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Economc Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 19 March 2012

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   19th March 2012 Meeting No:  7



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman Connétable M.J. Paddock





In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter






1. Quarterly Update Hearing

The Panel considered and agreed the topic areas to be covered at its Quarterly Update Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development on 28th March. It agreed that a draft question plan should be compiled and circulated to Members for further development, ahead of a meeting to finalise questions on 27th March.


06/03/12 Item 1


2. Financial Services Ombudsman

The Panel recalled that it had received, in confidence, a draft of the Financial  Ombudsman  Scheme  legislation.  It  agreed  that  it  would request a briefing from the Economic Development Department on the updated draft.



3. Scrutiny Newsletter

The Panel noted the draft copy for its page of the forthcoming Scrutiny Newsletter.



4. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its was scheduled to meet at 9am on 28th March 2012,  for  a  meeting  that  would  include  a  Quarterly  Update  Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development at 9.30am. It also agreed to meet at 2pm on 27th March to finalise its question plan for that  Hearing,  and  to  possibly  receive  a  further  briefing  from  the Economic Development Department on the draft Financial Ombudsman Scheme legislation.


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