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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 7 September 2009

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

PUBLIC MEETING Record of Meeting

Date: 7th September 2009 Meeting 28

Present Deputy M.R. Higgins, Chairman

Deputy C.F. Labey , Vice-Chairman

Deputy S. Pitman

Deputy D.J.A. Wimberley

Deputy J.M. Maçon

Apologies Deputy G.P. Southern ( Depositor Compensation Scheme Review only) Absent

In attendance Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Panel deferred consideration of all outstanding Minutes to its subsequent meeting.


01/09/09 Item 2


2. Depositor Compensation Scheme

The Panel held Public Hearings with the Viscount at 9:15am and the Chief Executive of Jersey Finance and the Chief Executive of Standard Chartered at 10:15am.

The Panel was advised that invitations to attend Public Hearings in  September  extended  to  STEP  Jersey  Branch,  the  Jersey Bankers  Association  and  HSBC  and  been  declined  due  to existing commitments.

The Panel recalled that Public Hearings had been provisionally arranged with OXERA on Friday 25th September and with the Minister for Economic Development on Monday 28th September. In view of the pressing timetable, the Panel considered that these dates would be too late to enable it to incorporate the evidence provided  into  the  draft  report.  The  Panel  agreed  that  the Chairman would contact the Minister for Economic Development directly to request that OXERA, the Jersey Bankers Association and  the  Minister  attend  Public  Hearings  during  the  week commencing 14th September. It was agreed that the Chairman would update the Panel by Wednesday 9th September, in order to  allow  sufficient  time,  if  required,  for  administrative arrangements to be made, in particular with the Panel's adviser Mr  J.  R.  Labrosse  of  Patterson  and  Labrosse  Financial Consultants  Ltd,  Canada,  who  the  Panel  agreed  should  be invited to assist those Hearings.

The  Panel  noted  that  it  may  be  possible  to  use  video  or telephoning  conferencing  to  hold  discussions  with  its  adviser should he not be required or able to attend the Panel in Jersey.

The Panel agreed that it would begin discussion of draft Heads of



Report at its meeting on Monday 14th September.


17/08/09 Item 4 517/11(8)

3. Annual Business Plan

The Panel agreed that it would seek to lodge an amendment to the proposed 2010 Annual Business Plan relating to the Tourism events  promotion  budget,  although  it  noted  the  imminent deadline for this to be achievable. The Panel agreed that Deputy D.J.A. Wimberley would contact the Greffier of the States in order to seek to progress the matter on the Panel's behalf.


10/08/09 Item 3


4. Tourism PPP

The Panel noted that the updated draft proposals for the Tourism PPP had been received, in confidence.


06/07/09 Item 4

5. Rural Economy Strategy

The  Panel  noted  receipt  of  the  Economic  Development Department's timetable for its internal review and development of a new Strategy. The Panel agreed that its officers should meet with  the  responsible  Departmental  officer  to  discuss  the timetable, and in particular its concerns that the timetable did not appear to include provision for review by Scrutiny.



6. Draft Legislation

The Panel noted the following draft legislation received from the Economic Development:

Separate  Limited  Partnerships  (Jersey)  Law  200-  (DH) 30.6.09

Current  Incorporated  Limited  Partnerships  (Jersey)  Law 200- (950-4) (Draft 14.4.09) (DH)

White Paper: Limited Partnerships with legal personality



7. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted the following Ministerial Decisions made by the Minister for Economic Development:

E-Commerce Manager: Application for 5 Year 'J' Category Licence (MD-E-2009-0145)

Aqua-Orchard  Ltd:  Draft  Fish  Farming  Licence  (MD-E- 2009-0135)

Spider Crab Fishery: Annual Closure (MD-E-2009-0143)

Fish Farm Authorisation: Amendment (MD-E-2009-0136)

De  Normandie  Hotel  and  Apartments,  Havre  des  Pas: Cancellation of Registration (MD-E-2009-0146)

Seymour Oyster Company Ltd: Fish Farming Licence (MD- E-2009-0144)

Sous L'Eglise - Transfer from Public Health to Airport. (MD- E-2009-0149)

Economic Stimulus Plan: Jersey Enterprise Grant for Fixed Asset  Purchases  by  Start-Up  Businesses  (MD-E-2009- 0151)

Protection  of  Children  (Cigarette  Lighter  Refill)  (Jersey) Regulations 200- (MD-E-2009-0150)

Alcove SC01, St. Catherine Breakwater: New Lease (MD- E-2009-0147)

Gorey Leading Light Site - Land Transaction. (MD-E-2009-




The  Panel  requested  further  information  regarding Economic Stimulus  Plan:  Jersey  Enterprise  Grant  for  Fixed  Asset Purchases by Start-Up Businesses (MD-E-2009-0151)



8. Forthcoming Propositions

The Panel noted the following propositions lodged au Greffe:

P41/2009: - Electricity tariffs: Regulations under Article 22 of the Electricity (Jersey) Law 1937 – Senator A. Breckon

P41/2009:  Com. - Electricity  tariffs:  Regulations  under Article 22  of  the  Electricity  (Jersey)  Law  1937 (P.41/2009) – comments – Senator A. Maclean

P41/2009:  Amd. -Electricity  Tariffs:  Regulations  Under Article 22 of The Electricity (Jersey) Law 1937 (P.41/2009)- Amendment – Senator A. Breckon

P112/2009: Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public  Accounts  Committee:  amendments Chairman's Committee



9. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that  its  next scheduled meeting would take place  at  9:30am  in  Le  Capelain  Room,  States  Building,  on Monday 14th September 2009.


Signed Date: ..


Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel