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Agenda - Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel - 25 February 2021

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel


Date:  25th February 2021 Time:  10:00 am

Venue:  Via Teams

The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey


  1. Minutes

To note and approve the records of the meetings held on 14th January and 4th February 2021.


  1. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services

To receive the Minister and his Officers for a Public Quarterly Hearing at 10am. SCRUTINY REVIEWS

  1. Review of Maternity Services
  1. To receive an update on the review to date.
  2. To note receipt of the written submissions from members of the public and key stakeholders
  3. To discuss matters regarding the expert adviser and focus groups.


  1. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security
  1. To note and consider the Minister's work plan for 2021.
  2. To consider areas of questioning for the Quarterly Hearing that is due to take place at 10am on 8th March 2021.
  1. Assisted Dying Citizens' Jury

To note that the Panel is due to receive a briefing on this matter at 3:30pm on Tuesday 9th March.

  1. Future meetings

To note that the Panel's next scheduled meeting will take place at 10am on 11th March 2021 via Teams.

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