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States Greffe
Deputy Rob Ward
Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning
Copied to:
Deputy Lyndon Farnham , Chief Minister Constable Andy Jehan , Minister for Infrastructure
BY EMAIL 21st May 2024 Dear Minister,
Scrutiny Review: Secondary Education Funding
I write to inform you that the Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel is shortly due to recommence its review of Secondary Education Funding, which was initiated in 2023.
The Panel's Terms of Reference for the review are attached to this letter, for your information.
In view of the Terms of Reference, the Panel notes that the majority of the evidence sought from the Government of Jersey will be requested from you as Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning, we also note that we may contact the Chief Minister (as Chair of the States Employment Board) and the Minister for Infrastructure (in relation to the Estates Strategy), both of whom are copied into this letter.
The Panel's officers will be in contact in due course to arrange a Public Hearing and to request information related to the review.
I would be happy to address any questions you may have about our work. Please direct any response or queries to the Panel through our Committee and Panel Officer, Katherine de Carteret by email at or telephone on 01534 441041 or Research and Project Officer Joseph Brannigan by email at
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Catherine Curtis
Chair, Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Scrutiny Office | States Greffe | Morier House | St Helier | Jersey | JE1 1DD Tel: 01534 441080 | Fax: 01534 441077 | email:
Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel Secondary Education Funding Review - Terms of Reference
1) To assess the funding provided by the Government of Jersey for secondary education and examine how it relates to the requirements and outcomes of the secondary education system.
2) To consider the adequacy and practicality of the Jersey Funding Formula for Schools' in relation to Jersey's secondary schools.
3) To review the control, governance, and efficiency of the budget for secondary school education.
4) To consider how the funding of secondary education is impacted by other contextual factors including, but not limited to:
• Requirements for addressing and improving student wellbeing;
• Teacher and school staff remuneration, recruitment and retention;
• Covid-19 Education recovery;
• The application of the Jersey Premium;
• The 14+ secondary transfer system;
• The fee-paying and private providers;
• Government value for money' savings; and
• Public expectations.
5) To compare Jersey's secondary education budget provision and funding formula with other jurisdictions.
6) To consider how secondary education may need to adapt in future and to establish what work the Government is doing to prepare for change.