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Environment - Approved Panel Minutes - 1 November 2007

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Environment Scrutiny Panel

PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting

Date: 1st November 2007. Meeting Number: 62

Present Deputy R.C. Duhamel (Chairman) (RD)

Connétable K.A. Le Brun of St. Mary (KB) Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire (PLC)

Apologies Connétable A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier (SC)

Deputy C. Scott Warr en (CSW)


In attendance Mrs. C. Le Quesne, Scrutiny Officer

Mr. M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter




The  Panel  received  and  approved  the  Minutes  of  the meeting of 18th October 2007.




(Item  7 - 18/10/07)

Matters  arising  (action  updates)  from  the  Panel minutes of the 18th October 2007 -

Quarterly Newsletter proposition

The Panel recalled that it had discussed a newsletter proposal at its 18th October 2007 meeting. Deputy Le Claire  advised  the  Panel  that  as  requested  he  had undertaken  further  research  relating  to  probable  costs associated  with  providing  a  smaller  newsletter  than originally proposed. He also reminded the Panel of the costs  relating  to  the  purchase  of  the  software  and licences  required  for  the  development  of  the newsletter/paper proposal. Having outlined the figures, the concept of a Panel newsletter, alternative advertising through  existing  medium  and  related  costs  was discussed.

It  was  agreed  that  the  Panel  would  not  pursue  the production of a newsletter at this time.

The Panel agreed that it may be appropriate to revisit the issue of costs relating to advertising in the JEP and the Chairman  was  requested  to  raise  the  issue  with  the Chairmen's Committee. It was recalled that the current


arrangements and costs for advertising formed part of a States contract and details of renegotiation dates were requested.

CLQ In the interim the Panel decided that it would write to all Ministers asking for information on the number of colour information  newsletter  type  publications  it  produced annually  and  the  related  costs  to  get  an  overall understanding of the way in which the States in general approach  media  and  the  dissemination  of  information.

The Panel agreed that the types of publications that it

was  interested  in  included  Changing  States  and  the Airport and Harbour newsletters.

The  Panel  discussed  the  possibility  of  undertaking  a limited environmental audit with Departments; it recalled that  it  was  something  that  had  been  discussed  on  a number of occasions.

The  Panel  requested  that  the  draft  newsletter  sample (Item  3 provided  by   Deputy  Le  Claire  be  registered  with  the 18/10/07) Department for future reference.

Malmo Reports

The Panel noted that Mr. D. Mason had now provided it with a report on his visit to Malmo with the Panel. The Chairman was in the process of finalising his report and adding information to that provided by Mr. Mason. Deputy Le Claire provided the Panel with a DVD of slides from Malmo to music which would be completed to include text for the meeting.

The Panel agreed that it would provide all of its picture dependant  reports  to  the  Eco  Active Website  for CLQ uploading.  It  was  noted  that  the  Scrutiny  Website remained unable to accommodate large documents. It

was  agreed  that  an  electronic  back-up  copy  of  any documents forwarded to the Eco Active website should

be retained for archive purposes.

Malmo  findings – Raising  the  profile  of  visits  and reviews

On a related matter the Panel requested that information be  sought  on  software  programmes  used  by  the Education Department on its media studies courses for the production of online newspapers and film projects.

The Panel agreed that in order to engage with young CLQ people it should approach schools to seek expressions of interest  in  connection  with  media  study  students undertaking a partnership film or newspaper project. It

was agreed that a letter should be sent to the schools to ascertain  what  appropriate  timescales  might  be  and whether or not there would be any interest.

Quick Screens As requested at a previous meeting the officers had obtained details relating to the cost of quick screen banner stands to be used for public events and exhibitions.

MR The Panel recalled that these had been effectively used

at the conference in Malmo. The Panel noted that the

cost of 3 to 4 screens would be approximately £1,000; it

agreed that this option  should be pursued and that it (Item  14 wished to commit to a purchase. The Panel decided that MR 18/10/07) it would consider what should be printed onto the screens

and seek advice from appropriate graphic designers.

Lifestyle Exhibition

The Panel gave further consideration to participating in the 2008 Lifestyle Exhibition and decided that it would wish to take part. The officers were directed to make the necessary bookings and payments (£1,200) as previously discussed.  The  Panel  agreed  that  the  Quick  Screens would prove very useful at the event. In addition it agreed that it should have DVDs such as that currently being produced by Deputy Le Claire playing at the event.


3 Matters for noting

The Panel noted the following

(item 9 – a)  Meeting  with  Minister  for  Planning  and CLQ 18/10/07) Environment  The  first  meeting  with  the  Minister  for

Planning  and  Environment  would  take  place  on Wednesday  21st  November  2007  during  the  States lunchtime recess (lunch to be provided);

  1. One World Centre

Mr.  Daniel  Wimberley,  Chairman,  Jersey  One  World MR Centre conservation group would attend the next Panel meeting  on  the  15th  November  2007  to  make  a presentation on recycling plastic bags, an initiative which involves 6th form students;

  1. Water Quality in St. Aubin's Bay

that a working meeting with Ministers and officers would MR/CLQ take  place  on  2nd  November  2007  to  discuss  issues

relating to the sea lettuce on St. Aubin's Bay and the

efficiency of the sewerage treatment plant and the quality

of the outfall water into that bay;

  1. Puffins new  study  on  danger  to  the  Atlantic Puffin CLQ


Information  would  be  sought  from  BDK  architects, Dr. Glyn  Young  and  other  interested  parties  by  the officers at the request of Deputy Le Claire. The Panel endorsed the requests for information; and,

e) Consultation Paper on Branchage from the Comité des Connétable s

The  consultation  document  would  be  considered  and responded to by the Panel at its next meeting.





SDUK 08 QEII Conference Centre, Westminster

The Panel noted that the 2008 SDUK conference would take place at the QEII Centre in London 6th March. The conference was a one-day event and it was agreed that 3 members and an officer should attend the event. The officer was directed to book the necessary places at the conference and to agenda the item for the next meeting to confirm who would attend; and,

Chamber of Commerce lunch time event

The  Panel  had  agreed  by  e-mail,  communication  for some of its members to attend a Sustainability Seminar being held by the Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday 5th  December  2007  between  12.30  and  14.00hrs. Attendees would be confirmed to the officer who would make the necessary arrangements. The cost per person was noted as £18.





Air Quality

The  Panel  noted  the  witness  timetable  for  the forthcoming Air Quality Review Hearings to be held in November,  it  noted  that  its  dates  had  included  22nd November 2007, although it was now expected that the States would still be in session. On that basis the officer was directed to rearrange the witnesses' dates.

The Panel delegated meetings with customers of X-Mile to the Chairman. The officer was requested to make the necessary arrangements.

The Panel noted  that draft questions  for the hearings would be circulated on 9th November 2007. Following discussion  and  finalisation,  the  questions  would  be forwarded to the witnesses at least 5 working days prior to the hearings. The Panel agreed that lunches should be arranged for 22nd, 23rd, 26th and 27th November 2007 for 8 people.



The  Panel  was  advised  that  travel  and  hotel arrangements had been made for its advisor, a meeting had been arranged for him on 22nd November 2007 with the Head of Health Protection at 09.30am, and a pre- hearing meeting with the Panel would take place during the States lunch recess. During the afternoon of 22nd November 2007 the advisor would work with the officer on a framework for the report.

The Panel discussed the review and the quote that had been received from Channel 103 in respect of seeking RD more  submissions.  It  agreed  that  it  would  wish  to advertise on the radio and delegated arrangements and

the script content responsibility to the Chairman.

The  officer  agreed  to  arrange  a  meeting  with  a representative from Channel 103 at an appropriate time on  5th  November  2007.  It  was  noted  that  the  advert would cost approximately £1,000.


6 Waste Plant Review and the Buncefield Reports

The  Panel  noted  receipt  of  the  Buncefield  Reports entitled Safety Aspects of Waste'.

The Panel gave detailed consideration to the content and purpose  of  the  reports  and  decided  that  the  issue  of hazard was an intrinsic part of its current review relating to Waste Plants.

Hazard reports

The Panel decided that it was essential that it received

any additional updated information or reports relating to MR hazards and requested the officer to take the necessary action.  Furthermore  it  considered  that  issues  such  as location  and  transport  routes,  adjoining  or  adjacent commercial  enterprises  and  general  infrastructure requirements such as the location of the fuel farm were

key to the planning of any waste facility and that it was essential  that  all  the  environmental  implications  were scrutinised.

Planning decisions

On a related matter the Panel agreed that with regard to the recent Planning consent in principle, it must ensure that all the facts and figures upon which the Minister's decision was taken must be considered in detail.

It was noted that Condition 8 of the planning application related to fire and had been held over. The Chairman agreed to make all the relevant documentation that he

had available to the officers for document audit purposes. MR The  Panel  requested  that  all  of  the  background documentation  relating  to  Condition 8  should  be requested  from  the  Minister  for  Planning  and Environment.

The Panel noted that the Ministerial decision appeared to have only focussed on Policy G2 of the Island Plan and had  not  considered  G1  which  related  to  sustainable development. MR

The Panel requested that details and a copy of the JEP notice re-advertising the application for the development on  the  basis  that  the  Hopkins  drawings  were  re submitted, due to changes in building heights. The officer was instructed to obtain the documents from the Planning and Environment Department.

The Panel noted the various forms of appeal process available  to  concerned  parties.  It  had  some  concerns over the legal standing of the condition attached to the application and requested that the view of H.M. Attorney MR General and the Minister be  sought in this  regard.  In addition  the  Panel  requested  that  any  information  on financial  penalties  due  to  delays  should  be  made MR available to it.

The officer was requested to advise the Transport and Technical  Services  and  Planning  and  Environment Department  officers  of  the  Panel's  concerns;  the Chairman would discuss the matter with both Ministers. The officer was requested to ascertain time scales from H.M. Attorney General with regard to a response to its questions.

Waste Plant Review

The terms of reference for the review would be received by the Chairmen's Committee on 2nd November 2007.

The Panel was provided with all registered background information  held  by  the  Scrutiny  Office  relating  to  the review. Its programme of meetings for the management of the review was agreed as every alternate Tuesday to its  normal  Thursday  Panel  meeting,  commencing  6th MR November 2007 (lunch would not be provided at these meetings).

The  press  release  for  the  recent  Panel  visit  to  the Connétable of Grouville recycling initiative was approved.

The Panel would consider radio advertising for the review at a later date.

Recycling companies

The Chairman advised the Panel that Reclamait now had baling equipment that members may be interested to see. The Panel discussed ways in which it could engage the interest of residents in the review and agreed that it was essential that information relating to what was available was taken out to the public. The Panel agreed that it MR would be beneficial to have a public meeting at which professional  recycling  companies  could  be  invited  to

advise  on  what  could  be  achieved;  representative Chairman companies  could  be  invited  from  the  U.K.,  France  or

both. It was agreed that the issue should be included on

one of the Panels forthcoming review working meetings.

The  Panel  noted  that  the  Chairman  had  information relating to exportation costs of recyclable materials and that he would forward those to the officer. It was noted that  the  documents  would  remain  confidential  due  to commercial sensitivity.


The Panel was advised that contact had been made with MR the recycling plant visited in Cardiff and whilst requested figures had not been released and invitation had been extended to members to attend a repeat visit.

Forensic accountant

The Panel was advised that enquiries had been made to ascertain the type of accounting services that it would require for the purposes of the review. It was noted that a specialist was called for in this case and a company had been  identified  that  may  be  appropriate.  The  Panel agreed to meet with the company at the earliest possible MR opportunity.  The  officer  was  requested  to  make  the necessary  arrangements  and  to  obtain  the  accounts required by the Panel from the Transport and Technical Services Department.

Waste Advisor

The Panel was further advised that some research had been undertaken with regard to the possible appointment of a waste advisor. The officer was directed to contact the proposed  companies  to  ascertain  what  capacity  they might have, the likely costs and what if any work they had undertaken  with  Guernsey.  The  Chairman  agreed  to contact a political counterpart to discuss the companies used and any information that might be made available to the Panel. The Panel agreed that technical documents should be sought from Guernsey if possible.


7 Hospital Environmental Audit

The Panel considered the possibility of an environmental audit relating to the disposal of food and clinical waste by the health department.

Some concern had been expressed in connection with the charges levied for the disposal of clinical waste and its ultimate disposal.

The Panel requested that the Minister be requested to provide it with information relating to the quantities, cost CLQ and method used by the department in the disposal of

food and clinical waste. Statistics on the disposal and quantities of the waste streams would assist the Panel in ascertaining whether the trend for waste generation in health was going up or down.

It was requested that the Chairman of the Health, Social Security and Housing Scrutiny Panel be advised of the Panel's request.

RD. KLB. PLC. 8 Next Meeting

The Panel noted that the date for its next full meeting would be Thursday 15th November 2007 at 09.30 hrs in the Le Capelain Room.

Signed Date: ..

Chairman Environment Panel