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States Greffe: Scrutiny
Senator John Le Fondré Chief Minister
By email
24th May 2021 Dear Chief Minister
Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
People and Culture Review: Outstanding Documentation
The Panel requests that the following documentation be provided to assist its People and Culture Review:
• Be Heard Survey
• employee summary report
• departmental packs
• explanatory script
• hierarchy report
• People and Corporate Services – Communication Strategy
• Dashboard – Exit Interviews/Absenteeism
• Composition of the employee group by age and gender
• Employee turnover figures
• Statistics on case management unit, by year, numbers and timescales
• Codes of Conduct
• People
In addition at the Public Hearing on the 7th May 2021 it was confirmed that the minutes of the States Employment Board would be provided to the Panel. The minutes have not been received as yet and the Panel would therefore request that the minutes of the States Employment Board be provided from the 29 November 2019 to date to complete the Panel's records.
The Panel look forward to your response and would appreciate this being received by Friday 28th May 2021.
Yours sincerely
Senator Kristina Moore
Chair, Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
States Greffe | Morier House | St Helier | Jersey | JE1 1DD
T: +44 (0) 1534 441080 | Fax: +44 (0) 1534 441077 | E: W: