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Letter - EIA to MSED re Proposed Budget 2025-2028 - 13 September 2024

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States Greffe

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Minister for Sustainable Economic Development


13th September 2024 Dear Minister,

Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Review

To inform the Panel's review of the Proposed Budget 2025-28, the Panel would be grateful if you could consider the following written questions and provide a formal response by no later than Friday 20th September 2024.


  1. Please could you provide a more detailed breakdown of the following expenditure, as detailed in the statement of comprehensive net expenditure for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture:
  1. Staff Costs
  2. Other Operating Expenses
  3. Grants and subsidies payments

  1. Please could you provide a more detailed breakdown of the following expenditure, as detailed in the Service Level Analysis for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture:
  1. Local and Digital Economy
  2. Future Economy
  3. Economics
  4. Management and Governance
  5. Intellectual Property
  6. Cyber Security

Expenditure Growth

  1. Please could you provide a more detailed breakdown of the estimated £200k expenditure on the Minimum Income Standards' project in 2025? This should specifically outline areas of spending, organisations receiving any grants and any other information that may be relevant to the Panel's Review.

Savings Proposals

  1. The previous Government Plan 2024-27 identified £1.87m of value for money savings for the Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Department in 2024. Are you able to confirm if those savings are on track to be achieved, where savings were identified and how this will impact the approximately £1.050m of savings proposed in 2025?
  1. The Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Department has targeted approximately £1.050m of savings in 2025. Please could you provide a breakdown of where the savings will be achieved?
  2. The Savings Proposals in the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 detail £256k under Roles' in 2025. However, the Service Level Analysis with the Annex to the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 states nil' in relation to FTE Role Reduction' in 2025. Please can you clarify  the  £256k  under  Roles'  as  detailed  within  the  Savings  Proposals  of  the Proposed Budget 2025-2028?
  1. Please can you provide a breakdown of the total planned Role Reductions' within the Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Department in 2025?
  2. Please can you detail the nature of the roles affected by the Role Reductions' within the Savings Proposals in 2025?

Major Projects – Oakfield and Fort Regent Decant

  1. The Panel note an additional £840k allocation of funding for the Oakfield and Fort Regent Decant, above that provided in Government Plan 2024-2027. Please can you provide a breakdown of the additional £840k allocated to this project?

  1. Noting the potential implications upon sport provision. please can you, in conference with the Minister for Infrastructure, provide a breakdown of the £6.7m of estimated expenditure on the Oakfield and Fort Regent Decant in 2024?

States Funds – Technology Accelerator Fund

  1. The Government Plan 2024-2027 set out an estimated £4.15m of expenditure from the Technology  Accelerator  Fund  in  2024.  Please  can  you  provide  a  breakdown  of expenditure from the Technology Accelerator Fund to date in 2024?

a.  Please can you provide an estimate for total expenditure from the Technology Accelerator Fund in 2024?

  1. Please  can  you  provide  a  breakdown  of  the  estimated  expenditure  from  the Technology Accelerator Fund in 2025?

Other Special Funds – Agricultural Loans Fund

  1. Please can you confirm the balance of the Agricultural Loans Fund in 2024 and forecast for the years 2025 to 2028?
  2. If approval is given to transfer £5m from the Consolidated Fund to the Agricultural Loans Fund, please can you provide a breakdown of estimated expenditure from the £5m in 2025?

Other Special Funds

  1. Please can you confirm the 2024 balances of the following funds set out within the Other  Special  Funds'  section  of  the  Proposed  Budget  2025-2028,  and  there forecasted balances for 2025 to 2028:
  1. Tourism Development Fund
  2. Innovation Fund.

  1. Please can you confirm whether the Lottery and Other Income' item within Table 52 Other Special Funds', is the balance of the CI Lottery (Jersey) Fund?

a.  If not, please can you confirm the balance of the CI Lottery (Jersey) Fund?

Formula Driven Growth

"As budgets for Arts, Heritage and Culture have now been increased to 1% of Net Revenue Expenditure, in future, this level will now be maintained and increased by RPI."

  1. Please can you provide a breakdown of the total expenditure of £11.554m on Arts, Heritage and Culture for 2025 to 2028?  
  2. Can you please provide a comparison for the figures if the calculation remained at 1% of Government expenditure?

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Montfort Tadier


Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel