of displaced traffic on the surrounding highway network.
  2. Traffic speed data will also be collected both before and after the introduction of Intervention 2, at a location near to the raised table.

Perception of Safety

  1. This element of the appraisal will involve questionnaire surveys to collect information from users of the route relating to their perception of safety. Surveys will be undertaken before, to establish a baseline, and after intervention 1' is installed.
  2. It is proposed that students at Le Rocquier School will be interviewed via questionnaire survey.

Recommendation to Parish of St Clement

3.1.1.  DfI officers will review the outcomes and prepare a recommendation to the Parish of St Clement Roads Committee that will be based on whether the interventions have demonstrated benefits.

St Clement: Safe Routes to School

Public Consultation Report

Contents  Page 1  INTRODUCTION  2

  1. Outline
  2. Purpose of Consultation
  3. Stakeholder Consultations


  1. Notification of Event
  2. Event Arrangements


  1. Display Panels
  2. Questionnaires


  1. Number of Questionnaires Returned
  2. Analysis of how people were commenting   6
  3. Analysis of Question 1  8
  4. Analysis of Question 2  10
  5. Analysis of Question 3  12
  6. Analysis of Question 4  14
  7. Analysis of Question 5  17

4.7  Summary of Free Form Comments   20 5  RESPONSES FROM STAKEHOLDERS   21 6  RESPONSES FROM GOV.JE WEBSITE  23 7  SUMMARY  35 8  CONCLUSION   36 9  NEXT STEPS   37


Appendix A  Consultation Display Panels   38 Appendix B  Free Form Comments  46

1  Introduction

  1. Outline

There are 3 schools within the area; two primary schools, St Clement and St Christopher, and Le Rocquier Secondary School.

St Clement Primary and Le Rocquier schools both have active travel plans. Their aspirations are to improve safety for children and families in the area to promote independent travel for older pupils and to increase active travel, in particular walking.

A review of road safety in the area, by an independent road safety advisor, highlighted a number of safety concerns. As a consequence, the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) are looking at improving the facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

  1. Purpose of the Consultations

The consultations are to provide a platform for members of the public to comment on the proposals. The consultations were open to everybody to try and get as many view points as possible and understanding the issues of those using the area.

A DfI technical team were present at the consultations to ensure that attendees' needs and concerns were recorded on the questionnaire so that they can be taken into account in the development of the scheme. The purpose of the consultations is to elicit user views.

  1. Stakeholder Consultations

DfI had consultations with the following:

  • Le Rocquier School
  • St Clement Primary School
  • St Christopher's School
  • Parish Roads Committee
  • Honorary Police

2  Consultation Process

  1. Notification of Event

An article was placed in the St Clement Parish magazine inviting them to attend the drop-in session.

Following comments from members of the public, a further drop-in session was arranged for a month later. Letter drops for this second session were hand delivered to 1500 properties in the area.

Both drop-in sessions were advertised in the local media and radio.

  1. Event Arrangements

The first drop-in session was held at Le Rocquier School. The event was on Wednesday 22 March between 3pm and 5:30pm.

The second drop-in session was held at the Good Companions Club on Rue de Maupertuis on Thursday 20 April between 6 and 7pm.

The technical team at both events encouraged members of the public to complete a questionnaire which was available for each person who attended the consultations. They could record their views on the proposals and add any additional comments which they felt would help the situation.

3  Consultation material

  1. Display Banners

Display banners were set up within the school foyer for the first consultation and in the main hall of the Good Companions Club for the second event. Between the two drop-in sessions, the banners were on display for a week at the school then moved to the Parish Hall . The banners described the aims of the proposals and provided an insight into the key issues. Each element of the proposals was then described in greater detail including providing artist's impressions of the interventions. The final banner detailed the next steps.

A copy of the banners can be found in Appendix A

  1. Questionnaires

The questionnaires were designed to understand the publics' concerns and issues with parking and cycling in the area. It asked them whether they were responding as a student, parent/guardian or as a local resident. It then went on to ask how often they used the area and in what capacity. They were also asked if they believed there was a need for improvements in the area and whether the proposals would be of benefit. They were then able to add any additional comments which they thought may be of benefit.

4  Responses to the Consultation

  1. Number of Questionnaires Returned

A total of 147 responses to the consultation have been received. The number of questionnaires per event is as follows:

Thirty (30) questionnaires were completed and returned by those visiting the consultation at the school on 22 March.

Fifty-nine (59) questionnaires were completed and returned by the school whilst the banners were there between 22 – 30 March.

Thirty-nine (39) questionnaires were completed and returned by those visiting the consultation at the Good Companions Club on 20 April.

Four questionnaires were filled in at the Parish Hall whilst the banners were on display there.

A further 16 responses were sent via the website.

Analysis of the responses will show the combined results followed by the results from each different session. Comments sent in via the website will be listed separately as they do not necessary address the questions posed on the questionnaire.

  1. Analysis of How People were Commenting Are you commenting as:  

Are you a




Parent / Guardian

Local Resident








First Consultation














Parish Hall







Second Consultation







Total Responses

My response is as a

Local Resident  Student

43%  44%

Parent / Guardian 13%

Response from First Drop-in

My response is as a  School Member


Parent / Guardian

Local  24% Resident


Response from School

My response is as a Parent /

Guardian  Local 3%  Resident


Student 95%

Response from Second Drop-in

My Response is as a

Student  Parent / 0%  Guardian


Local Resident 86%

  1. Analysis of Question 1 Question 1

Where do you live?



Local neighbourhood

St Clement

Other Parish








First Consultation














Parish Hall







Second Consultation







Total Responses

Where do you live?

Other Parish  32%  Local

Neighbourhood 48%

St Clement  20%  

Response from First Drop-in Session

WhWheerree ddo o yyouou liv livee??

Local Neighbourhood 17%

Local Other Parish  Neighbourhood

37%  46% Other Parish

51%  St Clement

St Clement  32%


Response from School

Where do you live?

Local Neighbourhood 17%

Other Parish  St Clement 51%  32%

Response from Second Drop-in Session

Where do you live?

St Clement  Other Parish 8%   0%

Local Neighbourhood 92%

  1. Analysis of Question 2

Question 2

How often do you use these routes?
















First Consultation


















Parish Hall









Second Consultation









How often do you use the route?

Infrequently 22%

Monthly  4%  

Weekly  daily 11%  63%

Response from First Drop-in Session

How often do you use the routes?

Infrequently 10%  

Weekly  11%  

daily 79%

Response from School

How often do you use the route?


33% Infrequently


Weekly 16%

Monthly 10%

Response from Second Drop-in Session

How often do you use the routes?

Weekly  Infrequently

5%  3%

daily 92%

  1. Analysis of Question 3

Question 3

Do you usually use the route as a?










First Consultation








Parish Hall




Second Consultation




Do you usually use the route as a

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10


Pedestrian Cyclist Motorist

Response from First Drop-in Session

Do you usually use the routes as a

25 20 15 10

5 0

Pedestrian Cyclist Motorist

Response from School

Do you usually use the routes as a


40 30 20 10


Pedestrian Cyclist Motorist

Response from Second Drop-in Session

Do you usually use the routes as a

40 35 30 25 20 15 10

5 0

Pedestrian Cyclist Motorist

  1. Analysis of Question 4

Question 4

Is there a need for improvements for walking and cycling?










First Consultation










Parish Hall





Second Consultation





Is there a need for Improvement?

No 23%

Yes 77%

Response from First Drop-in Session

Is there a need for improvements?

No 7%

Yes 93%

Response from School

Is there a need for Improvements?

No 31%

Yes 69%

Response from Second Drop-in Session

Is there a need for improvement?

No 19%

Yes 81%

Response from website

Is there a need for improvement?


37% No comment


No 25%

  1. Analysis of Question 5

Question 5

Do you agree that the proposals would be of benefit?





Not sure / Some








First Consultation














Parish Hall







Second Consultation







*Includes direct comments made via the website

Are the proposals of benefit?

Not Sure/ Some 6%  

No  22%  

Yes 72%

Response from First Drop-in Session

Will the proposals be of benefit?

No  Not sure 10%  3%

Yes 87%

Response from School

Will the proposals be of benefit?

No 14%

Yes 86%

Response from Second Drop-in Session

Will the proposals be of benefit?

Not Sure/ Some  21%  


51% No


Response from website

Will the proposals be of benefit?

Yes No comment  37%


No 38%

  1. Summary of Free Form Comments

The key issues relating from the consultation events are included in Appendix B and may be summarised as follows:

  • Fourteen people suggested that school children need to be more aware of the rules of the road, in particular the Highway Code when riding a cycle.
  • There were 12 comments regarding the issues of vehicles parking near to the junction on Pontorson lane.
  • Eleven responders requested a lower speed limit in the area.
  • Ten people said no to closing off Rue de Maupertuis whilst 5 people stated it was a good idea.
  • Nine commented that the proposals would make the area safer.
  • Four requested additional measures on Rue de Samares.
  • Three people requested that the school hours were adjusted to stagger the starting and finishing times of the three schools in the area.
  • There were 2 comments for each of the following:
    • Put speed bumps along Rue de Maupertuis
    • Make Rue de Maupertuis one way only
    • Provide a path along Rue de Maupertuis
    • Against the construction of raised tables at the junction
  • One additional comment asked about widening the pavements in the area.

5  Responses from Stakeholders

Stakeholder 1

 has an Eco travel plan.

To be able to cycle, pupils need to have cycling proficiency 30%+ don't live within the catchment area

A lot of traffic comes through from Rue de Maupertuis.

Both schools finish at the same time and pupils dominate the area. Parents are not keen on allowing mixing.

Can't see a downside to the proposals

Parking is difficult with   – Use bollards to prevent illegal parking

Change the right of way at Pontorson Lane Stakeholder 2

Some residents of Beech Avenue go against the No Entry sign, is there the possibility of moving it back so that they can enter via Pontorson Lane

Children use informal walkway along field C129/128/124 and onto Samares Lane

Stakeholder 3

Can the roads be closed by the roads committee or by parish assembly?

Rue de Maupertuis is used as a rat run, especially if the Coast Road is blocked / accident etc

  school used to finish and clear before finished

Issue with fields becoming unviable which will lead to them going for development. One member against.

Raised tables agreed in principle by all.

Stakeholder 4

Parking on Pontorson Lane –   felt moving it will cause an issue elsewhere which was agreed by and some members

Road closure on Rue de Maupertuis other options which were considered discussed. When the road was closed for the drain collapse it was not seen as an issue.

It was felt that de-mountable bollards would be preferred to planters

Biggest issue is that both Rue de Maupertuis and Le Squez would both be closed.

In a couple of years may not be able to go past Marks and Spencer to Rue de Maupertuis.

Reduce the speed limits as flashing signs are often ignored.

What is time limit of works as the Inner Road will be closed whilst Samares Nurseries site starts up. There needs to be management of the roads closures.

Change the routes to green lanes.

Temporary closure morning and afternoon during school term time.

Makes more sense than through the playing field as pupils from Le Squez will go straight on to Rue Chapelle and cycle the wrong way and through St Clement Primary school.

General consensus is that there is no problem with the proposals.

Stakeholder 5

Supportive of measures

Will make the area safer for school children

6  Responses to the website


Please accept this as my comments relating to the proposed closure of the road to through traffic. I am unable to attend the drop in session but would like my comments against the plan noted.

Whilst I accept safety is a key priority it is also unfair to close the road off permanently when the road is only being used by schoolchildren heading to/from Le Rocquier School (– I have never seen any primary school (St Christopher's & St Clement's children actually walk through that lane) at certain times of the day; ie at the start of & end of the school day. Surely it would make more sense that if this must be done for safety then go ahead & close this road to through traffic between say 8 & 9am & between 3 & 4pm! Enough time for children to get safely through the lane to get to & from school – It seem that to close it at all times & weekends & holidays is a little bit of Health & safety overkill surely? You will still have vehicles using the road anyway – stating they are using it to "access premises" so why make potential criminals out of people when you don't need to!

We live in Samares Avenue and are becoming increasingly isolated from Le Squez/Les Marais by the closing of all the roads around us & forcing us to use an already heavily used Inner & Coast Road to get anywhere!!!. I regularly use this lane to access my parents who live in Le Petit Marais & who take care of my young child before & after school. I very rarely come across any children/cyclists using this road before 8am & after 4pm – the only pedestrians are the odd dog walker! By using this lane instead of the Inner & Coast Roads I can save up to 5 minutes on each journey time. This may not seem a lot but it is important to me.

Please think about all aspects & consider the feelings of Parishoners who have to use the road daily – not just the minority of a few children going to Le Rocquier School.

I look forward to hearing from you & your thoughts


The proposed safety changes seem very sensible, however, the road parking at the top end of Rue de Pontlietaut is also a danger and needs addressing in my opinion.


I have just seen this e-mail regarding the proposed Safer Routes, I have only seen this because I am on the e-mailing list of the Parish. I have checked the JEP classifieds for today and there is nothing regarding this Drop In Session. On another note the number of residents that live in Le Marais, Le Benefice and Le Petit Marais as well as Le Petit Hinguettes, La Selliere are numerous. I like many other people that work can't arrange to be at a meeting with less than 24 hours notice and the time of the Drop In is open is during working hours. So I suggest that this is advertised correctly and that an evening Drop In can be arranged so hard working people of the parish can attend.

Did DFI think they could just get this passed if most of the Parishioners didn't know about it. Does traffic calming measures mean a replay of St Mary's, St Aubin's recent road works and costs?

I have lived here for 26 years, so I remember when you could drive from St Clements Inner Road to Rue De Maupertuis through Le Squez Estate and the traffic was two-way.

I remember a few years ago there was a very bad traffic accident on the Coast Road just before rush-hour, the Parish Police diverted east bound traffic along Rue de Maupertuis. The speed limit has changed throughout the Parish. But when walking along the Inner Road to St Clements Football Pitch the speed of some far exceeds the 40 miles per hour.

As I have seen children in Le Marais, on the roads walking or cycling they have no idea of the highway code or the dangers on roads. But surely the parents and Education should make sure they know the highway code. Such as The Cycling Proficiency Test before taking your bike on the road to school, but perhaps this has been dropped due to the cost? If children aren't taught how to use the public highway then they won't know any better as an adult!

I did a school run some years ago to Grainville School, and the worst drivers I have ever seen are Parents, they drive anywhere and park anywhere regardless of if their actions are safe or not. Perhaps the Parish Police could place themselves on roads around the schools and witness the poor road behaviour of School Children and Parents.


It would be interesting to know what happened to the responses which were made for the last "email shot" on this subject.


During the weekend I have made contact with residents of Rue de la Croix, Rue de Samares, Rue de Maupertuis, and Rue de Pontlietaut and it would appear that St. Clement 's Parish Magazine is not as well read as perhaps you and the editorial team would wish.

I wish to state that I am not against the proposed safety measures per se but I am against what is being perceived as an attempt to slip these proposed changes in "under the radar".

I have watched the ITV news coverage and find it unsurprisingly very biased towards your proposal.

I therefore request that rather that a one to one presentation, you voluntarily hold another open presentation, similar to the one held for the Parish Hall cycle track.

I suggest the Parish Hall at a more suitable time of day and at a date properly publicised giving residents and Parishioners in general the opportunity to attend and express their views on a project which will have a massive affect on the area in which we live.

In the recent past a speed meter was fitted outside my house in Rue de la Croix can you please tell me who has the data obtained.


I am writing to object to the consultation process on the proposed safer routes to St Clement Schools.

I live at , Rue de Samares, which is on the southerly junction of Rue de Samares and Rue de la Croix. Myself and my family will be directly affected by the proposed changes and have the following objections to the process so far:

  1. Parishioners were informed via a parish newsletter only one week before the consultation meeting took place. I was away last week (although back in time for the meeting) and did not receive a newsletter. As my property directly adjoins the area for proposed change (namely 4 speed bumps right outside my house!) really I should have been informed by letter addressed to me.
  2. The consultation meeting was held at Le Rocquier School and was therefore aimed to attract parents of children at that school. Residents without children at that school wishing to meet would therefore be in the minority and, for some of the more elderly residents, it would have been an intimidating prospect.
  3. The meeting was on a weekday between 3-5.30pm. Again, this was aimed to attract parents collecting from Le Rocquier school at that time. No working parent would have been able to attend nor would any other working resident. It feels like it was designed to be an under the radar meeting.
  4. The consultation process is only for 6 days. This is not long enough for a proper consultative process.
  5. I walk the roads around here with my dog every day and have not seen any notices about this consultation process.

As we were not, as key residents, able to attend the poorly advertised consultation meeting, it may be that some of the issues raised below have been considered. In the absence of such information, we have the following points in relation to the proposal:

  1. Pedestrianisation of Rue de Maupertuis

This is a blunt instrument to effect change which is only required (if at all) for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon, term time only.

Rue de Maupertuis is an important route for us to access town and the west of the Island. I do not use Rue de Samares as it is a single track road with a dangerous, horrid junction with La Grande Route de la Cote. It has a mirror which is difficult to use and the coast road is typically very busy in the morning and evenings.

In order to let vehicles pass each other on Rue de Samares, one typically needs to mount the narrow pavement. More traffic will use this route if Rue de Maupertuis is closed to traffic and it will be much more dangerous for the many school children, residents and dog walkers using this road.

The Inner road from Rue de Samares going north is also a four way junction with cars and dog walkers coming from La Blinerie (a Green Lane) as well as many school children, school buses plus traffic from both directions. Traffic and pollution on La Blinerie, a green lane, is going to increase with people cutting through to Longueville to avoid the already dreadful queues at the tennis courts at St Clement.

The only other option is to travel up Rue de la Croix, which has many houses and elderly residents, and cars frequently parked on both sides and then to turn left onto Rue de Pontlietaut and then again onto St Clements Inner Road. This is even more dangerous as at peak times, school children and cyclists are weaving in and out of the cars, usually walking 3 or 4 abreast with headphones and with very little regard for traffic. Closing Rue de Maupertuis is going to dramatically increase the traffic on Rue de la Croix. It is an accident waiting to happen.

Due to the two blind corners on Rue de Maupertuis, cars are typically very cautious and do not drive at speed. To my knowledge, there have not been any injuries caused to school children who again, are usually walking in groups or some cut across the fields.

What is the status of the application to build a cycle track on Rue de Maupertuis. I cannot now find any information on this online and yet I do remember a draft consent/consultation in relation to this extension of the Eastern Cycle corridor. Surely any cycle track could be shared use with pedestrians?

Is this infrastructure change a way of improving the chances for the Samares Nurseries development by Andium Homes? All of the traffic problems listed above are only going to be exacerbated by the arrival of 200 new families at the Samares Nurseries development.

  1. Proposed raised table at the Rue de Maupertuis junction

We moved from London three years ago and were very relieved to leave the speed bumps and raised tables behind.

There is no evidence that speed bumps help to reduce speed. In fact, typically it encourages drivers to speed, particularly with a raised table there is space to accelerate before taking off again!

This will be particularly marked if there is no vehicular access to Rue de Maupertuis. Rue de Samares will become a fast rat run between the inner and coast roads at St Clement.

Speed bumps increase the pollution in the area, with vehicles having to slow down and speed up again, and it is very noisy. Our garden makes the corner between these two roads and this proposal will seriously affect our use and enjoyment of our garden. It will also adversely affect the value of our property and the additional vibrations are likely to compromise the very old retaining granite wall around the garden.

Has any thought been given to putting a zebra crossing along the junctions on Rue de Samares instead? Or a Lollipop lady at peak times?

  1. Rue de Pontlietaut Raised table

As stated above, there is no evidence that a raised table reduces speed. It increases environmental pollution in an area with lots of schools.

Again, why can't you put a zebra crossing here? This will alert drivers to the likelihood of pedestrians crossing. The visual splay at this junction is already very good indeed. Also, you need to put double yellow lines as we get parents parking on the northern sector of Rue de la Croix which means if you are trying to turn right into Rue de la Croix from Rue de Pontlietaut you have to swing very wide to access the lane.

What evidence is there of threat to the children at this junction. Has anyone actually been injured?

In general, while I understand that there needs to be a safe walking route to school, I have not seen any evidence of the requirement for these dramatic and expensive precautions;. Most children at St Christophers are driven to school by parents or on the minibuses and do not walk. Most children at St Clements School are accompanied by their parents. The Le Rocquier children would be better served by educating them about walking in single file and not listening to music while crossing roads or walking 4 abreast.

I look forward to receiving details of a more meaningful consultation and evidence for these expensive and, in my view, heavy handed proposed consultations.


I live in the , Rue de la Croix. This is the last house and abuts the proposed development.

We are three apartments with off road parking. Entrance and egress from the car port is often hampered by poor parking opposite, on the north side of the road, 15m from the junction. Can this area be protected by a yellow line please.

Also, vehicles park on the right side of the road, rue le Pontletaut, north of the junction, causing southbound traffic to travel on the wrong side of the road when approaching the junction. This is a hazard for both pedestrians and vehicles exiting Rue de la Croix.


The sooner the better these proposed changes are carried out. In the interim

maybe make Rue De Maupertuis a 15mph and police it like you do Le Blinerie. I've been using this route to Le Rocquier at 8am and 3pm only going , not

returning as it is so jam packed with kids that it's inpassable , for the last 12

years. I had one unfortunate accident when I had stopped to squeeze past a car

when a pedal cyclist went through the back windscreen of my ford galaxy. It was

only the fact that he was wearing a helmet that that saved his life as it was his

head that took the impact, along with his nose and top lip.

I have had a few near misses in the lane especially with mopeds speeding from

the opposite direction, and sometimes cars. Put a spanner in the works when a large removal van, an oil tanker or a flat bed lorry comes zooming through this lane at 30mph as that is the speed limit, which is far too fast. It's not only school Kids, there are dog walkers , general walkers and I even came across a man walking a Shetland pony down there one day.

Years ago I used to cut through Le squez until they closed the road but that was a

far safer option than Rue De Maupertuis.

When making this lane no entry to cars maybe some kind of other barrier rather

than planters as I bet the motorcycles and mopeds will still go down there as a short cut regardless of the no entry signs.

The sooner this lane is sorted the better. Kids walk 4 or 5 abreast with earphones

in totally oblivious to cars behind them trying to get through. I've had children mess around and push their friend literally into the path of my car. It's a miracle I've only had one accident and go no more than 20mph down there, any faster and it's too dangerous.

Another thing to think of is every route to Le Rocquier is via a lane from Le

Squez/ Le Marais. Samares Lane, Ponterson lane and le Hocq lane. So there is no main road into school.

Another huge issue is at 3pm both schools coming out at the same time is

madness. In my opinion when Le Rocquier used to come out at 3.10pm at least St Clement School was clear. It's chaos, I go down Rue De la Chapelle at 3.05pm daily and with all the cars parked outside St Christopher's, with parents picking up from St Clements it's a disaster. There should be barriers continued along there to prevent on road parking. There are cars squeezing past the parked cars and others having to mount the cobbled pavement on the left. There are mounds of primary schools kids and you have to really concentrate on the left no to knock a pupils arm Or their bag. That road is not wide enough for 2 cars. I then go down ponterson lane but again this is a disaster with le Rocquier kids walking in the road and exiting the field on their bikes , doing wheelies up the road riding 4 a breast sometimes and looking behind them totally oblivious to oncoming cars!! Even then this lane is too narrow at most points for 2 cars. I actually do a sigh of relief when I can turn right at the bottom to go onto the coast road.

There are a lot of issues there.

I never see school teachers or honorary police policing the situation. It's dyer and

I really don't know how there hasn't been more accidents. Nearly every day we witness so many close calls.

Let's get this sorted and keep our parish school kids safe.


I applaud the Parish in their attempt to reduce fast moving traffic on these

routes. I live on Clos de la Mar, and have first-hand experience on a daily basis as to how much this road is used as a fast cut-through by various drivers, at various times of the day, seven days a week. It not only puts school children at risk, but out of school hours it puts normal pedestrians at risk as they enjoy the countryside walks.

One suggestion I would have is on the plan item "1" (Rue du Maupertuis bends)

it shows 1 x planter in place to prevent through traffic. I would politely suggest that 3 x planters be used, placed in a tight "chicane" format, as to place one would still allow fast motorcycles to have access at speed. (the main culprits and danger threat as I would see it currently.) This tight "chicane" format would still allow walkers and cyclists ease of access but would prevent the motorcyclists from doing so at speed. This could be placed at the south of the opposite field entrances to allow the farmer access to the fields. (the same position as when they were placed when the road was closed during repair work to the sewage water pipes a few years back.)


Dear Sirs, I am unable to attend the meeting on 20th April. We have lived on Rue

de Samares for 29 years and my son went to both St Clement and Le Rocquier School. We campaigned for years for a lower traffic speed on this road although of course now it is at least subject to a max of 30mph.

However, these proposals do nothing to teach children to exercise caution in

crossing at these junctions. In addition, raised ramps are not the answer - particularly on Rue de la Croix, where ramps will only be used as fun-ramps by young cyclists which will launch them into Samares Lane at greater speed. I am also particularly opposed to the proliferation of signage in the parish. There is a sign on a lamp-post at every turn, more signs do not mean better safety in fact I believe that motorists become blind to them. I also do not agree to any signage on the road at the Rue de Samares junction showing school children given that it is at least a quarter of a mile to the nearest school.

Bearing in mind that the schools are only open during term time and school

children are only using these crossings twice a day; these proposals are wholly inappropriate. if children crossing at these junctions at certain times of days during term-time are to have right of way then a system commensurate with that challenge should be considered but these proposals are nothing more than an expensive attempt to signal traffic calming. I shall continue to resist the continued proliferation of signage and urbanisation of the parish. It will not make these junctions safer for children.


I would be grateful if my comments could be sent to the correct department. I

am so relieved to see that something is going to change regarding the very dangerous  roads  to  and  from  St  Clements  schools.  It  has  been  an accident waiting to happen. I agree with your changes but also feel Rue des Samares should be looked at also. I have lived in Samares Lane for 30 years and the through traffic has increased excessively. Motor bikes speed down the lane, lorries taking short cuts... it's endless. children walk to school this way aswell and I am surprised is road has not been taken into consideration and made traffic to premises only. The lane seems to be used mostly as a through road to the inner road which is not necessary. My daughter was nearly run into the wall at the bend nearer the top of the lane near Rue de Maupertuis by a speeding car.

I also feel that pupils who cycle should be made more aware that it is necessary

to stop at the yellow lines. Since taking my granddaughter to Samares School since last September it's been just pure luck I have not seen a pupil run down.

It is time that St Clement had some proper cycle lanes as have most other

Parishes and I am in agreement with any reasonable idea that will make these roads and lanes safer for all.


As I am unable to attend the meeting on April 20th to discuss making walking etc

to the local schools safer, I would like to make the following comments.

I live on Rue du Pontlietaut and it is a very dangerous road at certain times of the

day. I often see mothers struggling with prams/ push chairs and young children on the narrow pavement and this forces them into the road which is not ideal. This also applies to school children walking to school with their friends. They often walk up from the coast road after getting off the bus and again they are forced to walk in the road.

I would like some of the following points considered --

1 Widen the pavement for the whole of Rue du Pontlietaut making it safer for


2 As the road is fairly straight cars do travel at speed. Maybe the speed limit

should be lowered for the whole of

Rue du Pontlietaut at the start and finish of the school day or lowered to 20 miles

per hour permanently.

At the moment there is only a speed restriction of 20 in force near St Clement

primary school

3 Mark the road surface on Rue du Pontlietaut with the speed limit.

4 Stop all parking around the junctions of Rue de la Croix and Rue du Pontlietaut.

I must add that making this area safer is long overdue and any improvements are

most welcome.


Unfortunately I am unable to attend the consultation at the good companions

club tomorrow night however I would like to comment on the proposal to the change of road. I live in Clos De La Mare so it affects me, I think the change is a good idea as it is dangerous for children walking down Rue de  Maupertuis. However I think you should also extend the yellow line to cover the second entrance of Clos De La Mare as having cars parked under the light has coursed problems for years and by extending the yellow line this will help with making the lane safer for everyone.

I look forward to seeing the final results after the consultation.


Since the closure of the road through Le Squez there are only two exits, Le Mare

slipway or Rue de Maupertuis. If Rue de Maupertuis to La Grande Route de St Clement was closed to motor traffic all residents of Le Squez, Le marais and Le Benefice would have to go via the coast road. At present it is difficult enough to get on the coast road and when Le Squez is finished it will be worse.

Pupils only walk mornings and afternoons in term time. Some flashing lights, as

are in use in other schools might suffice. Pupils should learn to walk into oncoming traffic and keep to the correct side of the road. In that way Rue de Maupertuis could remain open all through the year.

Thank you for your kind attention.


I was unable to attend the public meeting for the above issue last week, and

while I doubt little will change to the proposed plans I'd like to suggest the following

A complete closure of Rue de Maupertuis to traffic is not necessary, and would

be a nuisance to those needing to get in that direction from Le Squez (not only during school term time, but at other times too). I presume the only other alternative would be to go via Green Island, only to end up a matter of yards from where you began?

An allocated pedestrian path' along that road would be a much more logical

solution, if common sense were to prevail - like the one in place on Rue de Jambart in St Clement. It would provide students with a safer route, and may in fact stop them from walking three or four abreast in the middle of the road – seemingly oblivious to the traffic coming from behind (a regular occurrence each morning).

I appreciate that children's safety is the top priority, and that Rue de Maupertuis

was closed for a long period not too long ago, but to close it voluntarily for the sake of 60 minutes each day, during term time only, seems a little drastic.


If Maupertuis Lane is closed permanently as is proposed, can attention be paid to

the only Coast Road access junctions, at School Road and, particularly, the main one, exiting Maupertuis Lane at La Mare Slip? This latter junction now has to cope with far more traffic than was once the case, because of the extensive building which has taken place over the years with apparently little thought given to traffic flow. At peak times it's difficult and potentially dangerous to get on to the Coast Road.

It's true that comparatively few people choose to use Maupertuis Lane

"northwards", but it does provide an alternative route, otherwise the Coast Road will be the only means of getting to and from town, Gorey, Georgetown or the Inner Road and all areas beyond.

Of course the children need to be kept safe and encouraged to continue to walk

and cycle (please don't suggest bussing them home); but would there be any

way of providing paths, leaving the already narrow lane for slow motor traffic? I'm sorry that I have no practical solutions to this problem which has been

allowed to worsen over the past fifty years. I'm just suggesting that forcing

traffic into ever-increasing circles to get from A to B is not necessarily the best


7  Summary

From the analysis of the returned questionnaires, there is a desire to improve and create safer walking and cycling routes around Rue de Maupertuis, Rue de Samares and Pontorson Lane to the three schools in the area.

Overall, 77% of responders to the questionnaires think there is a need for improvements with 72% believing that the proposals will be of benefit.

The responses sent in via the website differ from those sent in via the questionnaires. Of those where a comparison can be made, 37.5% thought there was a need for improvement whilst 25% did not. Only 37.5% thought the proposals would be of benefit and the same percentage said they would not be of benefit. The remaining responses did not indicate either way.

8  Conclusion

It can be concluded from the responses received that there is a desire to walk and cycle in the area in a safer manner.

However, some of the proposals were received in a more favourable light than others.

9  Next Steps

The report and proposals will be presented to the Roads Committee for a second time for their comments and approval.

Following this, a parish assembly will be held to determine the final outcome of the proposals.

If the proposals are agreed at the parish assembly, work will move onto the design phase, which will consider comments received relevant to the detailed design.

Appendix A – Consultation Display Panels

Appendix B – Free Form Comments





Stagger school hours


This will make the roads a lot safer for all our students


Hopefully but with wider objectives of cycling / walking route all the way to St Helier


Excellent idea to make Maupertuis Lane a No Through Road - Great to have cycle / foot access across fields to Samares- Marina Road and hopefully to continue further to town


It will be a good idea to teach the children the highway code


If these routes are approved, there is absolutely no need for a cycle track to be constructed in good agricultural fields from Samares Nurseries. This will only encourage further development


Particularly for children to learn the Highway Code. Not against the traffic calming measures but more needs to be done concerning the parking of

cars in Pontorson Lane and the end of Rue de la Croix into Pontorson Lane has cars parked there at times block the road which could make it a

problem for emergency vehicles and makes it difficult to use Pontorson Lane properly. Children should be educated on how to use the roads as at

the moment they block the roads when walking and cycling and do not move out of the way. They also race across the yellow line from Rue de la

Croix into Samares Lane without stopping. There have been incidents in the past at that junction with a cyclist coming off his bike into the path of a

car because the cyclist did not respect the code of the road. With a table to slow traffic cyclists will only use that to race even more across the

yellow line.


Concerns over parking in Rue de la Chapelle and Ponterson Lane - lines of sight / access for fire/emergency vehicles maybe a problem currently. Will this be affected by changes?


Live in Rue de la Croix and see issues daily at both Ponterson Lane and Samares crossroads. The road calming idea is much needed. However, 2 extra

things to really look at are: Speed limits on Rue de la Croix/Rue de Maupertuis. -Constant parking of about 10 cars on the left hand side of Pontorson

Lane during school day. It is a bit of luck whether you can pass the cars safely before another car comes the opposite way. You are in the other side

of the road approaching a busy school junction with no-where to pull in (know these cars are St Ch teachers) I also frequently see cars parking on

the yellow line along the corner at the Halt and cars going through the No Entry into Rue de la Chappelle to enter the housing close along the old

railway line


Speed bumps in Rue de Maupertuis and Rue de Samares. 20mph at all times - pavements if there are any are only very narrow


Any measures to slow down traffic and reduce noise would be welcome


Yes I believe the proposals will help cyclists and pedestrians (safety)


General health of Jersey


If there is a No Through Road the cyclists and pedestrians can come via Le Squez estate to and from Maupertuis Lane



Stop cars parking in road. Hard for kids to get pass. Cars also park on pavements so you have to go on road


Picture shows cyclists riding 3 abreast- highlighting the fact that teenagers who cycle need to be more road aware. Appreciate that wherever possible cyclists / pedestrians need to be kept separate from vehicles however I'm not sure closing lanes off is necessarily the solution. Maupertuis Lane being closed off would increase traffic on Pontorson Lane and Samares Lane potentially making both crossroads more dangerous for cyclists pedestrians. walked route as both a student and parent and have never seen or heard of any accidents amongst these lanes on the times in question as most people using the lanes are parents driving their children to / from school and as such are fully aware of the amount of cyclists and children in the lanes at these times so therefore drive at an appropriate speed.


But: Not sure they go far enough. Has the raised platform reduced speed in other areas? Live on corner of Rue de Samares and Rue de la Croix. I

often hear brakes screeching, cars racing at excessive speeds passed house and cars tooting as they near the junction and continue at the same

speed. It is an accident waiting to happen and fear that the road could become even faster with these improvements.


Education. Respect from all road users-especially pedestrians (school pupils). Always walk facing the traffic when in a pack, be considerate and respect that a vehicle will hurt you (common sense). Be aware of surroundings - all users. Don't waste resources when there are far better things to fund. Introduce filter in turn at junctions- automatically reduces speed yet allows flow.


Think the ideas are good, but for more safety the school time/ general parking issue on Pontorson Lane/ Rue de la Croix junction needs to be looked

at - yellow line areas on junction /corners need bollards/planters to stop silly parking


I agree with proposals 2,3,4. Proposal 1: I don't see the need for the planter. I run along that road on a daily basis and feel that the overall traffic volume doesn't provide a high enough risk to justify essentially closing the road. For larger vehicles (dust carts, oil delivery, other delivery) I see placing a planter as an increased risk as on accessing the area would be unable to drive through and have to attempt reversing or turning which would provide a greater risk. During school traffic I see the benefit but a permanent blockage I don't agree with. I think the perception of the risk outweights the actual risk and on a risk review it would be considered unnecessary and a frustration during other hours.


Main concern is at the junction of Rue de la Chappelle and Pontorson Lane, during school finishing time. Illegal parking will create a blackspot that

will impede the safety of both cyclists and walkers


Rue de Samares 15mph


But need to educate children to use the roads properly. Have residual concerns about speed increases generated by concept of reduced usage- ' no

one else on the road so I can go as fast as I want


Would hopefully aid to slow traffic in Rue de Maupertuis as an issue with speed along windy road. I would feel safer for my child and myself. An issue with cars passing in and out of school time, would help reduce the amount of large vehicles that use this route as a through road.


Wonderful idea for Maupertuis Lane. An accident waiting to happen. Also the rest of the children will be safer


I think the proposals are a very good idea



Very disappointed there is no suggested solutions or even comment regarding what will happen to the traffic that will continue to travel to any of

the schools. Where will all this traffic go- Rue de Samares, Pontorson, Rue de la Croix? All these lanes are already extremely dangerous for

pedestrians, cyclists with either no or completely inadequate pavements and 'safe' routes. I am supportive of this project in principle but it has

clearly not been thought through very well.


Waste of time - children will still be delivered by car but on a longer route, so more pollution and congestion. Leave Rue de Maupertuis open!


No to road closure. 15mph Green Lane would be sufficient, road closure would mean access only from Coast Road which has enough congestion

already. Speed humps would also make it safer before and after the proposed closure area


A cheaper option would be to spend the time and money on employing someone during the busy times (say to and from school hours) to police the roads and educate the children not to walk 4 a breast and cycle in the middle of the road they have to share with motorists


School children should be taught the rules of the road. To provide for the children 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the afternoon, five days a week

term time only is it necessary to close off Maupertuis Lane 24/7. 1) on the blind bend by the farm-a mirror could be placed. 2)Maupertuis could

become 15mph 3) lane could be made 1 way with a separation for walkers/cyclists 4) If road closed, there will be much more traffic exiting into

Coast Road 5)any requirement to travel east will necessitate exit to Coast Road and then more traffic up samares Lane 6)at least 50% of my journeys

are eastbound 7)the school children are 11+ -surely they should know the rules of the road. One of the problems is that boys on cycles ride slowly

and all over the road so that they can keep up with their friends who are walking 8) a post of some kind which can be triggered out of the ground at

the same time as the lights flash when approaching school, closing the road just for school hours 9)one very dangerous place is exiting Rue de la

Croix at east exit. Traffic travelling south down Pontorson Lane is over on the right hand side of the road because there is always a number of parked

cars. It is blind exit for traffic


Suggest La Blinnerie/ Samares Lane crossing improved first as all extra traffic will go via Samares Lane and the above crossing is lethal now.


Children need to be taught road safety. They walk 4 abreast the road with ear phones in so they don't keep to the side. The issue of the rat run are

caused by parents taking children to school with no regard for others. Perhaps parents and school should teach green cross code. I live in Le Marais

and when at my window I see children of all ages and they have no idea about how to behave on the road. The Parish has been made 30mph speed

limit. When I walk from Le Marias to St Clement's football club on the inner road the speeds appear to be in excess of 45mph. How much will these

alterations cost, will it be another St Marys?


The closing of Rue de Maupertuis is unnecessary. Why should local residents be inconvenienced 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for the sake of approx 5-10 hours of school use per week. On many occasions the children run across the road in front of cars or walk several abreast with no interest in the traffic around them. By all means use traffic calming measures but please do not close the road.


Not at all. No need to close Rue de Maupertuis. No accidents/injury to pedestrians


Some. I don't agree with shutting Rue de Maupertuis I use it quite a bit and having a young family I have to use the car and Rue de Maupertuis is my main way of my journey. I agree with calming traffic down and slowing traffic but stopping it completely I think is silly all you're doing is causing



further problems in other areas. Also why can't you make it either a green lane or widen road so both can co-exist in the same place. it seems you're using a hammer to crack a small nut. it's ok slowing traffic down but stopping it for school children for a couple of hours a day whilst most of us use it more often seems silly.


Perhaps. Should be one way going east rather than close the road completely


Cars parked in areas that clearly state there should be no parking. Especially at beginning of school / end of school


Car parking along roads besides primary schools cause problems with visibility at peak times pedestrian/cyclist/car congestion at 8:30-9am is a

problem along rue de la Chapelle. Scheme appears to encourage school children to cycle the wrong way up a one way street. raised junctions will

probably result in students crossing junctions without looking


Rue de Samares needs to be 20mph max. Also I feel further speed bumps in Samares Lane would help


Speed bumps, Green Lanes


Make it 15mph. Students need to be taught how to road sense. I do not want the road closed as I use it constantly both ways


We do not want Clos de la Mare estate as a turn around to go back to Coast Road


Children and young people need to learn life skills which will last them a life time. Part of these life skills are learnt walking to and from school safely. They need to learn road safety and compromise ie how to share the road with other road users in a safe manner. If you close the road to traffic, how will they learn these skills. My children go to school here in this area and I want them to be safe, but to also learn safety and respect using the roads.


Whilst I accept safety is a key priority it is also unfair to close the road off permanently when the road is only being used by schoolchildren heading

to/from Le Rocquier School (– I have never seen any primary school (St Christopher's & St Clement's children) actually walk through that lane) at

certain times of the day; ie at the start of & end of the school day. Surely it would make more sense that if this must be done for safety then go

ahead & close this road to through traffic between say 8 & 9am & between 3 & 4pm! Enough time for children to get safely through the lane to get

to & from school – It seem that to close it at all times & weekends & holidays is a little bit of Health & safety overkill surely? You will still have

vehicles using the road anyway – stating they are using it to "access premises" so why make potential criminals out of people when you don't need

to! We live in Samares Avenue and are becoming increasingly isolated from Le Squez/Les Marais by the closing of all the roads around us & forcing

us to use an already heavily used Inner & Coast Road to get anywhere!!!. I regularly use this lane to access my parents who live in Le Petit Marais &

who take care of my young child before & after school. I very rarely come across any children/cyclists using this road before 8am & after 4pm – the

only pedestrians are the odd dog walker! By using this lane instead of the Inner & Coast Roads I can save up to 5 minutes on each journey time. This

may not seem a lot but it is important to me. Please think about all aspects & consider the feelings of Parishoners who have to use the road daily –

not just the minority of a few children going to Le Rocquier School.


The proposed safety changes seem very sensible, however, the road parking at the top end of Rue de Pontlietaut is also a danger and needs addressing in my opinion.



I have just seen this e-mail regarding the proposed Safer Routes, I have only seen this because I am on the e-mailing list of the Parish. I have checked

the JEP classifieds for today and there is nothing regarding this Drop In Session. On another note the number of residents that live in Le Marais, Le

Benefice and Le Petit Marais as well as Le Petit Hinguettes, La Selliere are numerous. I like many other people that work can't arrange to be at a

meeting with less than 24 hours notice and the time of the Drop In is open is during working hours. So I suggest that this is advertised correctly and

that an evening Drop In can be arranged so hard working people of the parish can attend. Did DFI think they could just get this passed if most of the

Parishioners didn't know about it. Does traffic calming measures mean a replay of St Mary's, St Aubin's recent road works and costs? I have lived

here for 26 years, so I remember when you could drive from St Clements Inner Road to Rue De Maupertuis through Le Squez Estate and the traffic

was two-way. I remember a few years ago there was a very bad traffic accident on the Coast Road just before rush-hour, the Parish Police diverted

east bound traffic along Rue de Maupertuis. The speed limit has changed throughout the Parish. But when walking along the Inner Road to St

Clements Football Pitch the speed of some far exceeds the 40 miles per hour. As I have seen children in Le Marais, on the roads walking or cycling

they have no idea of the highway code or the dangers on roads. But surely the parents and Education should make sure they know the highway

code. Such as The Cycling Proficiency Test before taking your bike on the road to school, but perhaps this has been dropped due to the cost? If

children aren't taught how to use the public highway then they won't know any better as an adult! I did a school run some years ago to Grainville

School, and the worst drivers I have ever seen are Parents, they drive anywhere and park anywhere regardless of if their actions are safe or not.

Perhaps the Parish Police could place themselves on roads around the schools and witness the poor road behaviour of School Children and Parents.


It would be interesting to know what happened to the responses which were made for the last "email shot" on this subject.


Do you consider that barely 24hrs sufficient is sufficient notice of you drop-in Session for a project which will change the lives of residents of this

area. During the weekend I have made contact with residents of Rue de la Croix, Rue de Samares, Rue de Maupertuis, and Rue de Pontlietaut and it

would appear that St. Clement 's Parish Magazine is not as well read as perhaps you and the editorial team would wish. I wish to state that I am not

against the proposed safety measures per se but I am against what is being perceived as an attempt to slip these proposed changes in "under the

radar". I have watched the ITV news coverage and find it unsurprisingly very biased towards your proposal. I therefore request that rather that a

one to one presentation, you voluntarily hold another open presentation, similar to the one held for the Parish Hall cycle track. I suggest the Parish

Hall at a more suitable time of day and at a date properly publicised giving residents and Parishioners in general the opportunity to attend and

express their views on a project which will have a massive affect on the area in which we live. In the recent past a speed meter was fitted outside my

house in Rue de la Croix can you please tell me who has the data obtained.


I am writing to object to the consultation process on the proposed safer routes to St Clement Schools. I live at Le Bocage, Rue de Samares, which is on the southerly junction of Rue de Samares and Rue de la Croix. Myself and my family will be directly affected by the proposed changes and have the following objections to the process so far: Parishioners were informed via a parish newsletter only one week before the consultation meeting took place. I was away last week (although back in time for the meeting) and did not receive a newsletter. As my property directly adjoins the area for proposed change (namely 4 speed bumps right outside my house!) really I should have been informed by letter addressed to me. The



consultation meeting was held at Le Rocquier School and was therefore aimed to attract parents of children at that school. Residents without children at that school wishing to meet would therefore be in the minority and, for some of the more elderly residents, it would have been an intimidating prospect . The meeting was on a weekday between 3-5.30pm. Again, this was aimed to attract parents collecting from Le Rocquier school at that time. No working parent would have been able to attend nor would any other working resident. It feels like it was designed to be an under the radar meeting. The consultation process is only for 6 days. This is not long enough for a proper consultative process. I walk the roads around here with my dog every day and have not seen any notices about this consultation process. As we were not, as key residents, able to attend the poorly advertised consultation meeting, it may be that some of the issues raised below have been considered. In the absence of such information, we have the following points in relation to the proposal:

  1. Pedestrianisation of Rue de Maupertuis

This is a blunt instrument to effect change which is only required (if at all) for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon, term time only. Rue de Maupertuis is an important route for us to access town and the west of the Island. I do not use Rue de Samares as it is a single track road with a dangerous, horrid junction with La Grande Route de la Cote. It has a mirror which is difficult to use and the coast road is typically very busy in the morning and evenings. In order to let vehicles pass each other on Rue de Samares, one typically needs to mount the narrow pavement. More traffic will use this route if Rue de Maupertuis is closed to traffic and it will be much more dangerous for the many school children, residents and dog walkers using this road. The Inner road from Rue de Samares going north is also a four way junction with cars and dog walkers coming from La Blinerie (a Green Lane) as well as many school children, school buses plus traffic from both directions. Traffic and pollution on La Blinerie, a green lane, is going to increase with people cutting through to Longueville to avoid the already dreadful queues at the tennis courts at St Clement.

The only other option is to travel up Rue de la Croix, which has many houses and elderly residents, and cars frequently parked on both sides and then to turn left onto Rue de Pontlietaut and then again onto St Clements Inner Road. This is even more dangerous as at peak times, school children and cyclists are weaving in and out of the cars, usually walking 3 or 4 abreast with headphones and with very little regard for traffic. Closing Rue de Maupertuis is going to dramatically increase the traffic on Rue de la Croix. It is an accident waiting to happen. Due to the two blind corners on Rue de Maupertuis, cars are typically very cautious and do not drive at speed. To my knowledge, there have not been any injuries caused to school children who again, are usually walking in groups or some cut across the fields. What is the status of the application to build a cycle track on Rue de Maupertuis. I cannot now find any information on this online and yet I do remember a draft consent/consultation in relation to this extension of the Eastern Cycle corridor. Surely any cycle track could be shared use with pedestrians? Is this infrastructure change a way of improving the chances for the Samares Nurseries development by Andium Homes? All of the traffic problems listed above are only going to be exacerbated by the arrival of 200 new families at the Samares Nurseries development.

  1. Proposed raised table at the Rue de Maupertuis junction

We moved from London three years ago and were very relieved to leave the speed bumps and raised tables behind. There is no evidence that speed bumps help to reduce speed. In fact, typically it encourages drivers to speed, particularly with a raised table there is space to accelerate before



taking off again! This will be particularly marked if there is no vehicular access to Rue de Maupertuis. Rue de Samares will become a fast rat run between the inner and coast roads at St Clement. Speed bumps increase the pollution in the area, with vehicles having to slow down and speed up again, and it is very noisy. Our garden makes the corner between these two roads and this proposal will seriously affect our use and enjoyment of our garden. It will also adversely affect the value of our property and the additional vibrations are likely to compromise the very old retaining granite wall around the garden. Has any thought been given to putting a zebra crossing along the junctions on Rue de Samares instead? Or a Lollipop lady at peak times?

3. Rue de Pontlietaut Raised table

As stated above, there is no evidence that a raised table reduces speed. It increases environmental pollution in an area with lots of schools. Again, why can't you put a zebra crossing here? This will alert drivers to the likelihood of pedestrians crossing. The visual splay at this junction is already very good indeed. Also, you need to put double yellow lines as we get parents parking on the northern sector of Rue de la Croix which means if you are trying to turn right into Rue de la Croix from Rue de Pontlietaut you have to swing very wide to access the lane. What evidence is there of threat to the children at this junction. Has anyone actually been injured? In general, while I understand that there needs to be a safe walking route to school, I have not seen any evidence of the requirement for these dramatic and expensive precautions;. Most children at St Christophers are driven to school by parents or on the minibuses and do not walk. Most children at St Clements School are accompanied by their parents. The Le Rocquier children would be better served by educating them about walking in single file and not listening to music while crossing roads or walking 4 abreast.

I look forward to receiving details of a more meaningful consultation and evidence for these expensive and, in my view, heavy handed proposed consultations.


I live in the Hollies, Rue de la Croix. This is the last house and abuts the proposed development. We are three apartments with off road parking.

Entrance and egress from the car port is often hampered by poor parking opposite, on the north side of the road, 15m from the junction. Can this

area be protected by a yellow line please. Also, vehicles park on the right side of the road, rue le Pontletaut, north of the junction, causing

southbound traffic to travel on the wrong side of the road when approaching the junction. This is a hazard for both pedestrians and vehicles exiting

Rue de la Croix.


The sooner the better these proposed changes are carried out. In the interim maybe make Rue De Maupertuis a 15mph and police it like you do Le Blinerie. I've been using this route to Le Rocquier at 8am and 3pm only going, not returning as it is so jam packed with kids that it's unpassable, for the last 12 years. I had one unfortunate accident when I had stopped to squeeze past a car when a pedal cyclist went through the back windscreen of my ford galaxy. It was only the fact that he was wearing a helmet that that saved his life as it was his head that took the impact, along with his nose and top lip. I have had a few near misses in the lane especially with mopeds speeding from the opposite direction, and sometimes cars. Put a spanner in the works when a large removal van, an oil tanker or a flat bed lorry comes zooming through this lane at 30mph as that is the speed limit, which is far too fast. It's not only school Kids, there are dog walkers , general walkers and I even came across a man walking a Shetland pony down there one day. Years ago I used to cut through Le Squez until they closed the road but that was a far safer option than Rue De Maupertuis. When



making this lane no entry to cars maybe some kind of other barrier rather than planters as I bet the motorcycles and mopeds will still go down there as a short cut regardless of the no entry signs. The sooner this lane is sorted the better. Kids walk 4 or 5 abreast with earphones in totally oblivious to cars behind them trying to get through. I've had children mess around and push their friend literally into the path of my car. It's a miracle I've only had one accident and go no more than 20mph down there, any faster and it's too dangerous. Another thing to think of is every route to Le Rocquier is via a lane from Le Squez/ Le Marais. Samares Lane, Ponterson Lane and le Hocq Lane. So there is no main road into school. Another huge issue is at 3pm both schools coming out at the same time is madness. In my opinion when Le Rocquier used to come out at 3.10pm at least St Clement School was clear. It's chaos , I go down Rue De la Chapelle at 3.05pm daily and with all the cars parked outside St Christopher's , with parents picking up from St Clements it's a disaster. There should be barriers continued along there to prevent on road parking. There are cars squeezing past the parked cars and others having to mount the cobbled pavement on the left. There are mounds of primary schools kids and you have to really concentrate on the left no to knock a pupils arm Or their bag. That road is not wide enough for 2 cars. I then go down Ponterson lane but again this is a disaster with le Rocquier kids walking in the road and exiting the field on their bikes, doing wheelies up the road riding 4 a breast sometimes and looking behind them totally oblivious to oncoming cars!! Even then this lane is too narrow at most points for 2 cars. I actually do a sigh of relief when I can turn right at the bottom to go onto the coast road. I never see school teachers or honorary police policing the situation. It's dyer and I really don't know how there hasn't been more accidents. Nearly every day we witness so many close calls. Let's get this sorted and keep our parish school kids safe.


I applaud the Parish in their attempt to reduce fast moving traffic on these routes. I live on Clos de la Mar, and have first-hand experience on a daily

basis as to how much this road is used as a fast cut-through by various drivers, at various times of the day, seven days a week. It not only puts school

children at risk, but out of school hours it puts normal pedestrians at risk as they enjoy the countryside walks. One suggestion I would have is on the

plan item "1" (Rue du Maupertuis bends) it shows 1 x planter in place to prevent through traffic. I would politely suggest that 3 x planters be used,

placed in a tight "chicane" format, as to place one would still allow fast motorcycles to have access at speed. (the main culprits and danger threat as

I would see it currently.) This tight "chicane" format would still allow walkers and cyclists ease of access but would prevent the motorcyclists from

doing so at speed. This could be placed at the south of the opposite field entrances to allow the farmer access to the fields. (the same position as

when they were placed when the road was closed during repair work to the sewage water pipes a few years back.)


We have lived on Rue de Samares for 29 years and my son went to both St Clement and Le Rocquier School. We campaigned for years for a lower traffic speed on this road although of course now it is at least subject to a max of 30mph. However, these proposals do nothing to teach children to exercise caution in crossing at these junctions. In addition, raised ramps is not the answer - particularly on Rue de la Croix. where ramps will only be used as fun-ramps by young cyclists which will launch them into Samares Lane at greater speed. I am also particularly opposed to the proliferation of signage in the parish. There is a sign on a lamp-post at every turn, more signs do not mean better safety in fact I believe that motorists become blind to them. I also do not agree to any signage on the road at the Rue de Samares junction showing school children given that it is at least a quarter of a mile to the nearest school. Bearing in mind that the schools are only open during term time and school children are only using these



crossings twice a day; these proposals are wholly inappropriate. if children crossing at these junctions at certain times of days during term-time are to have right of way then a system commensurate with that challenge should be considered but these proposals are nothing more than an expensive attempt to signal traffic calming. I shall continue to resist the continued proliferation of signage and urbanisation of the parish. It will not make these junctions safer for children


I am so relieved to see that something is going to change regarding the very dangerous roads to and from St Clements schools.. It has been an

accident waiting to happen. I agree with your changes but also feel Rue des Samares should be looked at also. I have lived in Samares Lane for 30

years and the through traffic has increased excessively. Motor bikes speed down the lane, lorries taking short cuts... it's endless. Children walk to

school this way as well and I am surprised is road has not been taken into consideration and made traffic to premises only. The lane seems to be

used mostly as a through road to the inner road which is not necessary. My daughter was nearly run into the wall at the bend nearer the top of the

lane near Rue de Maupertuis by a speeding car. I also feel that pupils who cycle should be made more aware that it is necessary to stop at the

yellow lines. Since taking my granddaughter to Samares School since last September it's been just pure luck I have not seen a pupil run down. It is

time that St Clement had some proper cycle lanes as have most other Parishes and I am in agreement with any reasonable idea that will make these

roads and lanes safer for all.


I live on Rue du Pontlietaut and it is a very dangerous road at certain times of the day. I often see mothers struggling with prams/ push chairs and young children on the narrow pavement and this forces them into the road which is not ideal. This also applies to school children walking to school with their friends. They often walk up from the coast road after getting off the bus and again they are forced to walk in the road. I would like some of the following points considered -1. Widen the pavement for the whole of Rue du Pontlietaut making it safer for everyone. 2. As the road is fairly straight cars do travel at speed. Maybe the speed limit should be lowered for the whole of Rue du Pontlietaut at the start and finish of the school day or lowered to 20 miles per hour permanently. At the moment there is only a speed restriction of 20 in force near St Clement primary school. 3. Mark the road surface on Rue du Pontlietaut with the speed limit. 4.Stop all parking around the junctions of Rue de la Croix and Rue du Pontlietaut. I must add that making this area safer is long overdue and any improvements are most welcome


Unfortunately I am unable to attend the consultation at the good companions club tomorrow night however I would like to comment on the

proposal to the change of road. I live in Clos De La Mare so it affects me, I think the change is a good idea as it is dangerous for children walking

down Rue de Maupertuis. However I think you should also extend the yellow line to cover the second entrance of Clos De La Mare as having cars

parked under the light has coursed problems for years and by extending the yellow line this will help with making the lane safer for everyone


Since the closure of the road through Le Squez, there are only 2 exits. La mare Slipway or Rue de Maupertuis. If Rue de Maupertuis to La Grande Route de St Clement was closed to motor traffic all residents of Le Squez, Le Marais and le Benefice would have to go out via the coast road. At present it is difficult enough to get to the coast road and when Le Squez is finished it will be worse. Pupils only walk mornings and afternoons in term time. Some flashing lights, as are in use in other schools might suffice. Pupils should learn to walk into oncoming traffic and keep to the correct side of the road. In that way Rue de Maupertuis could remain open to traffic all through the year.



The Children need to be educated to stop at the yellow line. Someone needs to attend the area at 3pm when they come out of school at junction of

Rue de la Croix into Rue de Maupertuis. Only a waste of money again to put down some silly stuff on road. My mum-in-law lives in Rue de

Maupertuis and we live in Rue de Samares. What a long way round to visit each other should it be No Through Road. However big tractors allowed

for fields.


A complete closure of Rue de Maupertuis to traffic is not necessary, and would be a nuisance to those needing to get in that direction from Le Squez (not only during school term time, but at other times too). I presume the only other alternative would be to go via Green Island, only to end up a matter of yards from where you began? An allocated pedestrian path' along that road would be a much more logical solution, if common sense were to prevail - like the one in place on Rue de Jambart in St Clement. It would provide students with a safer route, and may in fact stop them from walking three or four abreast in the middle of the road – seemingly oblivious to the traffic coming from behind (a regular occurrence each morning). I appreciate that children's safety is the top priority, and that Rue de Maupertuis was closed for a long period not too long ago, but to close it voluntarily for the sake of 60 minutes each day, during term time only, seems a little drastic.


If Maupertuis Lane is closed permanently as is proposed, can attention be paid to the only Coast Road access junctions, at School Road and,

particularly, the main one, exiting Maupertuis Lane at La Mare Slip? This latter junction now has to cope with far more traffic than was once the

case, because of the extensive building which has taken place over the years with apparently little thought given to traffic flow. At peak times it's

difficult and potentially dangerous to get on to the Coast Road. It's true that comparatively few people choose to use Maupertuis Lane

"northwards", but it does provide an alternative route, otherwise the Coast Road will be the only means of getting to and from town, Gorey,

Georgetown or the Inner Road and all areas beyond. Of course the children need to be kept safe and encouraged to continue to walk and cycle

(please don't suggest bussing them home); but would there be any way of providing paths, leaving the already narrow lane for slow motor traffic?

I'm sorry that I have no practical solutions to this problem which has been allowed to worsen over the past fifty years. I'm just suggesting that

forcing traffic into ever-increasing circles to get from A to B is not necessarily the best way