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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 21 December 2011

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   21st December 2011 Meeting No:  2



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman Connétable M.J. Paddock





In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Record of Meeting

The Panel approved the record of its meeting held on 8th December 2011, which was signed accordingly by the Chairman.



2. Future Meetings

The Panel approved its meeting schedule for 2012, noting that it's next scheduled meeting would take place at 9:30am on 25th January 2012. If  required,  the  Panel  agreed  that  it  might  meet  on  17th  January following the States return from recess.



3. Work Programme

The Panel recalled that it had previously received topic proposals from a member of the public in relation to Jersey Enterprise and public houses.  It  had  agreed  that  although  it  already  planned  to  give consideration to a future Review relating to Jersey Enterprise, it would be mindful of the comments made by the member of the public when doing so. It had also agreed, however, that a Review relating to public houses was unlikely to form part of its 2012 Work Programme.

The  Panel  noted  both  its  template Work  Programme  and  a  recent Ministerial Decision relating to the establishment of Jersey Business (MD-E-2011-0198). It further discussed its potential Review topics for 2012, and a shortlist was established for further discussion, including:

  • Financial Services Ombudsman
  • Aircraft Register
  • Economic Growth Strategy
  • Intellectual Property (Unregistered Rights) Regulations
  • Enterprise Strategy
  • Tourism Strategy
  • Skills Strategy
  • Extension of the Tourism Development Fund to private sector projects
  • Incorporation of Jersey Airport and Jersey Harbours

The Panel noted that the Chairman and Officer were due to meet the Minister for Economic Development that afternoon for an introductory



meeting,  The  Panel  would  be  updated  as  to  the  outcome  of  that meeting, which it was intended would assist the Panel's development of its Work Programme. It was agreed that further consideration of the Work  Programme  would  therefore  take  place  at  the  Panel's  next meeting in the New Year.


08/11/11 Item 7

4. Scrutiny Training

The Panel noted that progress was being made regarding its training visit to the House of Commons in the first quarter of 2012. It noted that it would be updated as developments were made.