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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 6th June 2012 Meeting No: 32
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Power [Absent for part of Items 1, 2 and 3 and for Items 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9] Deputy R.J. Rondel [Absent for Item 12] |
Apologies | Connétable D.J. Murphy |
Absent |
In attendance | Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister Mr. J. Richardson, Acting Chief Executive Mr. P. Bradbury, Director – Corporate Policy Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
23/05/12 Item 10 513/1(40) | 1. International Relations The Panel recalled its agreement to accept the offer made by Senator Sir P.M. Bailhache , Assistant Chief Minister with responsibility for external relations, to brief the Panel on international relations matters. It was noted that, due to the Panel's other commitments, it had not yet been possible to arrange the briefing and that a date remained to be fixed. Consideration was given to whether the Panel would undertake work in respect of international relations. This part of the meeting was held in private session under Paragraphs 3.2.1(a)(xiv) and 3.2.1(b) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken. The Panel subsequently agreed that provision should be made within its work programme for work on international relations matters. | WM |
23/05/12 Item 3 513/32 | 2. Population and Migration The Panel noted that the deadline for receipt of the Ministerial Response to Population and Migration – Part 1 (SR1/2012) expired that day. The Panel was advised that the Executive had informed the Scrutiny Office that the Ministerial Response would be signed off that day by Senator P.F. Routier MBE, Assistant Chief Minister and Chairman of the Migration Advisory Group, and that, subsequent to Ministerial approval, the Response would be with the Panel on either 7th or 8th June 2012. The Panel recalled its request to the Scrutiny Officers to provide comments to assist the Panel's evaluation of the first part of the review. It was noted that the Officers' comments had been provided orally during the Panel's discussions and not in writing. |
| The Panel recalled its consideration of whether there would be sufficient resources for all the potential work identified during the second part of the review and its consequent request that advice be sought from the Scrutiny Manager on whether the Panel could employ someone to undertake research for the review. The Panel was advised that, in theory, it was feasible for Panels to seek additional resources; however, the case would need to be made to show why the required work could not be undertaken within existing resources within the Scrutiny Office. The Panel requested that a budget update for the review be placed on the next agenda. The Panel recalled its agreement to request an update from the Executive on the implementation of accepted recommendations from previous Scrutiny Reports on the subjects of population and migration. The Panel noted that the request had been made. It requested the Scrutiny Officer to ascertain the status of the request and whether documentation had been received in response. Consideration was given to the work to be undertaken during Part 2 of the review and it was agreed that consideration would need to be given to the corresponding situation in Guernsey and the Isle of Man. | WM WM |
23/05/12 Item 5 513/35 | 3. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel received copies of the draft Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and noted that the copies were to be treated as confidential. The Panel recalled that an officer-meeting had been due to take place between the Scrutiny Office and the Department of Treasury and Resources. The Panel was advised that the meeting had ultimately not taken place as arrangements for a briefing to the Panel had superseded it. The Panel noted that provisional Terms of Reference for the review had been forwarded for the Chairmen's Committee's consideration. Consideration was given to draft Scoping Documents and Terms of Reference for both the Panel's work and that of the proposed Sub- Panel. Both Scoping Documents and sets of Terms of Reference were approved for distribution to the Chairmen's Committee, subject to the inclusion of a budget of £3,000 for the potential use of an advisor by the Panel itself. In that latter regard, the Panel was advised that, on the basis of the review structure agreed to date, any expert advisor appointed would work predominantly with the Sub-Panel. A draft engagement brief for an expert advisor was approved and it was noted that work would continue on the identification of potential advisors for subsequent Panel consideration. The Panel considered the timescale for the review of the MTFP. It was noted that each Scrutiny Panel was expected to receive briefings from the relevant Department(s) on the MTFP as it related to those Departments. In that regard, the Panel was advised that a briefing from the Chief Minister's Department had been arranged for 9:00am on 14th June 2012. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to ascertain whether a briefing from the Department of Treasury and Resources could be held on the same day. The Panel noted that, according to the latest information available, the | WM WM WM |
| MTFP was due to be lodged on 3rd July 2012. The Panel considered the impact of a delay to the lodging date and agreed that such a delay could have significant implications for the Scrutiny Review of the MTFP. The Panel agreed that it would be beneficial for work on the review to begin in the near future and it was therefore agreed that the Chairman should verify whether the Chairmen's Committee had taken a view on the proposed Terms of Reference and on membership of the proposed Sub-Panel. | SF |
25/04/12 Item 2 513/1(40) | 4. Executive Information The Panel recalled its agreement that any documents relating to a briefing or hearing provided by the Executive should be received at least two days in advance of the briefing or hearing. The Panel further recalled its agreement that the Chairmen's Committee should be asked to consider the matter. The Panel was advised that the Committee had indeed discussed the matter. The Chairman undertook to confirm the conclusions that had been reached by the Committee. The Panel considered the information it received from Ministers during Quarterly Public Hearings and whether they were being held as effectively as they could be. Consideration was given to whether written questions could be put to Ministers subsequent to Quarterly Public Hearings, in the event that the questions had not been covered at the Hearings themselves. The Panel was advised that such an approach could potentially create difficulties in relation to workload and prioritisation. It was agreed that the Panel should remain mindful of the issue as it undertook further Quarterly Public Hearings. | SF |
23/05/12 Item 7 513/1(40) | 5. Gigabit Jersey The Panel recalled its requests for information relating to Gigabit Jersey. The Panel was advised that the relevant documentation had been received. The Panel further recalled its agreement not to undertake any further work on this matter for the time being. |
25/04/12 Item 10 513/1(43) | 6. Public Finances Law The Panel recalled its agreement to request the law-drafting brief for amendments to the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005. The Panel was advised that the request had not been made due to the Panel's other work commitments. It was noted that the Public Accounts Committee had requested a copy of the law-drafting brief and that it was likely to undertake work on the matter. |
23/05/12 Item 4 513/34 | 7. Tourism Development Fund The Panel recalled its agreement that the Chairmen's Committee should be asked to consider the circumstances surrounding the debate under Standing Order 79 to refer Tourism Development Fund: Assistance to the Private Sector (P.26/2012) to the Panel. It was noted that the Committee had discussed the matter. The Chairman undertook to confirm the conclusions that had been reached by the Committee. The Panel received an update from Deputy S. Power, Chairman of the Tourism Development Fund (TDF) Sub-Panel. It was noted that the Sub-Panel had effectively completed evidence-gathering and that drafting was therefore due to begin on the report. It was further noted that the Sub-Panel intended to provide the report for formal Panel | SF |
| approval during the first week of July 2012. |
11/05/12 Item 3 513/1(40) | 8. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources The Panel recalled its consideration of whether the fact that certain Panel Members held shares in Jersey Water would preclude them from asking questions on the general subject of the utilities and its agreement that the matter should be investigated. It was noted that procedural advice on the matter had yet to be received. | WM |
| 9. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 18th and 25th [both public and private] April and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11th and 16th May 2012. The records were signed accordingly. |
24/05/12 Item 6 513/1(41) | 10. Work Programme The Panel considered its work programme for 2012, noting that provision had been made for the review of the MTFP; continuation of the Population and Migration Review; and the Sub-Panel review of the TDF. It was noted that work on the Population and Migration Review was due to recommence once the TDF Sub-Panel had completed its work and that, at present, it was anticipated that the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law would be implemented in September 2012. The Panel further noted that consideration would need to be given to what work, if any, the Panel would undertake on the 2013 Budget. |
| 11. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 20th June 2012. Recalling that it was due to receive a briefing on the MTFP on 14th June 2012, the Panel agreed to meet subsequent to the briefing in order to consider any matters of significance that might need discussing. | WM |
23/05/12 Item 9 513/1(40) | 12. Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister The Panel received Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, accompanied by Mr. J. Richardson, Acting Chief Executive, and Mr. P. Bradbury, Director of Corporate Policy, for a quarterly public hearing. The hearing was recorded in order that a transcript could be made. |