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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 4th July 2012 Meeting No: 38
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy Deputy R.J. Rondel [Items 1 to 3] |
Apologies | Deputy S. Power |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss. S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Record of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 14th June 2012 [public and private]. The records were signed accordingly. |
03/07/12 Item 1 513/35 | 2. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel noted receipt of Business Cases for growth bids from the Chief Minister's Department and the Department of Treasury and Resources following its request on 20th June 2012. The Panel considered whether to request formally written responses to the general questions arising from the Terms of Reference (which had been established by the Health, Social Security and Housing Scrutiny Panel). The Panel was advised of the potential pitfalls in pursuing that course of action. The Panel ultimately agreed that formal requests would be sent to the Chief Minister's Department and the Department of Treasury and Resources and that, given the limited time the Panel had to complete this review, the Departments would be asked to respond within 10 working days. The Panel was advised that the current lodging date for the MTFP was due to be 23rd July 2012. Subsequently, the Scrutiny Officer was requested to contact the relevant Departments and provisionally arrange public hearings with the respective Ministers for 1st August 2012. However, it was noted that there was a possibility that the States sitting in the week commencing 23rd July 2012 would not go ahead. It was therefore agreed that the Chairman would contact both Ministers advising them of the Panel's tight timetable and requesting that they make themselves available for public hearings at the end of July. Noting that the Panel had recently been invited to a ministerial briefing with little advance notice, it was further agreed that the Chairman would also raise the issue regarding Ministers setting the agenda for meetings at the next Chairmen's Committee meeting. The Panel was advised that a project plan had been drafted, but had not yet been sent to the Sub-Panel. Within the project plan it had been suggested that Scrutiny Panels provide the Sub-Panel with final reports by 14th September 2012 in order for the main review to be completed in advance of the MTFP debate on 6th November 2012. It was agreed that | WM WM SF SF |
| this deadline was sufficient time for the report to be completed, albeit the timescale would be tight. The Panel recalled its decision to meet the Fiscal Policy Panel (FPP) on 17th July 2012. It requested that Professor M. Oliver, one of the MTFP Sub-Panel's expert advisors, also attend the meeting with the FPP. The Scrutiny Officer was therefore asked to ascertain whether this could be arranged. The Panel was advised that the contracts for Professor M. Oliver and Mr. S. Fair were in the process of being agreed. The Panel was advised that indications had been received from the Executive that the 2013 Budget might also be debated on 6th November 2012. It was agreed that the Chairman would contact the relevant Ministers regarding the matter. | WM SF |
20/06/12 Item 4 513/34 | 3. Tourism Development Fund (TDF) The Panel acknowledged and welcomed the work that had been recently undertaken by the Corporate Services Scrutiny Sub-Panel in completing its review on the TDF and the proposition (P.26/2012) to extend the Fund's remit to the private sector. The Panel noted that Deputy R.J. Rondel, Vice-Chairman of the Sub- Panel, would make a statement to the States during the TDF debate on 10th July 2012. It was further noted that the Scrutiny Officer would draft a Statement and circulate it to the Sub-Panel before 6th July 2012. | SM |
20/06/12 Item 7 513/1(40) | 4. International Relations The Panel recalled its agreement to defer a briefing on external relations until after the summer recess. Subsequently the Panel was advised that 19th September 2012 had been proposed for the briefing. It was further advised that this date had already been set-aside by the Panel for its regular scheduled meeting. The Panel agreed that it would meet as previously arranged at 9:00am for its scheduled meeting and would adjourn at 11:00am to receive a briefing from the Chief Minister's Department on international relations. Further consideration was given to this matter in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken. |
| 5. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was not due to take place until 5th September 2012. However, the Panel agreed that it should continue to meet regularly in order to discuss matters relating to the MTFP review. In this regard, the Scrutiny Officer was requested to confirm arrangements for the States sitting and Royal visit on 18th July 2012. It was agreed that the Panel would meet on this date if Members were not otherwise engaged. | WM |
06/06/12 Item 10 513/1(41) | 6. Work Programme The Panel considered the legislative programme for the Chief Minister's Department and the Department of Treasury and Resources. This part of the meeting was held in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken. |