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"In relation to the Women's Health Political Advisory Group, will the Minister –
- advise the membership of the Group;
- provide the Group's terms of reference;
- detail the frequency of past meetings and meetings planned for the rest of the political term;
- advise the nature of the advice he expects and receives from the Group;
- explain how the Group provides advice to him and how this advice is recorded; and
- clarify the parts of his work programme for which he is seeking the Group's advice?"
- The Group is made up of Deputy Andy Howell (Chair), Deputy Lyndsay Feltham , Deputy Elaine Millar , Deputy Hilary Jeune , Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Deputy Barbara Ward , Deputy Helen Miles and Connetable Karen Stone.
- Appendix 1 is the current version of the WHPAG terms of reference. The Group, and its terms of reference, were established by the previous Minister for Health and Social Services and has continued under the current Minister, albeit with some changes to membership.
- Meetings are held approximately every 12 weeks, There are three meetings scheduled for the remainder of 2025 (April, July, November) There are no dates currently scheduled for 2026.
- As per the Terms of Reference, the Group provides advice and shares insights with the Assistant Minister. It focuses on matters that fall within the MHSS's remit (for example reviewing and advising on the recent contraception survey and the termination of pregnancy policy) but it will also take account of other related GoJ workstreams. The Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services is delegated by the Minister to chair the Group.
- The Group provides advice to the Minister, via the Assistant Minister as Chair. This is generally verbal feedback. High level actions arising from the meeting are recorded.
- The current areas of work on which input has been sought include the proposed updates to the Termination of Pregnancy Law and IVF funding. The Group has also considered the findings of the recently published Women's Strategic Needs Analysis and will, over the coming months, be focusing on identifying the areas of priority activity related to women's health and wellbeing.
Appendix 1
Women's Health Political Advisory Group Terms of Reference
- The women's health political advisory group ("WHPAG") provides a space for political colleagues to consider matters related to women's health and wellbeing.
- The Group is established by the Minister for Health and Social Services (MHSS) and will be chaired by the Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services (AMHSS).
- As the Group is established by MHSS it will focus on matters that fall within the MHSS's remit (for example, development and funding of health care and wellbeing services) but in doing so will take account of other related GoJ workstreams including (but are not limited to):
- the Taskforce on Violence Against Women and Girls ("VAWG") as lead by the Minster for Home Affairs
- the free period products scheme, as lead by the Minister for Social Security.
- Member of the Group will provide advice and share insights with AMHSS with a view to informing MHSS's priorities and policy and strategy decisions where those relate to women's health and wellbeing. This will include:
a. consideration of matters brought to them by AMHSS and providing advice and share insights on those matters
proactively arising matters with AMHSS which the Group members wish to be considered by MHSS.
- Members include:
Name | Title |
Andy Howell | Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services delegated by the MHSS to Chair this group |
Barbara Ward | Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services |
Lyndsay Feltham | Minister for Social Security |
Elaine Millar | Minister for Treasury and Resources |
Helen Miles | Deputy |
Karen Stone | Connétable , St. Martin |
Hilary Jeune | Deputy |
Raluca Kovacs | Deputy |
Conduct of Business and administrative matters
- The Group will be chaired by AMHSS and supported by officers as required.
- The Group is not a formal sub-committee of the Council and Ministers.
- Meetings will be convened by AMHSS. It is broadly anticipated that these will be on an 8-week cycle but may vary depending on the needs of the work.
- All members of the group will be contacted in advance and invited to raise items to be placed on the agenda.
- Agenda and papers will be circulated in advance of each meeting. Notes and actions shall be taken at each of the meetings and shall be circulated to members within the timescales agreed by the group.
Version | Changes | Author | Date agreed |
1.0 | New | Rebekka Martini |
2.0 | JSNA reporting | Rebekka Martini | 17/03/23 |
3.0 | Update and membership changes following new CoM appointments | Rebekka Martini | 03/04/24 |