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Letter – Minister for Health and Social Services to Scrutiny Liaison Committee re Scrutiny of the funding and financing of Phase 1 of the NHFP – 26 April 2024

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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 4WE

Deputy Gardiner

Chair, Scrutiny Liaison Committee BY EMAIL

26 April 2024  Dear Chair,

Re: Scrutiny of the funding and financing of Phase 1 of the New Healthcare Facilities Programme

I am writing to you to clarify the Council of Ministers approach to seeking approval of financing and funding for the New Healthcare Facilities programme.

As mentioned in recent States Members briefings, States Assembly approval will be sought for the expenditure to deliver phase 1 of the programme – namely an acute hospital at Overdale, along with meaningful progress on design of the Kensington Place and St Saviour's sites – and for a financing plan in relation to this expenditure. Information to substantiate the request will be provided to States Members before the summer recess, and the Assembly will be asked to give its approval as part of the proposed Government Plan 2025-28.

I understand that the Panel may want to undertake a review of the programme literature, and that there will be a lead time should the Panel seek to appoint advisers to any review. I have asked the  programme team  to  support the  Scrutiny  process, through  providing  regular programme updates and decision-making information. There may be benefit in starting these briefings sooner, bringing the panel up to date with the information already collected through the Strategic Outline Case (SOC), the SOC Information Update and the RIBA 2 Concept Design.

Being cognisant of the issues that previous iterations of the programme have faced, alongside the Council of Ministers' priority to have commenced delivery of the phase 1 of the programme in earnest before the 2026 elections, I sincerely hope to be able to work  closely and constructively during the coming months.

I look forward to exploring how we can best coordinate activity to ensure that the island finally gets the facilities it needs to deliver essential healthcare services.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Tom Binet

Minister for Health and Social Services E