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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 8 December 2011

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   8th December 2011 Meeting No:  1



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman


Connétable M.J. Paddock



In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Vice-Chairman

The Panel appointed Connétable S.W. Pallett as its Vice-Chairman in accordance with Standing Order 135(5), subject to the agreement of Connétable M.J. Paddock.



2. Future Meetings

The  Panel  discussed  its  meeting  schedule  for  2012,  noting  the Chairman's  proposal  that  it  should  initially  meet  fortnightly.  It  was agreed  that  further  consideration  needed  to  be  given  to  the  most suitable day of the week, taking into account all other commitments, ahead of agreement of a 2012 schedule at the next Panel meeting.

Consideration was given to whether the Panel would hold its meetings in private or in public. It was noted that the Chairmen's Committee would  consider  the  matter  in  order  to  determine  a  standardised approach amongst the Scrutiny Panels. The Panel was advised that, were it to hold meetings in private, the records of those meetings would nevertheless  be  made  public  unless  the  Panel  had  discussed confidential material. In such circumstances a private record would be taken, with an accompanying public record to indicate that the Panel had met.

The Panel agreed to next meet at 9:30am on 21st December 2011.

Panel / TO


3. Communication with Economic Development

The  Panel  considered  communication  with  the  Minister  and  the Department. It agreed that in addition to quarterly public hearings, it would seek to hold monthly update meetings within the Department between the Chairman, accompanied by the Scrutiny Officer, and the Minister and relevant Officers. The Panel agreed that the first meeting should take place before Christmas in order to discuss the Minister's priorities and to explain the Panel's approach to its work. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to make the necessary arrangements.

It was noted that work had begun on arrangements for Panel site visits in the New Year to the various sections of the Department. Additionally, it was noted that following direction from the Chairman, requests had been made to the Department for full and up to date organisation charts



4. Panel Communication

It  was  agreed  that  all  Panel  Members  would  check  their  e-mails regularly for Panel correspondence and respond as required.



5. Council of Ministers Work Programme 2012

The Panel considered the Council of Ministers Work Programme for the first  six  months  of  2012,  in  relation  to  the  work  of  the  Economic Development Department. It agreed to request further information from the Department regarding:

  • Economic Growth Strategy
  • Financial Services Ombudsman
  • Intellectual Property (Unregistered Rights) Regulations
  • Enterprise Strategy
  • Tourism Strategy
  • Skills Strategy
  • Extension of the Tourism Development Fund to private sector projects
  • Incorporation of Jersey Airport and Jersey Harbours



6. Topic Proposal

The Panel noted receipt of topic proposals from a member of the public on Jersey Enterprise and public houses. The Panel agreed that as it intended to give further consideration to a Review relating to Jersey Enterprise at its next meeting, it would be mindful of the comments made by the member of the public when doing so. After consideration, it agreed that a Review relating to public houses was unlikely to form part of its 2012 Work Programme, which would be decided over the coming weeks as higher priorities were assessed.

The Panel requested that the member of the public be contacted and thanked for his topic proposals and to update him as to the outcome of the discussions.  



7. Scrutiny Training

The Panel noted that progress was being made on Scrutiny training on chairing and questioning skills, as well as a visit by the Panel to the House of Commons in the first quarter of 2012. The Panel welcomed the provision of training, but also discussed the merits of it being spread throughout the term of office and the context of the heavy workload many Members were presently encountering.



8. Conflicts of Interest pertinent to the Panel's remit

The Chairman declared potential conflicts of interest in relation to his ownership of a boat and related use of harbour facilities, and his active membership of the Chamber of Commerce. It was noted that at the start of each Review, consideration should be given to whether any Member had a pecuniary or perceived conflict in the relevant area sufficient to preclude them from participating in the Review.