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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 9 April 2008

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel Meeting No. 60

9th April 2008

Present   Deputy G. P. Southern , Chairman

Deputy J. A. Martin

Connétable M. K. Jackson Deputy K. C. Lewis

Apologies   Deputy A. Breckon


In attendance  Nathan Fox, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter




The  Minutes  of  the  meeting  held  on  26th  March  2008  were approved.



Item 4 16.03.08

The Role and Funding of Jersey Finance Limited

The Panel considered a draft report in respect of the above review.

The Panel noted that the key findings and recommendations were primarily included in the first half of the report, and indicated that these should be more evenly distributed. The executive summary was  amended  and  the  Panel  agreed  that  it  should  be  further revised by the Chairman.

The  Panel  concluded  that  further  work  was  necessary.  The Chairman  was  delegated  authority  to  make  the  necessary amendments to the report.

The Panel agreed to meet to finalise the report on 23rd April 2008.



Item 9 26.03.08

Business Plan

The  Panel  noted  that  the  Economic  Development  Minister  had indicated  that  he  was  available  to  discuss  the  draft  Economic Development Department Business Plan 2009 on 2nd May 2008.

The  Panel  noted  that  it  was  current  operating  with  only  one Scrutiny Officer, who was to be absent from the Island at the time of the Public Hearing. Accordingly the Panel agreed to formulate questions for the Minister without support, and indicated that a member would be selected at a later date to act in a secretarial function in this regard.



The Panel was informed that arrangement could be made through the Scrutiny Manager to secure an officer to attend the hearing itself.

The Panel also noted that the Chairmen's Committee intended to prepare  a  joint  Scrutiny  response  to  the  draft  departmental Business Plans by 8th May 2008, in preparation for a meeting between the Chairmen's Committee and the Council of Ministers on 15th May 2008 to discuss the subject.



JCRA Report

The  Panel  received  a  report  from  the  Jersey  Competition Regulatory Authority analysing the effect upon competition of the entry of a new UK supermarket in to the Island.

The  Panel  noted  that  the  report  was  heavily  influenced  by  a submission from Tesco, and that no factors other than the cost of food had been considered.

Than Panel agreed in general terms that the report warranted a response, and delegated authority to the Chairman to prepare a rebuttal for its consideration at a later date.



Future meetings

The Panel noted that the next meeting was due to be held on 23rd April 2008 at 9.30am in the Blampied Room, States Building. The Panel  noted  that  officer  provision  for  this  meeting  was  to  be arranged through the Scrutiny Manager.



. Chairman Deputy G. P. Southern Economic Affairs Panel

Date .