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Agenda - Public Accounts Committee - 15 May 2024

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Public Accounts Committee Agenda

Date:  Wednesday 15th May

Time:  12:00pm – 4:00pm

Venue:  Blampied Room, States Building

The meeting is closed to the public under Standing Order 138(6) of the States of Jersey



  1. Records of Meetings

To note and approve the record of the meeting held on 27th of March and 24th of April 2nd of May 2004.

  1. Conflicts of Interest

To consider the position of Members of the Committee and declare any conflicts that exist.  


  1. Comptroller and Auditor General update

To receive an update from the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Audit Plan for 2024.

  1. Electronic Patient Records

The Committee to note presentation of comments paper in regards to the executive response to the C&AG report Electronic Patient Records' and to discuss any further comments or actions.

  1. Use of Consultants – Follow up Executive Response

To note and discuss the Executive Response to the Comptroller and Auditor General report on Use of Consultants follow up and agreed any actions.


  1. States Annual Report and Accounts Review 2023
  1. To note and discuss the terms of reference around the review into the Annual Account 2023.
  1. To note and discuss the scoping document around the review into the Annual Account 2023.
  2. To note and discuss government response regarding request for Audit Reports and information relating to Annual Account 2023.
  3. To note and discuss topic areas for the committee draft question plan around the review into the Annual Account 2023.


  1. Quarterly recommendations Tracker
  1. To  note  and  discuss  the  letter  sent  by  CEO  regarding  the  quarterly recommendations tracker updates.
  2. To note and discuss quarterly recommendations tracker.
  1. Training
  1. To receive facilitators between 1:30pm and 4pm for a training session for the newly elected PAC Members and Non-Elected Members.
  2. To note and discuss arrangements regarding a visit to the PAC in Westminster UK.
  1. Work Programme
  1. To note a draft work programme for 2024 for the PAC.  
  2. To discuss and agree any further additions to the work programme.
  1. Future Meetings

To note that the Committee's first full scheduled meeting will take place at 12:30pm on Wednesday 5th June 2024 in the Blampied Room, States Building.