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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel
PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting
Date: 2nd February 2009 Meeting 2
Present | Deputy M.R. Higgins, Chairman Deputy C.F. Labey , Vice-Chairman Deputy J.M. Maçon Deputy S. Pitman |
Apologies |
Absent | Deputy S. Pitman (Item 1) Deputy D.J.A. Wimberley |
In attendance | T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer S. Le Quesne, Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Record of Previous Meeting The Panel approved the record of its meeting on 16th January 2009. |
| 2. Action Updates The Panel noted the Action Updates from its previous meeting. The Chairman reported back to the Panel on the Chairmen's Committee meeting of 22nd January 2009. He advised that the Chairman of the Corporate Services Panel would be inviting one Member of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel to sit on a Migration Sub-Panel that had been formed by that Panel. The Panel agreed that those Members interested in joining the Sub-Panel should determine between themselves which Member would take up the invitation. The Chairman further reported that he had established with the Chairman of the Corporate Services Panel and the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee the possibility of forming a Sub-Panel or Joint Panel' to look at issues related to the forthcoming HM Treasury: British offshore financial centres review. Similarly, he advised that he had discussed with the Chairman of the Health, Social Security and Housing Panel the possibility of establishing a Joint Panel' to look at issues related to housing. Deputy Labey updated the Panel about the Council of Ministers' meeting of 29th January 2009 and the Chairmen's Committee meeting of the same date, both of which she attended in place of the Chairman, who was out of the island. The Panel received an oral update from the Scrutiny Officers |
| regarding arrangements for Panel visits to the Jersey Financial Services Commission and to the Economic Development Department, and confirmed that it would like to proceed with those visits. | SLQ/TO |
| 3. 2009 Work Programme The Panel noted receipt of the Council of Ministers Initial Outline Timetable for Propositions to be Lodged in 2009. The Panel was advised that this could be used, primarily with the Business Plan and Forthcoming Legislation Programme, to help inform the Panel's selection of topics for review and inclusion on the Panel's Work Programme, which the Panel was reminded should be completed by the end of February. The Panel considered the Topic Assessment of the proposed Tourism PPP and requested that a Scoping Document be drafted. The Panel agreed that Members would consider the Economic Development Department's Discussion Paper on the Tourism PPP by the next meeting. The Panel was apprised of the fact that only one Ministerial Response had been issued to the previous Panel's work. It was decided that a letter should be sent to the current Minister for Economic Development requesting retrospective responses to the previous Panel's work. It was agreed that the Ministerial Response to the Role and Funding of Jersey Finance Ltd review would be circulated to the Panel. The Panel noted that the previous Panel's planned review on Employment and Training had not reached completion. Deputy Higgins and Deputy Maçon agreed to visit the Scrutiny Office to look at background material that was assembled for the review. The Panel was advised that at the Chairmen's Committee meeting of 22nd January 2009 it had been agreed that any reviews conducted into the forthcoming HM Treasury: British offshore financial centres review and the recession would be led by the Corporate Services Panel. The following topics were identified by the Panel for further consideration as possible areas for review:
The Panel requested that a Topic Assessment document should be drafted for a possible review of Airline route development. All potential review topics would also be raised for discussion with the Minister at the Hearing that was to be held on 9th February 2009. The Panel requested that for every draft legislative amendment lodged by the Minister for Economic Development, the Panel's officers should request from the Department a document showing | SLQ/TO Panel SLQ/TO SLQ/TO MH/JM SLQ/TO SLQ/TO |
| the updated Law in question complete with its proposed amendments highlighted and inserted into the relevant clauses. The Panel was advised that undertaking this task for every proposed amendment could constitute a large volume of work for the Department. It would further require identification of the intended objectives and output from the Panel in relation to each request. It could also be difficult to reconcile with the Panel's ongoing Work Programme. The Panel requested the officers to confirm which Scrutiny Panel was responsible for work relating to the JCRA. | SLQ/TO |
| 4. Communication The Panel noted again that good communication was essential for it to work effectively following recent communication problems during the Chairman's absence from the Island. The Panel agreed that should there be undue delay in receiving approval of correspondence from the Chairman, the officers should contact the Vice-Chairman for approval. The Chairman advised again that it was his intention to activate his States email address shortly and again that he would supply the Scrutiny Office with his electronic signature. | MH |
| 5. Conflicts of Interest The Panel noted again the possible conflicts of interest regarding some of the positions held by the Chairman, in particular on issues relating to tourism. The Chairman advised that he would seek the advice of the Greffier of the States on the issue. | MH |
| 6. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 9th February 2009, during which it would meet the Minister for Economic Development. The Vice-Chairman gave apologies for her likely absence from the first part of the meeting. |
Signed Date: ..
"[insert panel name]"