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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 18th October 2012 Meeting No: 30
Present | Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman |
Apologies | Connétable M.J. Paddock |
In attendance | Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 19th September and 3rd October 2012, which were signed accordingly by the Chairman. |
03/10/12 Item 2 515/25 | 2. Intellectual Property Unregistered Rights (IPURL) The Panel considered the report it had received from its adviser on the draft subordinate IPURL legislation. The Panel agreed that the report should be forwarded to the Minister, who would be requested to respond to the comments and questions raised within it ahead of the Panel's next meeting. The Minister's response would be sent to the Panel's adviser for final comment. The Panel also agreed to request clarification from its adviser about the most suitable legislative framework for coverage of personal image rights' and patents. | TO |
515/27 | 3. Tourism Shadow Board Correspondence from the Minister for Economic Development was received and considered by the Panel, along with the draft Tourism Shadow Board Report and Proposition. It was noted by the Panel that although it had only recently received the draft proposals, the Minister intended to lodge the Proposition for debate in the States in the near future. The Panel agreed that this proposal represented a potentially significant step and raised a number of questions, and as such required due scrutiny. The scale of the Panel's work would be informed by inviting the Jersey Hospitality Association to clarify its position on the proposals. The Panel agreed to inform the Minister of its position, and ask the Minister to clarify why the proposals were being brought at this stage, which was in between the Tourism Strategy Green and White Papers. The Panel would also request the forwarding of the responses to the Tourism Strategy Green Paper. | TO |
03/10/12 Item 4 515/26 | 4. Jersey Innovation Fund The Panel discussed the Executive's timetable for lodging and debating of the Report and Proposition to establish the Jersey Innovation Fund, noting that it was intended to hold the States debate before the Christmas recess. The Panel recalled that it had only recently received |
| the draft proposals. The Panel confirmed that the proposals fully merited a Review to be carried out, and agreed that the timetable envisaged by the Executive did not provide an acceptable timeframe in which the Panel could undertake the work expected of it. It agreed to write to the Ministers for Treasury and Resources and Economic Development to inform them that, whilst the Panel did not object to the lodging of the proposals, it would request that no debate was scheduled before 29th January 2013. The Panel considered its draft Scoping Document, and agreed that a revised version and draft Terms of Reference should be considered at its next meeting. | TO TO |
03/10/12 Item 5 515/24 | 5. Financial Ombudsman Scheme The Panel noted that it was awaiting a detailed timetable for the legislation drafting process, which would be provided to the Panel once it had been signed off by the Minister for Economic Development. The Panel was advised that this was due to happen in advance of its next scheduled meeting. |
510/1(45) | 6. Use of Electronic Devices at Public Hearings The Panel was informed of the recent Chairmen's Committee agreement that the use of electronic devices by witnesses and Panel members would be permitted at Public Hearings. Their use would need to be directly related to the proceedings, and witness and Member protocols would be amended accordingly to reflect this restricted use. The Chairman informed the Panel that he had advised the Chairmen's Committee of the Panel's agreement that it believed no such devices should be allowed at Public Hearings, due predominantly to the potential distractions that they could cause. |
25/04/12 Item 2 515/1(24) | 7. Work Programme The Panel's Work Programme for the remainder of 2012 was discussed, as was the need for consideration of its planned work for 2013. The Panel agreed that an updated draft Work Programme should be discussed and agreed at its next meeting. To help inform its 2013 Programme, the Panel would seek a meeting with Jersey Business to establish how the organisation was progressing since its establishment earlier in the year. | TO |
| 8. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled to take place at 9.30am on 31st October, Blampied Room States Building. It agreed that a Quarterly Update Public Hearing scheduled for 14th December should be brought forward if possible to a suitable date in November. | TO |