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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 21 September 2009

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting

Date: 21st September 2009 Meeting 31

Present Deputy M.R. Higgins, Chairman

Deputy C.F. Labey , Vice-Chairman

Deputy S. Pitman

Deputy D.J.A. Wimberley

Deputy J.M. Maçon

Apologies Deputy G.P. Southern (Depositor Compensation Scheme Review only) Absent

In attendance Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Panel deferred consideration of its outstanding Minutes to a subsequent meeting.


14/09/09 Item 2


2. Depositor Compensation Scheme

The Panel noted three reports from its adviser, Mr. Ray LaBrosse of Patterson and LaBrosse Financial Consultants Ltd, Canada. The Panel agreed to a dinner meeting with Mr. LaBrosse on his

day of arrival, 23rd September 2009.

The Panel noted the itinerary for Mr. LaBrosse and agreed to an early  morning  meeting  on  Thursday  24th  September  2009  to

discuss  the  OXERA  Public  Hearing  scheduled  for  25th September 2009.

The Panel noted an email distributed at the Panel Meeting from the Chief Executive of Jersey Finance concerning the next steps of the Depositor Compensation Scheme review.

The Panel discussed the draft report and agreed amendments to the Heads of Report.

The Panel agreed for the Officer to pursue a meeting between its adviser and the Jersey Bankers Association, to be scheduled for the afternoon of the 24th September 2009.

The Panel agreed for the Officer to schedule a further meeting for the Panel's adviser and Mr. M Spurling of HSBC on condition that the Jersey Bankers Association were not available to attend

a meeting on the 24th September 2009.

The Panel agreed that it would meet Mr. LaBrosse on Saturday 26th  September  at  1:15pm  at  Morier  House  to  discuss  the




Depositor Compensation Scheme report.


14/09/09 Item 3


3. Annual Business Plan

The  Panel  noted  comments  by   Deputy  Pitman  regarding  the Annual Business Plan. The Panel agreed to consider Deputy Pitman's paper after the Meeting and to forward amendments and comments to the Officer. The Panel agreed that its agreed

Comments should be distributed to the States on Tuesday 22nd September 2009.



4. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place  at  8:30am  in  Le  Capelain  Room,  States  Building,  on

Thursday 24th September 2009.


Signed Date: ..


Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel