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Letter - EHI to Minister for Environment re Enforcement Notices - 24 May 2024

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States Greffe

Deputy Steve Luce , Minister for the Environment

BY EMAIL 24th May 2024 Dear Minister,

Enforcement notices and sanctions

The Panel is aware from its briefing with you earlier this year that the planning process, and in particular improving the efficiency of that process, is an issue you intend to prioritise during your term of office. The Panel will be interested to hear about your progress in due course.

In addition to this work, the Panel is keen to know what enforcement and sanctions options are available to the Department in cases where the terms of a planning application are breached and when the department makes the decision to take action. Further, could you please advise whether you are giving consideration to any changes in legislation to prevent those in receipt of an enforcement notice from effectively ignoring such notice when under appeal. Please could you also  inform  the  Panel  whether  any  changes  contemplated  in  the  procedure  regarding retrospective applications by way of deterrent of any form of development without appropriate consent.

The Panel would also like to understand how often cases of non-compliance have resulted in formal action being taken by the Department.

Please could you provide information on the following:

How is the nature of a planning compliance case recorded?

How many cases are currently open or being investigated?

How many of the open cases have resulted in formal action being taken?

What has been the nature of that action?

The Panel would usually seek a written response within five working days of receipt of a request, however, it is appreciated that this request may require the extraction of data and is open to a reasonable extension of this deadline. Please do contact our Committee and Panel Officer, Anna Thorne at should you require further information prior to providing a response.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Hilary Jeune

Chair, Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel

 Scrutiny Office | States Greffe | Morier House | St Helier | Jersey | JE1 1DD Tel: 01534 441080 | Fax: 01534 441077 | email: