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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 23 July 2007

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Education & Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting

Date: 23rd July 2007 Meeting 35

Present Deputy D.W. Mezbourian , Chairman

Deputy J. Gallichan, Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Pitman



In attendance Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer

Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter Action


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved and signed the records of its meetings of 2nd July, 5th July and 9th July (public and private sessions) 2007.

[09/07/07, Item 2]

2. Rôle of the Centenier in the Magistrate's Court

The Panel considered progress on its Scrutiny Review of the rôle of the Centenier in the Magistrate's Court. This part of the meeting was held in private session under Item 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information.

[09/07/07, Item 3]

3. Early Years

The Panel was advised that there had been limited progress in identifying potential candidates for the expert advisor. It was noted that the Scrutiny Officer would follow up this matter.

TO The Panel recalled its previous agreement to contact organisations

in order to request site visits. The Panel was advised that those organisations had welcomed the Panel's request to visit and dates

had been agreed subject to the Panel's availability. The Panel agreed to the suggested dates and requested the Officer to confirm TO arrangements with the relevant organisations.

[11/06/07, Item 9]

4. Policing of Events

The Panel discussed a report entitled States of Jersey Police – New User Pays Charges that had been presented by the Minister for Home Affairs to the Council of Ministers on 14th June 2007. This part of the meeting was held in private session under Item 3.2.1(a)(xiv)  of Code  of  Practice  on  Public  Access  to  Official Information.


[09/07/07, Item 11]

[05/03/07, Item 7]

[11/06/07, Item 11]

5. Future Work Programme

The Panel discussed the Safer St Helier Report that was presented to the Council of Ministers on 28th June 2007. The Panel noted that  issues  raised  in  the  report  might  be  pertinent  to  its  next Review, recalling its previous decision that its next Review would involve a cross-departmental approach and that it would focus on young people.

The  Panel  requested  clarification  be  sought  by  the  Officers  on matters relating to the Children's Executive, Youth Action Team and the recommendations of the Review of the Principles, Practices and Provision for Children and Young People with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Disorders in the Island of Jersey (i.e.


the Bull Report'). It was noted that the Bull Report might also be

useful in establishing the next Review topic.

[30/04/07, 6. Police Authority

Item 1.11] The  Panel  noted  recent articles from the Jersey  Evening  Post

relating to the Police Authority and considered its future course of

action on the subject. It agreed that the Officers would contact the WM /TO Department of Home Affairs in relation to this subject and report

back  to  the  Panel  with  an  update  on  the  progress  of  the proposals.

[30/04/07, 7. Critical Skills and Assessment for Learning

Item 1.1a] The  Panel  was  advised  that,  further  to  its  earlier  decision  to undertake visits in relation to Critical Skills and Assessment for

Learning, contact had been made with Mr C. Chipperfield from the Department of Education, Sport and Culture regarding possible arrangements for the visits. The Panel considered a paper detailing

potential arrangements. It noted an offer from Mr. Chipperfield to WM /TO brief the Panel and agreed to invite him to a Panel Meeting in September  2007,  with  a  view  to  undertaking  the  visits  shortly thereafter.

[09/07/07, 8. Ministerial Responses

Item 14] The Panel noted receipt of the Ministerial Responses to Overdale:

The Closure of Leoville and McKinstry Ward s (SR1/2007) and The

GP Out-of-Hours Co-Operative Service (SR6/2007).

The Panel was advised by the Chairman that she had attended a meeting on 20th July 2007 at which the Ministerial Response to SR1/2007 had been considered. It was noted that a letter would

be  sent  to  the  Council  of  Ministers  from  the  President  of  the Chairmen's  Committee  which  suggested  amendments  to  the protocol on Ministerial Responses to Scrutiny Reports that had been prepared by the Council. It was further noted that a request WM had been made for work to be done on the direct responses that

had been given to the recommendations and findings contained within SR1/2007.

The Panel noted that a request had been made by the Health,

Social  Security  and  Housing  Scrutiny  Panel  for  comments

regarding the Ministerial Response to The GP Out-of-Hours Co-

Operative Service (SR6/2007). Consideration was given to areas DM /JG /SP of the Response upon which the Panel might wish to comment. It

was agreed that Panel Members would give the Response further WM consideration and contact the  Scrutiny Office in the event that

further comments were identified. The Panel considered whether

an acknowledgement to the Ministerial Response would go in its

own  name  or  in  the  name  of  the  Health,  Social  Security  and

Housing Panel. It requested that the situation be clarified.

  1. Action Updates and Matters Arising

The Panel noted the actions undertaken in response to requests made at its previous meetings.

The Panel noted that, subsequent to its letter forwarded on 13th [09/07/07, July 2007, correspondence had been received from Minister for Item 5] Home Affairs outlining the timetable of work to be undertaken in

preparation for the IMF visit.

As requested by the Panel, clarification had been received from the [09/07/07, Department of Home Affairs regarding whether a report on the Item 6] Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme had been presented to

the Council of Ministers.

[11/06/07, The Panel noted confirmation of the date for its confidential RIPL Item 5] briefing. The briefing would be provided by the States of Jersey

Police on 15th October 2007.

  1. Chairman and Panel Member Actions

[25.06.07, The  Panel  received  an oral  update  from  the  Chairman  on  the Item 6] position and future progress of the draft Code of Practice.

The  Panel  was  advised  that  Professor  E.  Sallis,  Principal  of Highlands College, would meet the Chairman on Tuesday 24th DM July 2007.

The Panel noted receipt of correspondence from Mr. G. Power, Chief  Officer  of  the  States  of  Jersey  Police. The  Panel  was informed by Deputy S. Pitman that a date had been arranged with the States of Jersey Police when she would be accompanying Officers during the night shift.

  1. Media Articles

Further to the articles relating to the Police Authority, the Panel noted a recent Jersey Evening Post article on Prison numbers. The Panel agreed that it would forward media articles that it would like to be placed on the agenda to the Officers.

  1. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted that the following decision had been made by the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture:

  • Jersey Child Care Trust - Annual Report and Financial Statem for 2006 (MD-ESC-2007-0030) – 5th June 2007

The Panel noted that the following decision had been made by the Minister for Home Affairs:

  • Budget transfers within Home Affairs (MD-HA-2007-0049) 2 July 2007
  1. Questions to Ministers

The Panel noted that the Minister for Social Security, Senator P. F. Routier,  and  the  Chief  Minister,  Senator  F.H.   Walker ,  would answer  questions  without  notice  at  the  States  sitting  of  11th September 2007.

The Panel was advised that the Deputy J. Gallichan was minded to table an oral question to the Minister for Social Security regarding JG the separation of child care related benefits from the proposed Income Support scheme.

  1. Media Release

The Panel agreed it would not make a media release consequent

to the meeting.

  1. Future Meetings

The Panel agreed it would next meet at 9:30am on 26th July 2007

at which time it would consider the draft Centeniers report and the Early Years Review. It would meet again on 4th September 2007

at which time administrative matters would be considered amongst other issues. It was noted that other meetings would possibly be arranged in the meantime as required.

Signed Date: ..


Education & Home Affairs Panel