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Corporate Services MTFP - Approved Sub-Panel Minutes - 26 June 2012

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Sub-Panel

Medium Term Financial Plan Record of Meeting

Date:   26th June 2012 Meeting No:  1



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.M. Maçon, Vice-Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed

Deputy J.H. Young

Deputy S.G. Luce





In attendance

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Panel Constitution

Noting the wishes of the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel, the Sub- Panel confirmed Senator S.C. Ferguson as its Chairman. Deputy J.M. Maçon was appointed Vice-Chairman.



2. Meeting Arrangements

The Panel agreed to meet on 9th July and subsequently on 23rd July 2012. Panel Members' absences during the summer recess were noted. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to collate the list of absences and to circulate them in order to assist subsequent planning.



3. Expert Advisor

The Panel noted that expressions of interest had been received from two individuals. It was noted that the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel had proposed  that  advice  be  sought  on  the  economic  circumstances underlying  the  Medium  Term  Financial  Plan  (MTFP)  and  on  the mechanics of how the MTFP would operate. It was agreed to appoint Professor  M.  Oliver  of  MJO  Consulting  to  advise  the  Sub-Panel  on economic matters and to appoint Mr. S. Fair of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to advise on the mechanics of the MTFP. It was agreed the advisors should be invited to attend the Sub-Panel's meeting on 23rd July 2012.



4. Lines of Enquiry

The Scrutiny Officer was requested to draft a timetable for the Sub- Panel's work for consideration at the subsequent meeting.

The Sub-Panel noted that it had initially been envisaged that Scrutiny Panels would report to the Sub-Panel by the end of July 2012. It was further noted that this would not be feasible, although it would be possible



for Panels to flag up issues they had considered by that time. It was noted that the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel had already set aside time for Public Hearings on the MTFP to take place on the MTFP had been lodged on 23rd July 2012.

The Sub-Panel was advised that the Health, Social Security and Housing (HSSH) Scrutiny Panel had developed generic questions on the MTFP which it hoped could be used by all Panels in their work. It was agreed that questions should be developed to steer the Sub-Panel's own work.

Consideration was given to when the MTFP would be completed and no longer subjected to revision. It was agreed to clarify this matter.

It was agreed that a briefing on income forecasting and the forecasting assumptions  which  underlay  the  MTFP  should  be  arranged.   It  was further agreed that a briefing from the Treasurer of the States should be arranged.