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St Saviour Health Village

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"Will the Minister provide an update on the proposed St. Saviour Health Village', and use of Field 579, St. Saviour , including –

  1. details on the intended use of Field 579;
  2. whether any formal consultation with nearby residents and parishioners is planned and, if so, when;
  3. the current status and timeline of any development associated with the St. Saviour Health Village project; and
  4. whether any alternative sites were considered, and the justification given for the choice of Field 579?"


The Government remains committed to delivering the St. Saviour Health Village as part of the broader New Healthcare Facilities Programme, ensuring improved healthcare facilities for the community.

  1. Intended Use of Field 579

Field S579 has been identified as a potential site for the St. Saviour Health Village project. However, currently, the field currently remains in private ownership and so no final decisions have been made regarding its use, as the St Saviour Health Village site is still in its early development stages. The healthcare services to be offered at the St Saviour Health Village is provided in the Feasibility Study published on the NHFP webpages in Summer 2023.

  1. Consultation with Residents and Parishioners

Public engagement is a key aspect of this project and the wider New Healthcare Facilities Programme. While there has been a necessary focus on progressing the Acute Hospital at Overdale, efforts will soon turn towards advancing plans for the St. Saviour Health Village and the ambulatory Facility at Kensington Place. As part of this, further consultation with residents and parishioners will be planned in Spring and Summer 2025, ensuring that local perspectives are considered. There was also public engagement in Summer 2023 on the release of the Feasibility Study. Public engagement events are always advertised well in advance using letter drops as well as social media in line with the Overdale and Kensington Place Neighbourhood Forums.

  1. Current Status and Timeline

As set out at the start of the NHFP, the priority has been securing funding Phase 1 of the programme and advancing the designs for the Acute Hospital at Overdale. The NHFP Phase 1 funding also includes a meaningful start of the ambulatory facility at Kensington Place as well as the Health Village in St Saviour. With key milestones now achieved in terms of funding of the whole NHFP Phase 1, as well as the approval of the Planning Committee for the proposals for the Acute Hospital, increased resource will be allocated to progressing the St. Saviour Health Village and the Ambulatory Hospital at Kensington Place. At St Saviour, concept designs will be further developed over the Summer , informed by previous feedback, before being shared with residents for further input.

  1. Consideration of Alternative Sites

At the inception of the NHFP, it was agreed that existing healthcare sites would be considered for future facilities, with the exception of Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre that was already underway. For this reason, the sites for major facilities have always concentrated on existing locations of healthcare services that can accommodate the level of development necessary for the NHFP: Overdale, Jersey General/Kensington Place and St Saviour, and immediately adjacent properties, including Field S579. At the time that stakeholders, including clinicians were asked about the best configuration of healthcare services in a multi-site solution, it was agreed that the optimal configuration would be to cluster acute and ambulatory services, as well as a health village (combining mental health and physical health services). At the time, the option of combining the Health Village with the acute and ambulatory hospitals was explored but was ruled out owing to the functional brief and requirements of the Health Village as well as the development capacity of the sites that can accommodate Ambulatory and Acute Services.

As was always anticipated with the programmatic approach to the NHFP, there will be opportunity over the coming months to review the functional briefs for both Kensington Place Ambulatory and the St Saviour Health Village to ensure that they remain relevant and appropriate. Development Control Plans (such as those presented as part of Feasibility Studies) may well evolve. Any changes would need to follow NHFP and GoJ governance processes.