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ON 29th NOVEMBER 2005
In May 2005, the Policy and Resources Committee brought to the States a large number of general amendments to legislation arising from the reforms to the machinery of government. These changes were all approved by the States, but the comment was made during the debate that it was undesirable that those laws that had been written in French should include titles for Ministers in English. Although these items represented only a small proportion of the Island's legislation, it was agreed that the matter would be looked at in more detail, with a view to bringing back revised legislation as appropriate.
The Committee has since been advised that the necessary changes to legislation can be implemented firstly by means of an amendment to Standing Orders, namely, by adding a list of the French alternatives where the Ministerial officers are listed. Secondly, any changes to individual laws and regulations can be made by means of a single free-standing law, pulling together all the necessary amendments to laws in French.
The Committee has accordingly prepared a list of French titles for ministers, in consultation with other States members including Senator Philip Ozouf and Deputy Jerry Dorey, and these titles will be used when preparing the amendments to legislation. The opportunity has also been taken to consult with Deputy Roy Le Hérissier, President of the Privileges and Procedures Committee, in preparing a list of titles for other office holders in the ministerial system, including the Scrutiny Panels and Public Accounts Committee. Advice has also been taken from the Alliance Française de Jersey and the Académie Francaise in Paris.
The titles have been agreed as follows –
- Chief Minister – Premier ministre
- T reasury and Resources Minister - Ministre des Finances etdes Biens publics
- E conomic Development Minister - Ministre duDéveloppementéconomique
- E d u c ation, Sport and Culture Minister - Ministre de l'Éducation, desSportsetde la Culture
- Health and Social Services Minister - Ministre de la SantéetdesAffaires sociales
- Home Affairs Minister - Ministre de l'Intérieur
- Housing Minister - Ministre duLogement
- P la n n ing and Environment Minister: Ministre del'Environnementetdel'Aménagementdu territoire
- Social Security Minister - Ministre de la Sécurité sociale
- T ra n s port and Technical Services Minister - Ministre desTransportsetdesTravauxpublics.
The following titles have been agreed in relation to the Scrutiny Panels, including the titles of the Chairmen –
- E conomic Affairs - Président de la Commission d'examen des Affaireséconomiques
- Social Affairs - Président de la Commission d'examen des Affairessociales
- E nvironment - Président de la Commission d'examen del'Environnement
- C orporate Services - Président de la Commission d'examen des Servicesencommun.
The Privileges and Procedures Committee will be known as the 'Commission des Privilèges et des Procédures',
and the 'Public Accounts Committee' as the 'Commission des Comptes publics'.
These titles will also be adopted for general usage in correspondence and meetings with French colleagues.
There are several items of Jersey legislation in French that will need to be amended, and the necessary changes will be drafted and presented for approval by the States in the New Year.