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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 20th June 2012 Meeting No: 34
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy [Absent for the last part of Item 2] Deputy S. Power [Absent for the last part of Item 2] Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources [Last part of Item 2] Deputy E.J. Noel, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources [Last part of Item 2] Ms L. Rowley, Treasurer of the States [Last part of Item 2] Ms D. Le Gresley, Director of Financial Planning [Last part of Item 2] Mr. K. Hemmings, Head of Decision Support [Last part of Item 2] Mrs C. Hastings, Director of Strategic Procurement [Last part of Item 2] Mr. G. Chidlow, Director of Accounting Services [Last part of Item 2] Ms M. Byron, Project Director – Pensions [Last part of Item 2] Mr. D. Le Cuirot, Deputy Comptroller of Taxes [Last part of Item 2] Mr. B. Hall am, Implementation Analyst [Last part of Item 2] Ms L. Walmsley, Tax Implementation Support Officer [Last part of Item 2] Mr. R. Foster, Acting Director – Jersey Property Holdings [Last part of Item 2] Mr. D. Peedle, Economic Advisor [Last part of Item 2] Mr. A. Macleod, Finance Director – Taxes Office [Last part of Item 2] Mrs W. Martin, Director of Tax Policy [Last part of Item 2] Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer [Items 4 and 6] |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 17th May, 22nd May [Public and Private], 23rd May and 6th June [Public and Private] 2012. The records were signed accordingly. |
14/06/12 Item 1 513/35 | 2. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel recalled that the Corporate Services (MTFP) Sub-Panel would comprise the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Deputy S.G. Luce and agreed that Deputy J.M. Maçon and Deputy J.H. Young would also be appointed. It was noted that a first meeting of the Sub-Panel would need to be organised and the Scrutiny Officer was requested to make the necessary arrangements. It was noted that the Chairmen's Committee had approved the Panel's Scoping Document and Terms of Reference and that the Terms of | WM |
| Reference had been shared with the other Scrutiny Panels. The Panel considered the draft MTFP as it stood on 30th May 2012. This part of the meeting was held in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken. The Panel subsequently considered the engagement of expert advisors to assist it and the Corporate Services (MTFP) Sub-Panel during their work. This part of the meeting was held in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(i) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken. The Panel was advised that the Health, Social Security and Housing (HSSH) Scrutiny Panel would endeavour to develop generic questions for its review of the MTFP which could subsequently be shared with other Scrutiny Panels to assist their work on the matter. The Panel noted that other Panels had received the business cases for growth bids made by the Departments within their remits and it was therefore agreed that the relevant business cases for the Chief Minister's Department and the Department of Treasury and Resources should be requested. The Panel noted that public hearings with the relevant Ministers would be arranged but that, until such time as the lodging date of the MTFP was confirmed, it would be difficult to make precise arrangements for any such hearings. Subsequent to the consideration of all other items of business, the Panel adjourned to Cyril Le Marquand House for a briefing from Ms L. Rowley, Treasurer of the States, and other officers of the Department of Treasury and Resources on the MTFP as it related to the Department. This part of the meeting was held in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken. | WM |
06/06/12 Item 4 513/1(40) | 3. Executive Information The Panel recalled its agreement that any documents relating to a briefing or hearing provided by the Executive should be received at least two days in advance of the briefing or hearing and that the Chairmen's Committee should be asked to consider the matter. It was noted that the Committee had considered the matter at a meeting of all Scrutiny Members and that it had been agreed that documents should be provided at least twenty-four hours in advance. The Panel noted that a number of actions which had been agreed with the Department of Treasury and Resources had yet to be completed. The Panel was advised that the Department was aware of the actions in question and that it had informed the Scrutiny Office of its intention to have all outstanding actions completed by 20th June 2012. |
14/06/12 Item 2 513/34 | 4. Tourism Development Fund The Panel recalled its agreement that the Chairmen's Committee should be asked to consider the circumstances surrounding the debate under Standing Order 79 to refer Tourism Development Fund: Assistance to the Private Sector (P.26/2012) to the Panel. The Panel was advised that the Committee had considered this matter at a |
| meeting of all Scrutiny Members at which meeting it had been agreed that closer communication between Panels was important. The Panel received an update from Deputy S. Power, Chairman of the Corporate Services (TDF) Sub-Panel. It was noted that confirmation had been sought from Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources, regarding the impact that the MTFP was currently expected to have on the Tourism Development Fund (TDF). Consideration was given to whether correspondence received from the Minister could be cited in the Sub-Panel's report and the Scrutiny Officer was requested to clarify the position. The Panel was advised that the Sub-Panel would consider its draft report on 22nd June 2012, after which further drafting would be undertaken. It was noted that the Sub-Panel was on course to present its report ahead of the continuation of the debate on P.26/2012. The Panel agreed that, upon presentation of the report, a statement should be made on the Sub-Panel's behalf to the States Assembly. The Panel was advised that the Chairman of the TDF Sub-Panel was likely to be absent on States business at the relevant sitting and it was therefore noted that Deputy R.J. Rondel, Vice-Chairman of the TDF Sub-Panel, would make the statement in his stead. | SM |
06/06/12 Item 8 513/1(40) | 5. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources The Panel recalled its consideration of whether the fact that certain Panel Members held shares in Jersey Water would preclude them from asking questions on the general subject of the utilities and its agreement that the matter should be investigated. The Panel was informed that advice had been sought from the Greffier of the States. It was noted that interests should be declared, for instance at public hearings, but that the interest in question would not preclude Members from asking general questions which had no direct bearing on that interest. It was further noted, however, that Members might choose to exercise caution when deciding whether to put questions or not. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to ascertain the situation in relation to a Member's family and whether their employment by a utility might lead to a conflict of interest on that Member's part. The Panel noted that the subsequent Quarterly Hearing with Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources, was due to take place on 4th July 2012. Consideration was given to whether sufficient time had elapsed since the previous Quarterly Hearing with the Minister and it was ultimately agreed to defer the next Hearing. | WM WM |
06/06/12 Item 2 513/32 | 6. Population and Migration The Panel recalled its agreement to request an update from the Executive on the implementation of accepted recommendations from previous Scrutiny Reports on the subjects of population and migration. It was noted that the request would be followed up. The Panel was subsequently advised that Deputy T.A. Vallois, President of the Chairmen's Committee, had recently signaled her intention to follow up the recommendations of previous Scrutiny Reports. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to ascertain the situation. The Panel noted that expenditure on the review to date had amounted | WM |
| to £6,050.30 from the agreed budget of £10,000. It was therefore noted that £3,949.70 remained available, although it was also noted that consideration would be given to the scope of the review, the Terms of Reference and the budget upon the review's recommencement in order to determine whether any amendments would be required. In that regard, the Panel noted that work would recommence upon completion of the TDF review. The Panel noted receipt of the Ministerial Response from Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, to Population and Migration – Part 1 (SR1/2012). It was agreed that consideration of the Ministerial Response would be built into work on Part 2 of the review. The Panel further noted that a reconciliation of the 2011 Census with previous population estimates had been published by the Statistics Unit on 15th June 2012. | WM |
06/06/12 Item 1 513/1(41) | 7. International Relations The Panel considered the work it had previously agreed would be undertaken in relation to international relations matters. This part of the meeting was held in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken. Consideration was given to potential dates for a briefing from the Chief Minister's Department on international relations matters. It was agreed that the briefing should be arranged for after the summer recess. | WM |
23/05/12 Item 3 | 8. Evaluation of Evidence The Panel recalled its agreement that material previously produced by Mr. C. Swinson OBE, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) on the collation and analysis of evidence should be circulated. It was noted that the material had subsequently been circulated by e-mail. |
| 9. Future Meetings The Panel noted that it would next meet on 4th July 2012. |