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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 11 January 2012

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   11th January 2012 Meeting No:  3



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy

Deputy S. Power

Deputy R.J. Rondel





In attendance

Mr W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The record of the meeting held on 14th December 2011 was approved and signed.

The Panel recalled that part of its meeting on 14th December 2011 had been held in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information. Nevertheless, the Panel considered that the record of that part of the meeting did not include confidential material and it was therefore agreed that it should be published alongside the remainder of the record.


14/12/11 Item 5

2. Matters Arising

The Panel noted the update on actions requested at previous meetings. Further to the update, the Panel noted that information on the Medium Term  Financial  Plan  had  been  received  from  the  Department  of Treasury and Resources and had been circulated. Furthermore, the Scrutiny  Office  had  been  advised  that  an  organisation  chart  of  the Department,  as  well  as  its  work  programme  for  2012,  would  be available  in  the  Department's  2012  business  plan.   The  Panel requested  the  Scrutiny  Officers  to  confirm  when  the  departmental business plan would be published.

The Panel recalled its agreement that the work programmes it received from the Executive should include detailed timetables for the proposed work of the relevant Ministers. Noting that the work programme it had received  from  the  Chief  Minister's  Department  did  not  contain  the requisite detail, the Panel requested the Scrutiny Officers to correspond with that Department and the Department of Treasury and Resources about the matter. It was further agreed that the Chairman should raise the matter with the Chairmen's Committee.





3. Lime Grove House

The Panel noted receipt of the Ministerial Response to  Lime Grove House: Failure to Complete Transaction (SR12/2011). Noting that the



Minister for Treasury and Resources had accepted the previous Panel's recommendation and that the Ministerial Response had already been reported in the media, it was agreed that no further action was required.



4. Comprehensive Spending Review

The Panel noted receipt of the Ministerial Response to Comprehensive Spending Review: 2012 2013 and Delivery  (SR14/2011). It was noted that Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, and Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister  for  Treasury  and  Resources,  had  accepted  several  of  the recommendations made within SR14/2011 but that no timescales had been provided for the implementation of those recommendations; the Scrutiny  Officers  were  therefore  requested  to  follow  up  the  matter. Noting that the Ministerial Response had yet to receive any media coverage,  the  Panel  also  agreed  that  a  media  release  should  be dispatched.



14/12/11 Item 4

5. Topic Proposal

The Panel noted receipt of a topic proposal from a member of the public regarding international conventions and their application to Jersey; and the dissemination of Human Rights information in the Island. The Panel agreed that, whilst there might be scope in reviewing some of the matters  raised,  the  proposal  would  not  constitute  one  of  its  initial reviews.

The Panel recalled that this was the second topic proposal from the same individual. The Scrutiny Officers were therefore requested to apprise that individual that neither of the topic proposals would form part of the Panel's initial work programme.



6. Allocation to Contingency

The Panel noted receipt of correspondence from the Treasurer of the States  regarding  the  Allocation  to  Contingency  Policy  which  would operate under the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). The Panel considered the request that it take part in the process by which requests for use of contingency funds would be made and assessed. It was agreed that the Panel would be unable to meet the timescales involved in the process and that the task would be inappropriate for a Scrutiny Panel to undertake. The Panel considered that it would potentially be more  appropriate  for  the  Public  Accounts  Committee  (PAC)  to undertake that task and, in that regard, it was noted that the Treasurer had also written to the PAC. Nevertheless, the Panel agreed that consideration of the overall policy fell within its remit and that a review of that policy could feasibly be included within a review of the MTFP but that clarification would be required on a number of points. Noting that the Treasurer  had  offered  to  brief the  Panel on  the matter,  it  was therefore agreed that this subject should be raised at the Panel's first meeting with the Minister for Treasury and Resources.

The Panel requested the Scrutiny Officers to draft a response to the Treasurer to indicate the Panel's conclusions.


14/12/11 Item 6

7. Population and Migration

The  Panel  considered  a  draft  Scoping  Document  in  relation  to  a potential  review  of  population  matters.   The Panel  agreed  that  the subject  was  significant  and  merited  review.   Consideration  was therefore given to a variety of issues that related to both population and



migration and the Panel agreed that its work could feasibly begin with an  examination  of  the  recently  published  2011  Census  results;  the implications of those results for the Population Policy; and how those implications would be addressed during the development of the new Strategic Plan. It was noted that, in addition to the Chief Minister, the Panel  might  also  need  to  hear  from  the  Ministers  for  Economic Development and Housing during the review.

The  Panel  requested  the  Scrutiny  Officers  to  research  and  to correspond with the Chief Minister's Department on the matter in order that Terms of Reference for the review could be drafted. Noting that there would be a need to undertake its work within a short timeframe, the Panel requested that draft Terms of Reference be circulated by 20th January 2012.



14/12/11 Item 6

8. Scrutiny Reviews

Noting  that  its  review  of  population  was  its  first  priority,  the  Panel agreed that a review of the MTFP should be its second review. It was further  agreed  that  briefings  on  Information  Services;  International Relations; and Human Resources should be arranged in due course as these represented topics which the Panel would most likely review later in 2012.


14/12/11 Item 3

9. Visit to the House of Commons

The Panel received an update on the organisation of its visit to the House  of  Commons,  noting  that  it  was  proposed  that  the  visit  be undertaken on 14th March 2012. It was agreed that the Panel should endeavour to make the most of the visit and the Scrutiny Officers were therefore requested to investigate the feasibility of extending it to a second day.


14/12/11 Item 5

10. Future Meetings

The  Panel  noted  and  confirmed  the  arrangements  for  its  quarterly hearings  with  the  Chief  Minister  and  Minister  for  Treasury  and Resources.

The Panel noted that the first meeting with the Chief Minister would take place on 20th January 2012 when the Chairman would attend with those  Panel  Members who  could  accompany  her. Apologies  were received from the Vice-Chairman and Deputy S. Power. In order to facilitate the subsequent arrangement of meetings and hearings, it was agreed that Panel Members should block out the entire day of each scheduled Panel Meeting.

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place at 9:30am on 25th January 2012.
