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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 4 June 2008

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Education & Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting

Date: 4th June 2008 Meeting 76



Deputy D.W. Mezbourian , Chairman Deputy J. Gallichan, Vice-Chairman Connétable G.F. Butcher

Deputy S. Pitman





In attendance

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


[02/06/08, Item 3]

1. Social Inclusion – Mont-à-l'Abbé

The Panel recalled its previous agreements to invite the Minister for Education,  Sport  and  Culture  to  a  Public  Hearing  and  to  invite  a potential advisor for interview on 16th June 2008. The Panel gave further consideration to these matters, taking into account the scope that any review regarding Social Inclusion might encompass and the time  available  to  undertake  any  such review.   It  was  subsequently agreed that the Panel would merely proceed with the Public Hearing for the time being and that it would not proceed at this time with interviews for the appointment of an advisor. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to  contact  the  candidates  that  had  been  invited  and  advise  them accordingly. It was noted that the Panel would consider its subsequent course of action in relation to the review once the Public Hearing had been held.



2. Work Programme

Subsequent to its discussion of the review relating to Social Inclusion, the  Panel  considered  the  implications  of  its  decisions  for  its  work programme for 2008. It was noted that the programme could potentially be adjusted and that, for instance, work on its review relating to the Prison Board of Visitors could be brought forward.


[28/04/08, Item 4]

3. Early Years

The Panel approved expenditure of £3,496.18 for the employment and expenses of its expert advisor for the Early Years review.


Signed  Date: ..  


Education & Home Affairs Panel

4th June 2008