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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 8 February 2012

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   8th February 2012 Meeting No:  6



Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy

Deputy R.J. Rondel


Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy S. Power



In attendance

Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister

Mr J. Richardson, Acting Chief Executive

Mr W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


25/01/12 Item 7


1. Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel received Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, accompanied by Mr J. Richardson, Acting Chief Executive, for a quarterly public hearing. The hearing was recorded in order that a transcript could be made.



2. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 25th January 2012 (both public and private records) and 26th January 2012. The records were signed accordingly.


26/01/12 Item 1


3. Population and Migration

The Panel was advised that, at the request of the Vice-Chairman, the Scrutiny Office had contacted Edge Analytics Limited in order to confirm whether  it  would  be  able  to  advise  the  Panel  during  its  review  of population and migration matters. It was noted that Edge Analytics would be able and willing to assist during the review.

Consideration was given to a draft Scoping Document and draft Terms of  Reference  which  had  previously  been  circulated.   Noting  that comments had been received by e-mail from Deputy S. Power, the Panel agreed to insert one additional key issue within the Scoping Document.

The Panel accordingly approved the Scoping Document, as amended, and the Terms of Reference. It was noted that the budget for the review would be £8,000, including £5,000 allocated for the use of an expert advisor. It was noted that the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference would be circulated to the Chairmen's Committee and that the Terms of Reference would subsequently be provided to the Chief Minister for comment, in line with the  Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee. The Panel further noted that  subsequent  consideration  would  be  required  for  the  precise

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involvement of an expert advisor during the review.

The Panel agreed to set aside 12th March 2012 for public hearings and requested the Scrutiny Officers to ascertain the availability of the Chief Minister on that day.



4. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 29th February 2012. It was recalled that the Panel had previously agreed that Panel Members should block out the entire day of each scheduled Panel Meeting.



5. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel noted that it would receive Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury  and  Resources,  for  a  quarterly  public  hearing  on  29th February 2012. It was agreed that the Panel should meeting during the lunchtime adjournment of the States sitting on 22nd February 2012 in order to prepare for the hearing. Panel Members were requested to read  the  2012  Business  Plan  for  the  Department  of  Treasury  and Resources ahead of the meeting. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to circulate a draft question plan in advance of the meeting.


Panel WM / SM

25/01/12 Item 8


6. Visit to the House of Commons

The Panel received an oral update on arrangements for its visit to the House of Commons on 14th March 2012.


25/01/12 Item 3


7. Medium Term Financial Plan

The  Panel  was  advised  that  a  request  had  been  made  to  the Department  of  Treasury  and  Resources  for  further  documentation relating to the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). It was noted that no further documentation had been received but that an offer had been made to brief the Panel on the matter. It was therefore agreed to defer consideration of the matter and the Scrutiny Officers were requested to make the necessary arrangements for a briefing to occur.

The  Panel  received  an  oral  report  from  the  Vice-Chairman  on  the deliberations of the Chairmen's Committee about the MTFP. It was noted that the Committee had agreed that each Panel should examine the areas which fell within its remit and that the Corporate Services Panel should establish two Sub-Panels, one to look at financial matters and one to consider socio-economic matters.



8. Comprehensive Spending Review

The  Panel  received  an  update  on  matters  relating  to  the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). It was noted that the Council of Ministers had itself received an update on 26th January 2012 and that further information on the subsequent stages of the CSR would become apparent in the MTFP. It was further noted that the new Strategic Plan was anticipated to provide the strategic context and long- term vision for the next stages of the CSR.


25/01/12 Item 2

9. Executive Information

The Panel noted receipt of the 2012 departmental business plan for the Chief Minister's Department.