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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 14 December 2009

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting

Date: 14th December 2009 Meeting 42

Present Deputy M.R. Higgins, Chairman

Deputy C.F. Labey , Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Pitman

Apologies Deputy J.M. Maçon

Absent Deputy D.J.A. Wimberley

In attendance Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Previous Meetings

The Panel approved the record of its meeting of 7th December 2009, which was signed accordingly.


07/12/09, Item 1

1. Work Programme

The Panel further considered the potential topics identified at its previous meeting for inclusion on its Work Programme for 2010. The Panel noted that it had indicated to the States that it would consider undertaking work on forthcoming e-gaming proposals and  agreed  that  this  should  be  added  to  the  draft  Work Programme.

The  Panel  further  noted  that  a  Quarterly  Meeting  was  to  be arranged with the Minister for Economic Development in January. It agreed that a template question Plan would be circulated to the Members who would propose draft questions and forward them to the Officer for collation and subsequent distribution of a full draft Question Plan.

  • Rural Economy Strategy

The Panel noted that membership of the Sub-Panel had yet to be confirmed and agreed to send a invitation requesting expressions of interest to all eligible Members.

  • Airport and/or Harbours:

The Panel recalled that at its previous meeting it had agreed to the  Chairman's  proposal  of   Deputy  C.H.  Egré,   Deputy  P.J. Rondel and himself as members of the Sub-Panel. The Chairman advised the Panel that he had since spoken to Deputy C.H. Egré who had advised that he would no longer be able to take up a position  on  the  Sub-Panel.  In  addition,  it  was  unclear  as  to whether Deputy P.J. Rondel would be able to take up a position due to a possible conflict of interest. The Panel also discussed a possible conflict of interest for the Chairman in relation to the


TO/ Panel




airport and agreed that the Chairman should seek the advice of the Greffier of the States.

The Chairman advised the Panel that he had also approached Deputy  M.   Tadier ,   Deputy  D.  J.  De  Sousa  and   Deputy  T.A. Vallois as possible Members of the Sub-Panel and that those Deputies had expressed interest in joining.

The Panel further considered the wide remit of the Sub-Panel and the previous advice of the Officer as to the selection criteria for  review  topics,  as  set  out  in  the  Code  of  Practice.  The Chairman  noted  the  directions  of  the  Code  of  Practice  but advised the Panel that it may be necessary for the Sub-Panel to adopt a wider scope in order for it to review certain significant matters in these areas.

  • Youth  Unemployment/Highlands  College/Skills  and Training:

The Chairman advised the Panel that he had not as yet been able  to  speak  to  the  relevant  Members  to  seek  a  meeting regarding a suitable way forward.

  • Intellectual Property

The Panel noted that it was awaiting a response to its request for background  documents  from  the  Economic  Development Department.

  • Jersey Finance

The Panel noted the follow up work that it had undertaken in relation to the previous Panel's review. It agreed to write to the Minister for Economic Development with outstanding questions relating to that work.

  • Jersey Enterprise

The Panel agreed that it would raise questions relating to Jersey Enterprise  at  the  Quarterly  Hearing  with  the  Minister  for Economic  Development.  The  Panel  requested  the  Officer  to gather  background  information  on  Jersey  Enterprise  and distribute it to the Panel.




2. Tourism PPP

The Panel again agreed that Members would read through the Tourism  PPP  review  files  ahead  of  consideration  at  its subsequent meeting of the next steps for the review.


07/12/09, Item 2

3. Bag Limits

In order to progress the draft report the Panel agreed that it would forward comments to the Officer. It was noted in particular that the Chairman intended to draft changes to the report as it stood  and  it  was  agreed  that  he  would  forward  those amendments to the Officer and liaise with him accordingly on the report's direction.

Panel MH

23/11/09, Item 2

4. Depositor Compensation Scheme

The Panel noted receipt of the official Ministerial response to its report SR10/2009. It agreed that it would include provision for follow up work to the review as part of its 2010 Work Programme.


5. Future Meetings

The  Panel  noted  that  its  next  scheduled  meeting  would  take place on 11th January 2009, Le Capelain Room, States Building.

Signed Date: ..


Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel