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Chairmen's Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 19 May 2006

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CHAIRMEN'S COMMITTEE Meeting of Chairmen held on 19th May 2006 Meeting No. 13

Present Deputy R C Duhamel, President

Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier, Vice-President

Deputy F J Hill

Deputy P J D Ryan

Deputy  A.  Breckon,  Social  Panel  representative  (excluding  item  8 decision and  item 20 onwards)

Deputy S C Ferguson

Deputy J. G. Reed



In attendance Mrs. K. Tremellen-Frost, Scrutiny Manager

Mrs A. Harris , Deputy Greffier of the States (Items 11 and 12 only) Mr. I. Clarkson, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



Minutes of previous meetings

The Minutes of the meetings of 20th April, 4th May [with one amendment below], 10th and 11th May 2006 were approved and signed.

Minutes of 4th May 2006 - amendment - Item 2 para 2 "Members recalled that the draft Strategic Plan was supposed to follow detailed business plans" should read "Members recalled that the detailed  business  plans  were  supposed  to  follow  the  draft Strategic Plan".


2. 20.04.06 item 18

Scrutiny Plus

Whilst recognising the Minute of Item 18 of 20th April 2006 was accurate  some  concern  was  raised  regarding  the  naming  of Scrutiny Plus. It was suggested that the word "scrutiny" should be removed from the title as it was too close to the official scrutiny function.



20.04.06 Item 3

Financial Analysis of Scrutiny Reviews

Deputy J. Reed informed the Committee that he had still to meet the Assistant Greffier of the States regarding the possibility of obtaining  a  full  financial  analysis  of  each  scrutiny  review including details such as staff salary, accommodation costs etc.



20.04.06 Item 4

Public Accounts Committee (PAC) budget

The Committee was advised that the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) had informed the Greffier of the States that it was essential for the PAC to have its own budget in 2007. This would ensure independence of the Committee from the C&AG.



20.04.06 Item 9

Register  of  local  qualified  persons  to  assist  on  scrutiny reviews

The Committee noted that the Scott ish parliament was believed to have established a similar register and information from that



Parliament was awaited.



20.04.06 Item 11

Rôle of Scrutiny Officers

The Committee noted that no action had yet been taken for the Scrutiny Manager to discuss the above with individual Panel Chairmen. On reconsideration of the matter, and noting that new members had never been advised of the rôle Scrutiny Officers took, it was agreed that the Scrutiny Manager should attend each Panel meeting to address this matter.



20.04.06 Item 17

Joint Scrutiny Public Meeting - payment for venue

Noting that the cost for the venue [Hautlieu School Hall ] for the above meeting was £365.00, that it was a joint meeting between the four Scrutiny Panels and PAC and that there remained a substantial  sum  of  money  in  the  general  scrutiny  budget PS0001,  it  agreed  that  payment  should  be  made  from  the general scrutiny budget.



20.04.06 Item 15

Written Questions to Ministers

The Committee recalled that it had considered inviting questions from the public to put to Ministers at formal public meetings (not hearings) and that it had agreed the principle of this initiative. It also recalled that it had not approved a draft news release which had been prepared by the Communications Unit. However, it did agree  that  an  alternative  news  release  or  advert  would  be prepared.

The  Committee  noted  that  a  draft  of  the  above  had  been forwarded to Deputy Duhamel and further outcome was awaited.



Corporate Services Panel meeting with Chief Minister

The Committee received a paper from the Corporate Services Panel regarding the following two issues -

  1. the rôle of the Communications Unit - all States

members or Executive only?

  1. non-executive government links with Guernsey.

With regard to (a) above, it was noted that Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier was to ask a question in the States about this matter.

With  regard  to  (b)  above,  the  Committee  agreed  that  the establishment of any links with Guernsey on the part of the non- executive  must  not  give  the  perception  of  opposition government. It was agreed that Deputy Duhamel should liaise with Deputy J. Pritchard, Scrutiny Panel Chairman, States of Guernsey.

There were some reservations expressed, however, that such contact should not be through the Chairmen's Committee but through  individual  Panels  on  a  working  basis  as  political scrutineers.



Centre for Public Scrutiny - attendance


20.04.06 Item 21

The  Committee  noted  that   Deputy  Duhamel  had  attended  a Social Affairs Panel meeting of 2nd May 2006 at which he had advised that Panel that no firm commitment had been made by the Chairmen's Committee at its meeting on 20th April 2006 as to the number of members who should attend.

The Committee, noted the approved minute of that date which stated  that  it  had  been  agreed  that "three  members  should attend, with two of those being new members and a third being a more "established" member."

Having reconsidered this, the Committee agreed to rescind the decision above and agreed that one member per Panel should be able to attend. From the names which had been forwarded, it was agreed that the following members should be invited to attend -

Deputy Pitman (Social Affairs) Deputy Ryan (Corporate Services) Deputy K. Lewis (Economic Affairs) Deputy Reed (PAC)

It was  noted that no  names had been  forthcoming from the Environment Panel and Deputies Duhamel and Le Hérissier put their names down in reserve.



20.04.06 Item 22

Draft Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and PAC

The Committee received correspondence, dated 4th May 2006, from  the  President,  Privileges  and  Procedures  Committee, requesting  that  the  Chairmen's  Committee  proceed  with  the lodging of the draft Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and PAC, irrespective of the issue of legal advice not having been finalised.

The Committee agreed that the matter had caused the lodging of the draft code to be delayed for some considerable time, and agreed that it should be given its final consideration and lodged forthwith.

The Committee considered some proposed amendments to the draft Code of Practice put forward by the Greffier of the States and having made decisions on these amendments agreed that a finalised  copy  should  be  forwarded  to  all  members  of  the Chairmen's  Committee,  then  all  scrutiny  members  prior  to lodging.



20.04.06 Item 6

Social Affairs Panel - proposed split

The  Committee  considered  correspondence  dated  15th  May 2006  between  the  Chairman,  Social  Affairs  Panel  and  the Greffier of the States regarding the draft report and proposition for the proposed split of the Social Affairs Panel.

The  Committee  agreed  to  the  draft  proposition  with  the exception of the naming of the two Panels which it concurred would be preferable to be named Social Affairs Panel 1 and Social Affairs Panel 2.

Following  some  discussion  as  to  whether  it  would  be  the



Chairmen's  Committee  or  the  Privileges  and  Procedures Committee which would put forward the necessary changes to Standing Orders, it was agreed that this matter would be dealt with  by  the   Deputy  Greffier  of  the  States  together  with  the Scrutiny Manager.



20.04.06 Item 2

Scrutiny Website Action Group [SWAG]

The Committee received and approved a record of the SWAG meeting held on 3rd May 200. The Committee noted that Deputy G.C.L. Baudains was interested in joining this group and it was agreed  that  both  he  and   Deputy  J.  Gallichan,  who  had expressed  an  interest  earlier,  would  be  invited  to  the  next meeting.



20.04.06 Item10

Communication  flow - Briefing  Notes  from  Chairmen's Committee meetings for Panels.

The Committee recalled its previous decision that briefing notes would be prepared on the Chairmen's Committee meetings for circulation to Panels as soon as practicable after the Chairmen's Committee meetings.

The Committee considered approved minutes dated 2nd May 2006 of the Social Affairs Panel at which Deputy Duhamel had been present for a time. It was noted that in those minutes, Deputy Duhamel had advised the Panel that it had been agreed to disseminate copies of the Chairmen's Committee's minutes to Scrutiny Panels.

By way of clarification, it was agreed that briefing notes could be produced more efficiently and at greater speed. These could generally be with officers to place on the next panel agenda. The Committee agreed to retain its previous decision.



20.04.06 Item 17

Joint Scrutiny Public Meeting - evaluation

The  Committee  considered  the  success  of  the  joint  scrutiny public meeting which had been held the previous evening in Hautlieu School Hall . The Committee was of the opinion that in the  main  it  had  been  a  successful  evening  although  some concerns were expressed about the venue. The frequency of such meetings was discussed and it was decided that monthly meetings would be too frequent - this would have an overkill effect and the organisation for public meetings appears to be resource intensive from a staffing perspective.

The Committee received Email correspondence, dated 19th May 2006, from Deputy S. Power in which he expressed concerns about marketing scrutiny in general. Deputy P.J.D. Ryan advised the Committee of the interest one of his Panel members, Deputy

J. Gallichan, had in raising the profile of scrutiny with the public. After some discussion, it was agreed that Deputies Le Hérissier, Reed, Ferguson and Power should form a Sub-Group and meet with the Scrutiny Manager to give some consideration as to how to progress the matter of public engagement and the how to improve communication with the media.



Strategic Plan 2006-2011


20.04.06 Item 8

The Committee was informed that the Greffier of the States had advised that all amendments in respect of the draft Strategic Plan 2006-2011 must have financial and manpower statements. It was noted that this was not possible as the Strategic Plan had not provided detailed financial and manpower statements for the plan. In consequence  it was therefore  impossible to prepare such a statement.

There was some consideration of what action to take next. The Committee noted that there was a supplementary Chairmen's Committee meeting scheduled for 24th May 2006 to which all non-executive  members,  both  scrutiny  and  non-scrutiny members had been invited.



Corporate Services Panel report

The Panel was currently reviewing the financial framework of the Strategic Plan and had formed a Sub-Panel for this piece of work having invited two additional members to join them. The Sub- Panel comprised all Panel members with the exception of Connétable  Gallichan  and  included  Senators  Norman  and Shenton. It had agreed not to put forward amendments to the strategic plan from the Panel but as individual members. This was considered a pity as it would not present the image of united Scrutiny  Panels.  It  was  felt  that  it  would  be  appropriate  for individual members to put forward amendments but in the name of the Panel where possible.

The  Panel  had  formed  two  Sub-Panels  one  looking  into Zero/Ten and the other GST. The former Sub-Panel was being chaired by Senator Perchard and comprised Senator Shenton, Deputies Ryan and Southern . Brian Curtis was acting as a local adviser.  The  latter  comprised   Deputy  Ryan  as  Chairman, Connétable s Murphy, Gallichan and Jackson .

There  was  concern  that  Standing  Order  139  regarding  the formation of Sub-Panels did not allow for a full Panel to invite further members onto it. There was also concern that there was not the provision for Assistant Ministers to sit on a Sub-Panel reviewing  an  area  in  which  the  Assistant  Minister  was  not involved.  These  were  noted  for  consideration  at  a  future meeting.



Economic Affairs Panel

The Panel's report on Postal Incorporation would be printed on 22nd May 2006 and be with Members by Tuesday 23rd May. The draft, exclusive of recommendations and key findings, was currently with stakeholders.

It was anticipated that an evaluation of how the review had gone would be carried out and the findings brought to the Chairmen's Committee.



Social Affairs Panel

The Panel was progressing with its consideration of the draft Strategic Plan.


It had interviewed Senator Kinnard about the prison service and would be following this up by speaking to a representative of the Board of Visitors.

Concern was expressed about the progress of the Home Affairs Minister with the Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 200- due to an apparent lack of consultation on the part of Home Affairs. There was  a  difference  of  opinion  amongst  Panel  members  as  to whether the matter should be reviewed and if it were to be reviewed  it  would  be  an  extremely  large  topic  which  would incorporate  emotive  issues,  irrespective  of  how  narrow  the Terms of Reference were. It was agreed that a statement in the House would be appropriate.

GP out-of-hours review had been delayed due to a delay in the production of the JCRA report.

Income Support Sub-Panel's work was underway as was the review into the Centeniers-Magistrates Court.

  1. Environment Panel

A  review  of  the  Strategic  Plan  had  been  undertaken.  Three reviews had work in progress.

Regarding the review into Waste Management, there were a number of waste related propositions due for debate, together with other ongoing developments, including possible litigation concerning the composting operation at La Collette 2. These might  result  in  some  confusion  amongst  States  members. Deputy Duhamel was considering making a statement to clarify the views of the Environment Panel.

  1. Livelink Training

27.01.06 The  Committee  received  a  paper  dated  19th  May  2006, Item 7 prepared by the Scrutiny Manager in respect of Livelink Training which had been organised for scrutiny members and officers. In

09.03.06 view of the fact that Oriel House was no longer available for Item 6 training,  an  alternative  venue  had  been  found  at  Overdale CoM Training Room. A number of sessions had been planned for minutes members to select one session which best suited their diaries.

The  Committee  decided,  however,  that  it  would  be  more appropriate for one or two members to evaluate both the training and the appropriateness of access to Livelink prior to it being offered to other scrutiny members or officers.

Deputies Duhamel and Ferguson undertook to do this. RD/SF Signed Date:

.. .. President, Chairmen's Committee